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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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1 minute ago, colormefresh said:

What makes you think they’re not planning on getting her out of the conservatorship right now? She’d need to be evaluated and released by a doctor for a judge to let her out.

OR what makes you think she’s well enough to LEAVE the conservatorship?

You don’t have the facts.

you don't have the facts either

iwe are fighting for the facts at least

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EDITED - without the emails

(You can copy and paste..)


Sam Lutfi
I'm allowed to say and do whatever I want. what I'm trying to avoid is bringing the attention on me rather than the subject matter at hand

Sam Lutfi
in 13 years how many interviews have i sat down for? zero

Sam Lutfi
attention and shameless self promo has never been my hallmark

Sam Lutfi
and everything you've ever heard about me was concocted by Lou and Jamie

perhaps i'm misjudging you, which is quite possible. i personally think that the c-ship should have been dissolved years ago


Sam Lutfi
it never should have existed

Sam Lutfi
no one is perfectly normal and sane

Sam Lutfi
Britney never came close to the spectacles that other performers went through and they never had cships

Sam Lutfi
true artists and geniuses are always aberrant to social norms. it's expected

Sam Lutfi
at least I fought for her independence

i just think britney needed it to get back into her element, see her children. it was the only option foreseeable at the time... i have always found it funny that she was stuck in this place for years

it's clearly being misused at this point in time
Sam Lutfi
at least I stood by her and never sold a t-shirt or merch or an interview

Sam Lutfi
I never used her fame to exploit my own

but truthfully, are you legally allowed to? maybe i am giving into what news outlets formerly promoted

Sam Lutfi
in fact I spent half a million battling this cship in court for 8 years

Sam Lutfi
I'm legally allowed to do what I want

Sam Lutfi
I won my court case but I didn't win the one to dissolve the cship
Sam Lutfi
I had no public support
Sam Lutfi
nothing I did was for my own self promo. ever .. I flew under the radar my entire life

Sam Lutfi
they never liked me because I allowed her to get on MySpace and interact with fans

Sam Lutfi
I encouraged her to write her own music

Sam Lutfi
I encouraged her to handle her own affairs if she wanted

Sam Lutfi
I encouraged her to speak to the press, to engage with the paps and the fans. we had nothing to hide

i just feel like britney was in a very vulnerable position during 2007/08 i'm not blaming you 100 percent as i think her team is in the wrong, but from what i heard in 2016 ... is it true that you took her and her team to court to get paid for managing her?

i don't think she should have engaged with the paps

Sam Lutfi
that was her most exciting year of her life and the most in depth you guys ever got to see her

Sam Lutfi
excluding Jan 2008 a very bad month

Sam Lutfi
everything before that and up to the head shaving was amazing

Sam Lutfi

Sam Lutfi
look at those

Sam Lutfi
look at the hell the divorce created for her

perhaps she had freedom, but i don't think her taking on a british accent crying in public..... etc. i don't think it makes sense i agree, this guardianship has been abused but in my honest opinion, i think there's obviously deeper rooted issues there and not just the divorce that created this for her

and i'm not saying it's all because of you

Sam Lutfi
but we marched on. she wrote piece of me, she directed and composed the video.. the only time in her life

Sam Lutfi
and they removed it from YouTube the moment they took over

Sam Lutfi
all what you're saying is Jan 2008

Sam Lutfi
which was a month sandwiched between two unjustified 5150s

Sam Lutfi
yes that was hell

Sam Lutfi
for all of us

but she didn't write piece of me.... bloodyshy and avant wrote it she directed the video, but that was not her only time in her life in which she did that. she did that with do something, she also co-directed everytime with david lachapelle

Sam Lutfi
it's like what did everyone expect? you all keep saying you want her to do what she wants but then she's crying in public and you guys are saying hey why did you allow that? what?? she's a human being. she expressed her emotions..

Sam Lutfi
she wrote the concept for that song

Sam Lutfi
the video

Sam Lutfi
but she made that song epic because it was real

Sam Lutfi

Sam Lutfi
they didn't release David's video because she co-directed it

Sam Lutfi
has anyone ever heard her utter one negative word about me?? never

because i think that she is not allowed to speak/chooses not to look back on that time. obviously it is her business and no one else's she should be allowed to express her emotions but it is unacceptable.... the way in which everyone treated her. and in my opinion, you as her manager should have helped in getting her someone to talk to.... you shouldn't be taking her team to court for being unpaid during a time that she was clearly vulnerable in. she is still a vulnerable person, she is allowed to express her emotions but did you not call the paparazzi?

Sam Lutfi
thats not what I sued for

Sam Lutfi
they offered millions to settle from day one

Sam Lutfi
I strung it on for 8 years battling for the chance to be able to get her to come speak in court

Sam Lutfi
I called all the paps everyday. why? because being honest with them and telling them where we were going eased the pressure of dangerous high speed chases. it was never a secret that I called them. I did it on camera many times, with her, full transparency

Okay but she was 100% vulnerable during that time Why would you rationally think that it would be okay to call the paparazzi... That too, knowing about the car seat incident or the fact that the paparazzi really painted her as a terrible mother for tripping with her child She was not 100% okay during that time, and continues to not be today. I think you shouldn’t have done that at all.

