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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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2 minutes ago, nwonder said:

Funny how they just swept the Lynne bit under the rug. She’s just a silly old woman.. don’t pay attention to her.

Also I found the girl’s body language and demeanour really weird/ nervous  as she was talking about it. 


The first part-- that's exactly what I was talking about. They literally implied she was too stupid to understand the c-ship.

And yeah, she kept looking off to the side and I found that odd; I'm used to seeing Britney do it to look at Larry, so I half found myself wondering if he was standing there with cue cards or something.

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1 minute ago, Fenixxx123 said:

I think Britney really needs to be in that mental facility, maybe against her will maybe not, we will never know :decisions: 

of course some of fans are desesperated to see our queen free and happy and they do everything they can to show some support to Britney, using the #freebritney, attacking her team on insta or twitter, attacking their team's family( which I think is extremely inmature ) and so on. Everything happen because nobody knows he truth and everything is only SPECULATION, even if things are true (which I dont think so) it is obvious that fans will do the best to support Britney but again, do it with responsibility since we dont know **** :schoolingtime:

it is normal that things like this happen if we don't have any idea of whats going on:disappointed:

some of you believe everything 100% because everything fit so perfect on timing and reasons but how can we know if all this **** is made up? maybe some of things are right but do you believe everything which is narrated from one persons perspective?(who we dont f**king know if its real or nor)

we can only wish Britney the best and don't disturb yourselves even if everything looks like a nightmare:bedtime:

Who cares about the podcast has the conservatorship not seemed shady from 2009 on? 

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1 minute ago, Sporty said:

Don't forget about Jansen - one of Britney's best friends in life, from childhood to this very day - going on Instagram and liking a video of everyone on The Talk discussing #FreeBritney. Eve even wore the shirt!

^ That. Jansen did indeed like The Talk's video.

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10 hours ago, 1inamillion said:

She's definitely coming back because she has her contract..but I think we're gonna have a ffney in terms of anxiety and oddness because of all the crap and mind control she has been taking all this time. And I don't blame her. It must be the hardest thing to live like that. 

But wait we might get Circusney and then FFney :tiffanynod:

I'd rather we get Retiredney if that's what she wants though.

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2 minutes ago, ItShouldBeOffiTunes said:

Us spamming a hashtag isn’t gonna magically remove the conservatorship but it will put more eyes on it so if it’s not shady then we’ll know but if it is someone will at least know instead of the gp thinking she just got weird all of a sudden 

Ppl can do what they please but personally I don’t see any evidence that Britney is being used currently to have such a huge reaction. 

Britney got let out of working. She finally is getting help she needs. So what you guys are doing makes no sense now. 


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2 minutes ago, Sporty said:

I would've never paid any attention to this had it not been for Lynne and Jansen. I'm always the one saying we know nothing. We still don't have any confirmation, but the actions of Lynne and Jansen are 100% saying something right now.


I agree one hundred percent. Lynne actually letting fans comment on her stuff without blocking and then liking things yesterday got me questioning whether it could be true or not, and her actions today as well as Jansen's like tells me that there has to be something that's wrong, at the very least.

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You mentioned how certain things don’t make sense about this whole situation like why wouldn’t her family speak up or why she wouldn’t press legal charges. But there have also been things that have literally not made sense about the cship and her management for YEARS, long before this #freebritney thing started. How could you just ignore all the sketchy things involving that. Her family might not be speaking up bc there could be restrictions stopping them. Same as to why she couldn’t press any legal charges if the allegations that are being made are true. Yes we don’t know anything, but that’s exactly why we’re doing this. We need answers. Too many things don’t add up and if the allegations are true then we need to do everything we can to help. You all keep saying how what if this isn’t real and what if we’re actually hurting Britney’s mental health. First of all, it’s not that difficult to make us stop. Just let us hear from britney herself. She doesn’t have to tell us every personal detail but she could at least give us a genuine video explaining everything and clearing things up. However that hasn’t happened. Instead we’ve gotten all the information from management, magazines, tmz, and a post on Instagram (which isn’t very reliable since we know her management has made posts on her ig themselves before). Doesn’t help that her management knows about the #freebritney situation and instead of speaking up they’re just deleting comments and trying to silence us. Enough is enough. :bichpls:

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