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I wonder where Larry is in all this.


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Larry probably always sided with Jamie (remember when Jamie criticized Britney in 2007 for firing Larry one more time?), hes probably pro cship but the thing is, theres nothing there for him to do If Britney refuses to work. So If someday **** really goes down, Larry would be spared bc he was just her manager, he can say he was never involved with the cship and never saw anything. Hes a snake who doesnt care about Britneys well being even tho he knows her since she was 13! Remember back in 2006 he trashed her to the world of Britney's owner? Even tho he probably knew she was dealing with so much **** bc of Kfede? He wants money like everyone else around her, besides that he could care less. 

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I think he just did what whoever was in control did. Example her label when she started, then she fired him when she wanted to take control. Then when Jamie took control he came back and did what he did. I don’t think he’s really to blame, but he was a good manager at the beginning. In the music industry today, I think she needs a better manager. He doesn’t understand how it works anymore. 

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He said he's only around when Britney is working. The thing with Larry is, we will never know for sure what his role with Team Con was. He could've sided with Jamie and Lou and take advantage of Britney? Yes. Could he be one of the few truly there for Britney? M-a-y-b-e. One thing we can assure, Britney liked him. She called him one of her best friends once and she used to have fun with him off camera even during the Glory era. I would not be surprised that even she gets rid of Jamie and Lou, that she would get him to keep working as her manager :idkney_britney_glory_carpool_karaoke_unsure_idk_nervous:

I can not defend nor acuse him cause I dont have tea about him, lets make that very clear here :holduplisten_hold_up_listen_preach_telling_wisdom_wise:


If you have please share :demi_lipstick_flirt_red_pink_makeup:

We got this stigma that Larry was an awful manager, but gathering the infos we know right now... was he the problem or was it Jamie and Tri Star always being cheap and making sure to keep things low so Britney would never grow wings again? The guy for sure had to sign an NDA to be around her...:duh_mind_thinking_smart_meme: 


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5 hours ago, alienatedNey said:

Britney will definitely fire his *** (one more time) :fu_britney_flipping_off_finger_mad:

Remember when he sounded extra dumb saying Britney will never perform again and Britney responded to the paparazzi saying she will? :demi_lipstick_flirt_red_pink_makeup:

Britney to Larry, Robin, Lou, TriStar, Jamie and Team Con once its over: :ban_britney_ff_femme_fatale::ban_britney_ff_femme_fatale::ban_britney_ff_femme_fatale:


Britney also said she always sings live....I love her but she isn't always so trustworthy with her answers tbh 

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I support Larry, sorry but I do.
Larry always was a foot-soldier for team Con, and I think they fired him because he was suddenly a bad one.. 
He wasn't wrong, Britney do not want to perform now, I think that is what he knew and what he meant. We have no where on tape that Britney denies what he said, all we have is "a source" or written text, and The Blast, we can't trust it as long it isn't her saying it.. And we now know through court-docs it is true FOR THE MOMENT.

And he has a point, you can't manage someone who doesn't work, he expanded his firm because Britney wanted babies and get married and be a family, before tha he only had Britney but afterwards took more clients in. He has every right to do so, he actually works to not get payed from Britney, how about aplauding that..

He will be back, in some way, if Britney wants to perform again.

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I’m not sure how I feel about Larry. I always got the impression he was in cahoots with team con however on looking at everything that’s going on he’s been there since day 1 with her. I’m not sure how it came about that Lynne got to know Larry but she says in her book that he was around from very beginning and it was he who basically got her an audition and signed etc.

He’s obviously did something right for her to be where she is. Although I definitely feel like during FTR he was egging her to get back to work very quickly and had he really thought about how soon after it was from her breakdown they’d have seen it was wrong for her to be doing all this stuff literally months after. She was fragile. She needed a break and rest to get her head straight. 

We don’t know if he’s been following Jamie’s orders because let’s be honest he would have no choice in the matter. Britney has obviously got an up and down relationship with him considering he’s been fired once or twice but in all honestly I don’t know what to believe. He seems like he could be part of the problem but I feel like the issues lay more with Jamie and team con.

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