Sam Lutfi
what are you talking about

Sam Lutfi
you are saying you want her freedom then you're telling my why I didn't control her more

No I am telling you that calling the paparazzi is very clearly damaging to someone’s psyche she shouldn’t be placed under the constraints she is currently under because she has spent years since that time in her life. During that time she very clearly was in need of help, and that isn’t something to be ashamed of. Whether it was therapy or something Calling the paparazzi is not going to help someone who has all of their business plastered everywhere already She deserves to live her life normally now. BECAUSE of what happened, because of the stigma surrounding mental health during that time

Sam Lutfi
look you are programmed by them to believe that narrative. I understand it's difficult to accept that I fought against all the control and nonsense and allowed her to be a free woman

Sam Lutfi
you are wrong

Sam Lutfi
the paps used to be mean to her and called her names and took unflattering pics

So why call them then?

Sam Lutfi
I invited them all to her house. they came and sat down with her. it was very cathartic. they saw a human being, a mother, a daughter. they saw that she was no longer some media puppet. from that day on, they were kind to her, she had no more anxiety about running into them.she knew their names

Sam Lutfi
they didn't chase us at high speeds. they trusted us and just calmly met us at whatever location we were going to

Sam Lutfi
this has now become a standard in Hollywood

Sam Lutfi
I created it.. it prevents people from being hurt
Sam Lutfi
and it allowed us privacy

Sam Lutfi
so if she didn't want the paps there, we wouldn't tell them

I just don’t see how that is logical You invited people that invade people’s privacy into her home

I agree she deserves to be viewed as a human

I’m not sure if that was the way

Sam Lutfi
I never did that behind her back. you're entitled to your opinion but my idea worked. they would allow her to choose what images she wanted out there and would delete the ones she didn't like

Sam Lutfi
they never called her any names

Sam Lutfi
they would flatter her. bring her coffee etc

Sam Lutfi
paps were like being scared of heights

Sam Lutfi
imagine being terrified of heights and living in the penthouse of a high rise
Sam Lutfi
that was her life

Sam Lutfi
I created a fix to that fear. instead of fearing the paps, she looked fwd to seeing them no more anxiety, no more fear. she loved me for that
Sam Lutfi
all her life, no one was able to solve that issue.. I did.

Sam Lutfi
you can have your opinions but at the time she couldn't be more grateful and it was, I agree, a very unconventional idea but it worked

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Just now, northfacing said:

God forbid a *whisper* woman not comply. 

I feel dirty after supporting them these past 10 years after becoming a fan BECAUSE of the conspiracy and mystery surrounding her. Like legit, I feel f**king gross you guys:yeahsure: I truly knew better, and I still got sucked in... :( 

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11 minutes ago, Liar said:

Driving a huge yellow truck that he paid with Britney's money, attending a wedding and probably doing nothing everyday since his daughter is in a mental health facility. Must be nice after suffering such a tragic colon rupture.


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22 minutes ago, Martini said:

Lou Taylor is also heavily involved in JL's life so even if JL could do something she has a huge conflict of interest there.

It’s bizarre to me, because what exactly is Lou doing for Jamie Lynn?? Is Lou overseeing what’s left of JL’s money she made as a teenage actress? Surely it’s not anything to do with her music career because, not to be rude, JL doesn’t have anything going on in her music career. Her only music “hit” was co-writing one top 10 song years ago back when she lived in Nashville which got recorded then released FOUR years ago by an artist who’s more know for putting up with her cheating husband than singing. So why is Lou there except maybe as a friend or advisor to Jamie Lynn? If she’s paid for her services then does JL pay Lou or is Jamie using some of the $ he receives as conservator to pay Lou on JL’s behalf? :xfactorlook: What’s up with that? Seriously what’s going on?

idk but Lou sure seems to have a strong hold on that family. If you believe  the leaked emails Britney is the only one who saw through Lou. But she’s stuck with her due to the cship. Britney’s just stuck plain and simple.

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2 minutes ago, goincrazy4brit said:

you don't have the facts either

iwe are fighting for the facts at least

The facts are in sealed court documents. You’re not going to get the facts. Especially when she’s in treatment.

One fact we do have is that she has a mental ailment. We just don’t know the severity of it. And Britney probably doesn’t want you to know any of this stuff.

Let Britney tell her story. Don’t make up stories.

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28 minutes ago, Sparks said:

''A normal person can't do that to a daugther/sister''?

I don't know if the people closest to Britney like her father/mother are shitty and evil people, but you do realize what kind of crap there is going on in this world right? Fathers molesting their daughters, parents hitting their children, greedy parents who use their kids and spit them out? Cmon.

I know! I understand your point of view. As I said: I don't trust Jamie, I Don't know why.... But I'm sure Jamie Lynn and Lynn are suffering in silence for all this. 

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2 minutes ago, Meaner03 said:

Britney battling on her own in LA , Jamie going to a fish trip on easter day, JL posting pics of her glowing on the gram.

Says much about her loving family... They're all trash. No wonder Britney wanted nothing to do with most of them.

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So I just checked and about four of the nine trending topics right now are regarding the Spanish presidential candidates and the debate they are having, guys I think we might have a chance to make Britney trend and keep her at the top this time around let's just wish for the best. I cannot wait until this whole thing gets started :tehe:

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