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NEW Britney’s Gram episode

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10 minutes ago, Slayer said:

It’s really interesting hearing the interview with Katerina, the attorney who used to work with Andrew Wallet...

still listening 

When she recalled Wallet said it was an “experiment” to put Britney in a probate c-ship. 


Well it FAILED!!! It’s only a matter of time until an audit will be done and the court needs to address the elephant in the room. 

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I had a hard time getting through the second girl. Idk if its the way it was edited but her responses seemed choppy and she was extremely long winded. I would forget what their questions were by the time she finished. I was also hoping to have a more professional informative point of view with how she was introduced it seemed she had a background that could give insight but it seems her responses were just opinionated and nothing we don't already know or agree with. I appreciate her passion though.


The first woman Catalina is extremely brave and I appreciate her doing what she can with the info that she has to help. Its crazy to think she has this info because she just needed a template :oprah_well_there_you_have_it_proof_see_hand:. I believe everything happens for a reason. Also the experiment comment is extremely hard to digest. This woman has lost years of her life and moments with her children she will never get back because they wanted to experiment? I mean c'mon...digusted doesn't feel like a strong enough word for that.

I'm gonna try to finish tomorrow I have about 20 min left like I said I couldn't get through the second half. 

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