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'Blackout' photographer Ellen von Unwerth posts #FreeBritney

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8 hours ago, S0ggyBiscuit said:

Aren't they in wheelchairs, retirement homes, etc with a dial up connection....


I am a Madonna fan and many of us LOVE both Brit and M but that AGEIST comment is simply stupid, sorry if you felt it was funny but it wasn't. The entire B-army fights against all the people making fun of Britney's mental health and that comment sounds as stupid as the comments calling Britney an insane/crazy person based on the 2007 stigma. I don't need to mention everything Madonna has done not only artistically but also culturally in the music industry but bringing up her age as an insult, after al she's done,  it's just, as I said, stupid. :schoolingtime:

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That’s kind of ironic because that album was Modonna’s criticism on the war. American life is one of my favorite albums and I absolutely agree with Madonna 100 percent. This is ironic though, because that was a war and president that Britney publicly supported. the power of good bye madonna GIF

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