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  1. I still remember the ig stories of Jayden smoking w**d with his girlfriend
  2. I want to revisit Kevin with those who might feel similarly. I never for the longest time considered how much it must have destroyed Britney, being betrayed by him. I recall a breakup of my own that was life altering for me and remembered how I spiralled in its wake. Breakups are so painful. And as I sit here feeling those feelings of pain long past, I thought of Britney. They are especially painful when your love and emotional bond feels so strong. Many of us grow up imagining finding the love our life, marrying them and sharing the most joyous of memories with them. Britney certainly wanted that (I am so happy she's found that now). She was the mother of his children. She thought he was her forever. She thought she found someone she could be herself with, be SAFE with and be happy with for a lifetime. And that mother F'ing monster broke her heart. Exploited her. Sold her out to her family. Every dime he's worth, every meal he eats and the roof over his head was because of Britney Spears. He was and is an opportunist, a wolf in sheep's clothing, and I think is on the same level of evil if not worse than her father. I refuse to believe he was a blissfully ignorant bystander in Britney's story. While the mother of his children was shackled as an entertainment slave for profit, a "cash-cow" paraded around to make people rich, he sat in his mansion living it up on the spoils of his exploitation. He took, took and took more. Isn't this one of the most callous hurtful wicked betrayals? When someone you loved intimately as your partner literally goes along with destroying your life for as long as possible as long as he stood to make a cut? We know he made bank when Britney went on tour during the Circus Tour. That's been exposed here already. I just can't for the life of me imagine that someone who supposedly once loved you, if they were truly a good human being yet alone the person you created life with, would allow a shoddy set up consume your former partner and not once, not at all did you not go: "I hope she's okay. This has been going on for a long time now, is she happy? Something doesn't feel right.". Kevin has had next to no coverage in the media frenzy surrounding the conservatorship. And honestly, I think it's a shame he wasn't crucified for his role. I mean, they came for Justin, but hardly mentioned Kevin at all. If he stayed at arms-length, he did so strategically so he wasn't implicated but was still a profiteer and benefited from the arrangement. To add insult to injury, after the hell she's lived through, after she has finally been freed, he goes on television and once again throws her under the bus. Re-victimizing her. I don't know how this man sleeps at night. TLDR; Kevin is not only a dead-beat. He's the epitome of an exploitative disgusting vile human being and it breaks my heart she opened her heart and life to such a monster. End of rant. May you have your fairytale ending forevermore Britney. xoxo
  3. Britney Spears' husband Sam Asghari thinks it was a 'low blow' for Kevin Federline to put their son Jayden on TV, a source told HL EXCLUSIVELY. Britney Spears‘ husband Sam Asghari is not at all happy with her ex-husband Kevin Federline. On Sept. 4, 60 Minutes in Australia aired a recent ITV interview with Kevin, 44, and their son Jayden, 15, in which Jayden blasted his mom for her risky Instagram photos and defended his grandfather, Jamie Spears, 70, for placing Britney in a 13-year-conservatorship. Although Britney addressed Jayden directly on her Instagram after it aired, HollywoodLife has EXCLUSIVELY learned that Sam doesn’t think that the teen is completely at fault. In fact, our sources said that he blames Kevin for putting Jayden on TV — and thinks he owes Britney a massive apology! “Sam thinks it was a low blow for Kevin to put Jayden on TV and he feels he should apologize and make it right,” a source told us. “Britney loves those boys so much and has done nothing but provide for them and for Kevin too. It’s shocking to Sam that Kevin would have Jayden go on TV. It is very hurtful and Sam is so angry that Kevin has hurt his wife this way.” As fans know, Britney’s other son, Sean Federline,16, did not conduct an interview, nor did he appear in it. “The whole situation is so painful for Britney, and as her husband, Sam is doing everything he can think of to boost Britney’s spirits right now,” the source said, adding, “It’s not easy because as she’s said openly, she was already crying every day over this before this interview [with Jayden] came out. Now she’s in even more pain and Sam tries to reassure her that her boys will come to their senses when they are older, but there’s only so far that goes because she’s absolutely heartbroken.” According to a source, Britney found out that her son Jayden had done the interview just “days” before it aired! In the on-air interview. A second source agreed that Kevin definitely needs to say that he is sorry. “Sam feels like Kevin owes Britney an apology, to say the least. He knows how much she loves her sons. Ever since their wedding, it has just been one thing after another,” the second source said, adding, “Sam wants nothing more than for his wife to be happy and put all of this behind her. He feels that this was so out of line and disrespectful and, yes, he does blame Kevin for dragging Jayden into this mess.” - HollywoodLife
  4. Did you notice how the video quality changed for a few seconds? the second is not a professional recording, Kevin was probably asked to dress the same but even then he failed. He tried to cry (which he couldn't) and completely changed the chronology of the events to make Britney look bad as if she had spoken badly about her children without any sense so he decided to do this interview to defend them, disgusting.
