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Are you a big Christina Aguilera fan? Become Exhale's Xtina Club leader

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Hey team,

Pretty soon Exhale will roll out a new feature called Clubs. :clicktina:

Without going into too much detail (more info to come soon), Clubs are essentially micro-communities inside Exhale. They are designed to encourage fan-bases of ALL artists to join. 


Exhale features lots of content about all artists, (versus entirely Britney like it was a few months ago). Even still, I believe fans of other artists are hesitant to join Exhale because most of our members are predominantly Britney fans. One of my goals with Exhale is to 1.) maintain our presence in the Britney community AND 2.) re-create that magic for other fan-bases. 

Currently, if fans of a certain artist want to join, their only "home" right now is the Music News or Music Discussions Forum. It's gotta feel weird to be a Christina Aguilera fan and join when there's an entire Britney Spears Forum. 

However... a Club will solve this problem! 

A Club has a:

  • Forum
  • Calendar
  • Member's list
  • Club Leaders
  • Club moderators (elected by the Club Leader)
  • Custom homepage created by the Club Leader
    • For example if a #JusticeFor campaign is happening it can be featured on the Club's homepage for all Club members to see.

I want to start with the Christina Aguilera Club.

Fighters can find a home off of social media in Exhale in our upcoming Christina Aguilera Club. We are starting with this one Club first and seeing how it goes, what the engagement/response is like before allowing more Clubs for other artists. 

Ideally... eventually there will be lots of clubs (meaning lots of micro-communities inside Exhale). 

Because of the drama going on with the #JusticeForBionic versus #JusticeForBlackout campaigns, I wanted to extend an invite to Xtina fans to join Exhale's Christina Club. :fakecry:

It's not YET open, because first and foremost I want to find a Club Leader for it.

A Club Leader will:

  • Personally invite members to join (on Exhale and social media)
  • Bring a positive presence to the Club
  • Maintain a sense of order
  • Create topics
  • Have perks
    • View Exhale ad free
    • All replies are highlighted
    • Upload attachments 

Members or guests won't just be able to click a button and join the Christina Club. You'll HAVE to be invited by the Club Leader to join. Otherwise, trolls or people who aren't big fans could join which defeats the purpose. It's meant to feel exclusive and special, but it won't be if it's too accessible. :chrissy:

It's important this Club leader is a passionate Xtina stan, otherwise this won't work. The goal is to inspire members of different fanbases to join Exhale (in this case, Christina fans) so we can continue building this awesome community. 

If you or someone you know is...

  1. A huge Xtina stan and
  2. Wants to be Exhale's Christina Aguilera Club leader

... please comment in this Topic! 

If you have any questions, drop a line below as well.

Looking forward to rolling Clubs out in the very near future. 🙏 

- Jordan
Exhale's community leader

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Question @JordanMiller

If I create an Xtina topic in Music forum, will it remain in the Music forum or will it be moved to the Christina club? 

I like your idea of clubs, but one reason I didn't like how Exhale had separate threads for each artist before was because, I'm a casual fan of a lot of artists. So I wasn't going to spend time entering individual threads dedicated to an artist to see what was the tea on them. As a casual fan, i like that in the Music forum I can read about artists I normally wouldn't check for. Im more likely to engage in the discussion of an artist when the topics are in a generalized forum and not segregated.


Just my unsolicited 2 cents...:fruit:

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2 hours ago, Born2Die said:

Question @JordanMiller

If I create an Xtina topic in Music forum, will it remain in the Music forum or will it be moved to the Christina club? 

I like your idea of clubs, but one reason I didn't like how Exhale had separate threads for each artist before was because, I'm a casual fan of a lot of artists. So I wasn't going to spend time entering individual threads dedicated to an artist to see what was the tea on them. As a casual fan, i like that in the Music forum I can read about artists I normally wouldn't check for. Im more likely to engage in the discussion of an artist when the topics are in a generalized forum and not segregated.


Just my unsolicited 2 cents...:fruit:

Very good question! We will leave the thread as is. So if you create a Christina topic in the Music News section, we’ll respect that and leave it there. 

Clubs are designed to be inclusive, not push people away 😊

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3 hours ago, Born2Die said:

Question @JordanMiller

If I create an Xtina topic in Music forum, will it remain in the Music forum or will it be moved to the Christina club? 

I like your idea of clubs, but one reason I didn't like how Exhale had separate threads for each artist before was because, I'm a casual fan of a lot of artists. So I wasn't going to spend time entering individual threads dedicated to an artist to see what was the tea on them. As a casual fan, i like that in the Music forum I can read about artists I normally wouldn't check for. Im more likely to engage in the discussion of an artist when the topics are in a generalized forum and not segregated.


Just my unsolicited 2 cents...:fruit:

thissss. I like how in the music news section you can just see all the headlines about what's newly happening with all artists and hope it continues to be this way, cause i wouldn't bother to enter the rita ora or bebe rexha clubs for example, but if there's news about them id still wanna see the headline.

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2 hours ago, HuffingAndPuffingOnStage said:

thissss. I like how in the music news section you can just see all the headlines about what's newly happening with all artists and hope it continues to be this way, cause i wouldn't bother to enter the rita ora or bebe rexha clubs for example, but if there's news about them id still wanna see the headline.

We can Feature Club topics (whether you're a member or not) on the homepage still so you won't miss anything :) 

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32 minutes ago, JordanMiller said:

We can Feature Club topics (whether you're a member or not) on the homepage still so you won't miss anything :) 

Sorry not to be this picky b.itch, but you had mentioned in order to post in a fan club, you have to be invited to avoid trolling. What if we are not invited to the club but our opinion opposes the president of that fan club. Can I start a thread opposing the stance the stan has in the Music News forum and have that be open to all? I mean I'm a Britney stan and hate reading hate on here but just because someone disagrees with my fave doesn't mean I should silence their voice.

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