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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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7 hours ago, chrisryan said:

Hi Army, 

While I don't like to participate too much on Exhale, I am a Digital Project Manager, and I have been working in Digital Advertising for the last 10 years, and work very closely in my company with Digital Strategists. I want desperately for us (and Britney) to control this current narrative and not Jaime's team (which is what we should call Britney's current management). 

As we have seen today they are starting to roll out their narrative. From E! to the Blast, they will change course, and say they were trying to save face for Britney and keep her safe blah blah. We have already read it, right? That the conservatorship is good for her, it is what is best for her safety. etc etc. 

They will start to reach out to many paid blogs that have a high standing in SEO, the site from today and E! being ones. I am sure a Blog post from E! won't be far behind in online psoting. This will allow Britney related searches to find their stories over ours. Right now Britney needs public opinion behind her and that is what is going to get her out of this and keep the Free Britney narrative rolling. 

As much as we hate Perez, sites like his are high in SEO and traffic. So we NEED to push this story to sites like his and spam high tier sites that have high Google standing to write our narrative. We are already doing right in all our social posts and keeping #FreeBritney tending, but we need to advocate for her on high Google ranking sites, once we have those, the higher reaching media will take more note as they are already starting to. 

My point here is that we need to push hard, and push hard to outlets that matter. If we do that, we can drown out her team's alternate story. 

Who here can help!? Find "contact us" on all entertainment sites and spam them about Britney! And continue to post and hard Let's keep this moving! 

Also for hashtagging, make sure that you are using the #FreeBritney Hashtag but also use feminist ones. If we make this also about Women's rights we can draw more attention. This is really big at the moment. Below is an article with all female empowerment hashtags you should use: https://yourdream.liveyourdream.org/2018/02/feminist-hashtags-metoo-timesup/


Message me if you have any questions on how you can keep pushing. I want to lend my abilities to the Britney Army and to Britney herself. LETS END THIS CONSERVATORSHIP ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!

Hi Army,

I Am really concerned about Britney right now.Hence writing this.
Agree with the some posts on exhale  that a narrative is being propounded by Team managing britney,that something is wrong with britney herself, she is sick so she needs help and hence c-Ship.while the reality  could be she is in C_ship bc they need help from her money.
It is a social media warfare now.everyone is deploying any possible tactics,we must brace ourselves for difficult time ahead as a fan ,if we want to fight this narrative on social media.But t the same time,I have some apprehensions regarding feasiblity of such attempts.
Firstle,The people we are put against are powerful coz they have money(sadly thats brinny's money ) .They have deep pockets.
secondly,can real changes iobe brought by just propagation of an alternative narrative on social media .or even by involving media.
Media and paparazzi will jump to next breaking news at a drop of hat.
We are up against something else.The conservator ship is a legal business and can be  only legally removed through right means.
We need to move through right channels.Some Non profit organizations,(Like some people have made contact with NASGA,),law firm and social welfare organizationg  .
It would be helpful if some with knowledge of such organizatioen,share therem to bir detail ,so we all can directly message them!

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1 hour ago, colormefresh said:

So why is everyone praising Lynne for liking instagram posts and not asking her about Lou? Britney doesn’t know Lou. She’s probably paying Lou, but she doesn’t know the *****.

Go ask Lynne what’s going on.

 Britney def knows lou. It’s been mentioned here before that britney allegedly does not like her, cannot be around her and that is why Robin Greenhill is in the picture as the mediator between them.

lynne has never addressed issues. Girl if you read her Through the Storm book she hit a boy with her car, and he died. She seems to act like that never happened.

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Hi everyone,

I Am really concerned about Britney right now.Hence writing this.
Agree with the some posts on exhale  that a narrative is being propounded by Team managing britney,that something is wrong with britney herself, she is sick so she needs help and hence c-Ship.while the reality  could be she is in C_ship bc they need help from her money.
It is a social media warfare now.everyone is deploying any possible tactics,we must brace ourselves for difficult time ahead as a fan ,if we want to fight this narrative on social media.But t the same time,I have some apprehensions regarding feasibility of such attempts.

Firstly,The people we are put against are powerful bc they have money(sadly its brinny's money ) .They have deep pockets.
secondly,can real changes be brought by just propagation of an alternative narrative on social media .or even by involving media.?Bc
Media and paparazzi will jump to next breaking news at the drop of a hat.