  5. I don't find Blind Item the most reliably source, but every now and then they're right. I can't think of any other rapper-realiltystar-stay-at-home-dad who would fit this description better. Especially since the their interview came out of nowhere and felt like a pitch for a reality show ("we're a modern day/real life brady bunch"). Text: Blind Item #2 It is confirmed. The former rapper?!? turned reality star turned jobless stay at home dad, has signed on to a reality show that will feature his current wife and their kids and her stepchildren.
  6. So as per Tweet : Little birdies 🕊told us K-Fed was paid off by Jamie Spears to do this coordinated PR push to take down Britney. It’s not going to work 🚫 And I really believe it !
  7. She might have global stardom, an estimated £50m fortune and a singing career that has spanned four decades, but Britney Spears, in a rare moment of calm reflection, admitted last year that for all her achievements, there is 'nothing stronger than the love between a mother and son. How much it must pain her, then, that her sons' love for their mother is tempered with frustration. Last week saw Britney's first music release since the end of her controversial 13-year legal conservatorship, during which her father Jamie had control over her financial and personal affairs. Hold Me Closer, her single with Elton John, should have signified new beginnings. But her hard fought battle for freedom has brought a series of profound family tensions to the fore. Last month the Mail on Sunday revealed that Britney, 40, hadn't seen her sons, Preston, 16, and Jayden, 15, for months. Their father, former dancer Kevin Federline, who Britney divorced in 2006, said the boys' desire to avoid the circus surrounding their mother's private life was so great they didn't even attend her June wedding to American-Iranian model Sam Asghari. In response, Britney accused her sons of 'abandoning her' and 'being hateful' in a now deleted Instagram post, after which Kevin, 44, posted videos allegedly showing the singer 'screaming' at her sons when they were younger. Also now removed. Britney has since deleted her Instagram account altogether and last week uploaded a voice recording online in which she claimed her family had 'literally killed' her through her conservatorship ordeal. That too has now been deleted. As claim and counter claim between Kevin and Britney played out in public, two voices were missing – those of their children. Now, speaking for the first time to documentary film maker Daphne Barak, Preston and Jayden reveal the truth about their relationship with their mother. The interview will air on ITV news tomorrow. There is 'no hate' Jayden stresses, but he admits 'it will take a lot of time and effort' to repair their fractured relationship. 'I 100% think this can be fixed. It's just going to take a lot of time and effort. I just want her to get better mentally. When she gets better I really want to see her again. ' Speaking directly to their mother, he adds: 'I love you a lot, I hope for the best for you. Maybe one day we can sit down like this and talk again.' Yet to do so at her wedding to Sam, 28, who Britney met on the set of her music video Slumber Party in 2016, would have been inappropriate, he believes. 'At the time it just wasn't a good time to go. I'm not saying that I'm not happy for her,' explains Jayden. 'I'm really happy for them, but she didn't invite the whole family and then if it was just going to be me and Preston, I just don't see how that situation would have ended on good terms.' Following her divorce Britney suffered a well-publicised breakdown that culminated in Kevin gaining custody of their children in 2007. After the conservatorship was established in 2008 Britney acquired shared custody again, and occasional snapshots of Britney with the boys over the years – beaming at the camera at a baseball match, celebrating birthday dinners, splashing around in a swimming pool – suggest a tender bond between mother and sons was forged. But Kevin was reportedly given 70 per cent custody in 2019. The children then stopped their over night stays. Their monitors visits became less frequent, until they decided to stop visiting their mom. In person the boys are bright, articulate and - thanks to Kevin and his wife Victoria's diligent parenting - pretty much like any other pair of teenagers. Although younger, Jayden is the more extrovert of the siblings, a self-taught pianist who, like his mother perhaps, views music as 'therapy' and speaks on the siblings' behalf. Preston, who also enjoys music and art, is more sensitive, and camera shy. The pair enjoy an irrevocable bond borne of their unique upbringing. 'Preston and I are very united. He is always looking out for me and I am looking out for him. We make sure that we are both healthy mentally,' says Jayden. They offer a fascinating insight into an upbringing overshadowed by their mother's stardom, controversial conservatorship and ongoing concern for her mental health – earlier this year Britney posted a series of naked pictures online to celebrate her freedom, before deleting them. Recalling growing up with a famous mother, Jayden said: 'There was this TV and it just showed all these people, and it showed her singing and dancing on the stage, and when I saw that I was like 'Wow, that is a lot of people' and I came to the realisation of how famous she was and how successful she is as a person and that inspired me.' Her turbulent life in her £10m Los Angeles mansion is in stark contrast to the domestic stability Preston and Jayden enjoy just a few miles away. They share a home with their father and his wife Victoria, 39, a former volleyball champion, Kevin's older children, Kori, 20 and Kaleb, 18, from a previous relationship with actress Shar Jackson, and his two children with Victoria – Jordan, 11 and eight-year-old Peyton. 'I feel this is my safe place. My home,' says Jayden. 