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Can we agree that Rosengart has done more for Britney in a few hours than Ingham has ever done

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2 minutes ago, rennen said:

Someone said it well in another thread, inside and outside the courthouse he actually spoke about Britney as a human being.

Something which has been severely lacking over the past 13 years as its been apparent the others have only cared about the "brand."

YES! That was so impactful imo. It warmed my icy, cynical core to hear him say that. 

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Just now, mangotango said:

He has though: standing up for Britney is doing something. That is something Ingham hasn't done for her.

  • He reminded everyone that they are here to focus on what is best for Britney, and put her humanity at the center
  • He refused to approve or object to Jodi's petition to have security paid for as he stated he needs to confer with his client first
  • He straight out asked Jamie to step down immediately, and when Jamie refused he said he would seek his removal immediately instead
  • He questioned the legitimacy of the cship and it having ever been established
  • He held a short press conference after where he was very clear about his intentions

All of these are action. Yes, it is "just" talking, but a lot of this case is going to be about that - "just talking". It matters enormously. He is  standing up for Britney and finally turning the tables and holding those around her accountible.

These are all great things, I'm not doubting the man, but I still think talk is cheap.

Let's see some paperwork and then I'll 100% back him

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I wish he had objected to the fact that the next hearing was scheduled for September 29.  Even though Britney had asked for it to be within the next 30 days. 

Instead, Monday is to decide whether Britney will pay "ONLY " 50,000 for 2 weeks to protect Jodi's a.ss. This is fu.cking laughable.

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Just now, Brit52 said:

These are all great things, I'm not doubting the man, but I still think talk is cheap.

Let's see some paperwork and then I'll 100% back him

Ah sorry, I edited to add something about that right after I posted, but you were quicker! 

But that was:

 As for filing documents with the court, as was said yesterday they still need to sort out his formal engagement before he can fully do any of that. But should be done shortly.

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Can we agree that Rosengart has done more for Britney in a few hours than Ingham has ever done


Yes, but you have to say that Britney is only now going all out. She could have ended guardianship much earlier. We know she was afraid for the children. now this is no longer an issue because the children have grown up.

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Just now, dfffff said:

I wish he had objected to the fact that the next hearing was scheduled for September 27. Even though Britney had asked for it to be within the next 30 days. 

Instead, Monday is to decide whether Britney will pay 50,000 for 2 weeks to protect Jodi's a.ss. This is fu.cking laughable.

It is not so bad though. I too was upset at that bit initially, and I still think it is outrageous on judge Penny's part to be able to offer Jodi such a rapid hearing whereas Britney both times had to wait significantly. 

BUT, it is probably better for Britney's case. 13 years of documents to go through is going to take a little time, but they will need to in order to come up with the best legal strategy to end this and hold people accountable. Britney and her lawyer being fully prepped to fight this is preferable to having to scramble to put together a legal strategy without proper time to go through everything.

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4 minutes ago, mangotango said:

He has though: standing up for Britney is doing something. That is something Ingham hasn't done for her.

  • He reminded everyone that they are here to focus on what is best for Britney, and put her humanity at the center
  • He refused to approve or object to Jodi's petition to have security paid for as he stated he needs to confer with his client first
  • He straight out asked Jamie to step down immediately, and when Jamie refused he said he would seek his removal immediately instead
  • He questioned the legitimacy of the cship and it having ever been established
  • He held a short press conference after where he was very clear about his intentions


And he started by arguing for Britney’s right to have her own lawyer.

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1 minute ago, mangotango said:

IBUT, it is probably better for Britney's case. 13 years of documents to go through is going to take a little time, but they will need to in order to come up with the best legal strategy to end this and hold people accountable. Britney and her lawyer being fully prepped to fight this is preferable to having to scramble to put together a legal strategy without proper time to go through everything.

And isn’t the next hearing just for the stuff they didn’t have time to go through? If he petitions to have Jamie removed and to end the conservatorship, can’t he request for an expedited hearing?

I also believe he will still negotiate with Vivian if Jamie could resign as a conservator after he has had some time to think it through. (E.g. Rosengart has made it clear what the consequences will be to him if he doesn’t quit immediately.)

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1 minute ago, The Finn said:

And isn’t the next hearing just for the stuff they didn’t have time to go through? If he petitions to have Jamie removed and to end the conservatorship, can’t he request for an expedited hearing?

I also believe he will still negotiate with Vivian if Jamie could resign as a conservator after he has had some time to think it through. (E.g. Rosengart has made it clear what the consequences will be to him if he doesn’t quit immediately.)

Yes, and anything else possibly that is filed before then. Or, like you said - and expedited hearing could be a possibility too depending on the circumstances. 

And yeah, that is very much a possibility as well that they will try to get Jamie to agree to resign in the meantime. 

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Absolutely. You can tell he is actually going to do ****, and already has. He needs to go through all her files, etc. so lets give him some time. I feel like Britney FINALLY has a voice and finally has someone in her corner helping her. This is the begininning of the end of team CON.

Also IF the Judge demands a evaluation (if she can do that) he can fight to have doctors chosen that THEY pick, that are not affiliated with the courts, etc. so I believe this is the start of it all ending guys. We're so close.

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