We are up against something else.The conservator ship is a legal business and can be  only be legally removed through right means.
We need to move through right channels.Some Non profit organizations,(Like some people have made contact with NASGA,),law firm and social welfare organization need to be made aware about the situation  .
It would be helpful if someone with knowledge of such organization,share the detail ,so we all can directly message or email them!

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12 minutes ago, Goku said:

Miley Cyrus and Adam Leber are friends with Sam too, but they still worked with Britney?


Actually this picture was taken LONG after Britney's feature on Miley’s album and Adam left team B not long after this picture was released. 

I don’t think they were friends with Sam but they were seen with him that night. This photo is from May 18th 2015 when Miley and Adam attended Lana Del Rey’s concert at the Hollywood Bowl in CA. Sam was there because he at the time was Courtney Love’s manager who was opening act for Lana on her tour.  

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We all have mental issues such as anxiety. But that doesn't mean that we need to send mental faculty and drugged to death. I think that  She doesnt have suicidal thoughts. If she have these thoughts then Its because of her team. Cuz she's feel trapped. She can't make decisions about her life. 

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Regardless of EVERYTHING going on, she needs to be released from the conservator-ship. That's the only positive thing about all this publicity whether or not it's true or false. If any of the claims are true (which I think is a big possibility given all the oddly foreshadowing events over the years), this will hopefully help her situation and get her released.

If anything, it could be possible that this was done intentionally by Britney herself and maybe with Sam's influence to get her out of the conservator-ship. Maybe she's being silent on purpose and went into a health facility intentionally to get people talking. To drum up rumors. To cause chaos. Enough of it to get people talking about her situation that will help her get out of the conservator-ship. This could have very well been planed on her part (with Sam and whomever influences). To help her.

If it all of it is false, they'll eventually say something and it's just a step toward her getting out regardless. IF not, they're lying and she could be in danger regardless.

Heck, they could also be gearing up to kill Britney (the princess of pop) off. Faked death. Maybe the last few albums and residency were just purely for money for her kids futures. Then she could live the rest of her life in peace. Anything is possible.

But they have to say something and this has to help her get out of the conservator-ship regardless.. She's 37 and clearly mature enough to handle her own shyt. Her body. Her choice.

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This whole #freebritney situation really ****** me up :crying1: ... I'm absolutely terrified... I don't know what to make out of it... I'm scared that we're losing her with this, like, all the disturbing stuff is slowly uncovering and I feel like they will make her 'disappear' ... 

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They said she was suicidal before the treatment, and I feel like her team will make sure she's medicated and sedated and seen as someone who's not in a good state. In 2011, she wasn't herself. She was numb. She had no passion. This experience would be very draining and traumatising for her, and I don't see her coming out of treatment as the same Britney that went in there. 




Do we reckon she'll be sedated like 2011?

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This is huge for mental health advocates toi, particularly those with a focus on protecting service user liberties and/or critique of medical ethics. Organisations such as the following will be worthwhile reaching out to, to draw in on the debate -


Mental Health Foundation

Royal College of Psychiatrists 

National Alliance on Mental Illness



...to name but a few.

It would be unethical for them to speak specifically of B, but can weigh in more generally. This public interest in guardianship style holds is a big window of opportunity for debate.


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5 minutes ago, goincrazy4brit said:

ok i saw something in here like a message that has been sent to someone saying things about britney and where she is now and something about Britney comedy really don't get that, and his/her name was covered..what was that? to whom is was sent?

You mean this?

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18 minutes ago, MyQueenBritney said:

Actually this picture was taken LONG after Britney's feature on Miley’s album and Adam left team B not long after this picture was released. 

I don’t think they were friends with Sam but they were seen with him that night. This photo is from May 18th 2015 when Miley and Adam attended Lana Del Rey’s concert at the Hollywood Bowl in CA. Sam was there because he at the time was Courtney Love’s manager who was opening act for Lana on her tour.  

This was also conveniently (for Sam) a time when people were assuming Miley would end up a trainwreck and Lutfi was already trying to work his way into her life like he always does with vulnerable women. 

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Fellow marketing person here!

I think we should also target specific pages and celebrities to get them to notice and read about what’s going on. Lance Bass loves Britney and just released a documentary exposing the shady business of Lou Pearlman. He’s active on Twitter and would definitely see our posts! Also Justin Tranter probably doesn’t want to risk getting kicked off B10 but his profile claims he’s an activist... Kim K is becoming a lawyer and loves to fight injustice for women...

These are just a few ideas but I think we need to focus our energy towards specific people to get this message out there. Tweeting #freebritney into the void of our personal followers is less impactful. 


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