'I love everybody here.' Yet he is keen to stress he also loves the Spears family Britney has relentlessly criticised. In addition to lashing out at what she describes as an 'abusive' conservatorship imposed by her father Jamie, 70, the singer has accused her mother Lynne, 67, who separated from Jamie in 2002, of being the 'brains' behind the conservatorship. She has described her sister Jamie Lynne, 31, as 'insane' for not siding with her against her parents and accused her brother Bryan, 45, of treating her like 'absolutely nothing.' Kevin, who met Britney at a Hollywood club in 2004, when she was emerging from a 55-hour long marriage to her childhood friend Jason Alexander and he was expecting his second child with Shar, admits his relationship with Britney's father has not been without incident. In November 2019 he took out a restraining order against his former father-in-law Jamie following claims of an altercation. But he believes Jamie 'really cares about his family' and the sentiment is one his sons echo, despite having been critical towards him in the past. Jaden said: 'At first he was just trying to be like any father letting her pursue her daughter's dream of becoming a superstar but I did think maybe the conservatorship went on too long, probably why my Mum was very angry about the whole situation that she was working for too long and I personally think she was. She should have taken a break and relaxed.' But he adds that Jamie 'doesn't deserve all the hatred he is getting in the media. I love him, with all my heart. He was just trying to be a father.' He says his mother is 'ceasing to realise how much he cares for her' and cannot parry the manipulative Spears family Britney has portrayed with the relatives he knows. 'When I meet them in person they would not do such things,' says Jayden, describing his fun loving Uncle Bryan as someone who 'always wants to go and play ball in the park' and his grandmother Lynne, who he calls Memow, 'a really nice person'. 'Whenever I see her, she cares about me. They are not bad people! They know what we are going through now. They want our future to be what we want it to be. They just want to watch over us. Memow and Uncle Bryan are a good part of our lives. They have taught me how to deal with things.' Not that he has always felt this sanguine towards them. In March 2020 Jayden, when questioned by fans on social media, described Jamie as a 'd**k.' Now, however, he says: 'Looking back, I regret saying all kinds of things. I really feel bad. Preston and I feel bad. We want to see him. I want to see him, sit with him next to the piano, talk about my future.' Coming to terms with their mother posting pictures of herself naked online must have been embarrassing enough for the teenagers, but seeing themselves thrust into the public eye against their will is arguably more troubling, especially for Preston, who, Jayden says, 'doesn't like the cameras. He asked my mother not to post his photos, and she did it anyway. So it didn't go well.' He, meanwhile, seems torn between thinking Britney has a right to broadcast her life and body on Instagram and wanting her to realise the ramifications on her family. 'Social media helps her… So if that's what she wants to do that's what she wants to do, I'm not going to hate her for that. At the same time, she should come to the realisation of whatever it is that stops her loving her family. 'It's almost like she has to post something on Instagram to get some attention. This has gone on for years and years and years and there's a high chance that this will never stop but I'm hoping for me that she will stop.' Perhaps wisely, neither boy is consumed by social media. 'I do have an Instagram account but I barely go on it,' says Jayden, while Preston, he adds, is prone to 'overthinking' about what strangers will say about him. Instead, home 'is our safe place to process all the emotional trauma we have been through to actually heal. My family is helping me focus on myself and succeed.' Growing up, it seems Preston bore the brunt of their mother's frustration. 'I think Mom has struggled giving us both attention and showing us equal love & I don't think she showed enough to Preston and I feel really bad for that. We've both been through so much pressure in the past that this is our safe place now, to process all the emotional trauma we've been through to heal, heal our mental state.' At this point his voice trails off. If I complained, she went after him,' he resumes. 'I feel guilty, so I am there for him,' says Jayden, admitting that 'mom has treated me better.' When he's upset, he reveals, he confides in his dad first, 'because he is always there, to put the pieces together. Or I will try going to my siblings, to get distracted from whatever it is … This family here has really helped me, not to worry about many things.' When Britney's conservatorship was initially established after her breakdown in 2008 Kevin said a period of stability followed, while Jayden implies that their mother's behaviour became all the more difficult to deal with as they approached adolescence. 'We have been going back and forth for years. But when you become 10,11…,' says Jayden. Despite his frustration, however, he harbours hope he and his mother will be reunited, while fearing the drama surrounding her life may never end. 'I know it has been going on for years. There is a high chance it is never going to stop,' he says. 'It is so easy to be negative. It is so easy to dip into sadness and depression. It is harder to spread positivity.' Words Britney may find all too relatable. More exclusive photos in the link below : https://mol.im/a/11170247
  8. Britney stayed consistent when it comes to all the problematic men in her life in this 2006 unreleased track. It deserved an official release
  9. Here's the site. Kevin Federline World KEVINFEDERLINEWORLD.BLOGSPOT.COM My theory is that Kevin Federline creates his own fan site. He also follows kevinfederlineworld on IG.
