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Why Is Jamie Lynn Getting More Flack Than K-Fed?


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I understand all the accusations and allegations made against Jamie Lynn, but what about K-Fed? As I've explained in other posts, he used to get $20,000 per month in child support which was largely sufficient to not only feed his kids w/ Brit but also his four other kids (Britney's not responsible for) + him + his wife with much enough money left for clothes, toys, security and some activities and trips (and savings).

He then asked for $60,000, and he did obtain an unspecified raise. To this date, I still haven't gotten a logical and valid explanation as to why he'd even consider asking for $60,000 per month! Has Jamie Lynn ever gotten that kind of money from Brit? As Britney explained, her family has been living off the c-ship for 13 years, and I'm sure Jamie (who's made $12 million from it) has given Lynn, Jamie Lynn and Brian some money or gifts over the years, but I highly doubt Jamie Lynn has received anywhere what K-Fed has. We all know Kevin has not only spent all that on Preston & Jayden, and I doubt he'd have gotten all that money was Britney not under c-ship. 

Jamie Lynn was appointed as a trustee (whose decision was that?), but she resigned last November, and Lou Taylor did resign as Britney's business manager around the same period. Lou has definitely made a whole lot of money from Britney's work, and there are rumours of siphoning, etc. Is it true Lou has hundreds of millions from Brit stashed somewhere? Unless Jamie Lynn secretly got piles of money from Lou, I don't think she's any worse than K-Fed. What do you think?

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I think no one is shocked Kevin hasn’t spoken up for Britney. Like it’s come as no surprise. Whereas people are APPALLED and shocked that Britney’s own sister hasn’t spoken out in support of her. Like people expected better of her and she let the public down by extension of letting Britney down.

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Kevin it's a different story. He's making money of her because of the rights to children. The youngest its almost 15 (?) so i don't know the law of child support in USA, but she's gonna pay to his 18th bday and that's it. End of story, end of Kevin forever....

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