  10. No parent can ever be perfect, but we live in a world where even a snapshot of imperfection — that is, being human — is viewed as being a failure. Whatever you think of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline, Federline’s recent release of since-deleted video clips on Instagram of Spears yelling at the children they share when the boys were preteens highlights a basic fact of life today: parenting is no longer a private activity. Federline apparently wanted to show that Spears had been a bad mom, and that is what has caused a strain in her relationship with their now 15- and 16-year-old boys. But what did he actually prove? That no parent is perfect. And the attention to these videos captures a conundrum of contemporary parenting: While we know that no parent can ever be perfect, we live in a world where being imperfect (that is, human) is viewed as being a failure. The truth is that despite all the messages that becoming a parent is a miraculous, wonderful, brilliant part of life, parenting itself can be confusing, painful and filled with conflicting emotions. I imagine that there are very few parents who have not had a meltdown at some point or another. as Brené Brown puts it in “The Gifts of Imperfect Parenting,” many parents struggle with concerns. One of my psychotherapy clients recently expressed it perfectly: “I feel like I never get it right. I’m always worrying if I’m doing a terrible job as a parent.” The pendulum has swung from the days when the mental health world blamed an individual’s problems on their internal psychological conflicts. Today it seems that everything is the parents’ fault. To be clear, we must recognize the role of parenting in a child’s development and acknowledge the terrible consequences of abuse or maltreatment by parents and the fact that it continues to be a serious problem worldwide. Yelling, name-calling and hurtful words can do psychological damage. But there are also some instances in which parents do not need to worry that yelling has damaged their kids. For example, when it is an unusual occurrence and when there’s space for the genuine repair of the rupture between parent and child. Public figures like Spears constantly deal with having their imperfections flaunted to the world. But when parents become self-conscious about their behaviors, they sometimes cannot behave in the ways that would be most beneficial to their children. While Federline’s Instagram post claimed that “this isn’t even the worst of it,” many of the responses seemed to side with Spears. And what the public did see and hear point to another part of the parenting conundrum: Abuse is not as easily identified as it might seem, in part, at least, because a single moment in time is not necessarily a good indication of what really goes on in any family or any situation. Although a mutual meltdown — between a defiant toddler or teen and a parent at the end of her rope — can be a sign of bad parenting, it does not always represent abuse. An occasional bout of bad parenting is a normal part of life. And perhaps even more significantly, both children and parents can learn from these moments of imperfection. Learning that their parents are human, with all the flaws and blemishes that go along with the condition is a crucial part of a child’s developmental process. In our world of snap opinions, public judgments and lack of willingness to acknowledge nuances, it is increasingly difficult to be honest with our feelings. It’s even harder to find ways to be honest without doing damage. On the surface, the videos that Federline posted on Instagram seemed relatively innocuous. I have no idea if Spears was being honest with her sons and whether or not she was doing damage to the kids. But I do know that a snapshot of a single moment in time is not enough to make that decision. 🔴SOURCE: NBCNEWS
  11. Britney Spears Feels ‘Betrayed’ By Kevin Federline For Bringing ‘Kids’ Drama’ In The ‘Spotlight’ Britney is feeling extremely hurt by the public drama, HL has learned. Britney Spears was not planning on publicly speaking about where her relationship stands with her sons, Sean Federline, 16, and Jayden Federline, 15. However, thanks to a recent interview with the boys’ dad, Kevin Federline, the family drama is out there. “[Britney] wanted to keep her kids’ drama out of the spotlight because this is sacred to her,” a source told HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY. “For [Kevin] to do this interview shows her that he has no respect for her.” A second source added that Britney “has no idea why” Kevin chose to take this information to the public. “Britney is the happiest she’s ever been and she wishes her loved ones could be happy for her, including her boys,” the insider continued. “She loves them more than anything in the world and has done everything in her power to be the best mom to them. She feels like other people have helped them make up their minds about her and it’s just not fair.”
  12. “Britney let’s go” and make it chart, When should we do it?
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