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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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Maybe this is it, maybe the same people who went after MJ went after Britney

MJ case hoffman sabban &  watenmaker Jerryl S. Cohen



Britney's case hoffman sabban &  watenmaker Jerryl S. Cohen / Geraldine Wyle A (Jamie's lawyer team that put Britney under c-ship)


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1 minute ago, Soni said:

Anyone know what year the song is from?
I think I've heard it in 2016?
Maybe it really is an old post..


They might ban users who post "#freebritney" from ever posting again+deleting the comments?
Never knew IG has that type of function if true..

I was inclined too, but her nails were the same color of pink when she was seen driving with her phone. Right? Or am I wrong? (I haven’t double checked)

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1 minute ago, justphil said:

I was inclined too, but her nails were the same color of pink when she was seen driving with her phone. Right? Or am I wrong? (I haven’t double checked)

Yea but can we be sure?

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4 minutes ago, Soni said:

So they have a filter for #FreeBritney?

Disabling the comments Would've raised the eyebrows of the GP but now..it's just censor.

Comment other hashtags yall

The GP doesn’t notice this stuff. Every single time I’ve left a comment on the official twitter account of the POTUS, it’s not only been deleted but had him untagged.

Further, he has blocked no less than four different accounts I’ve created (keep having to make new ones solely to post evidence which directly contradict his Tweets; I don’t stoop to his level by making any insults).

Nevertheless, my current allotted record for free speech is a total of 30 seconds prior to it being removed.

And I’ve since discovered tons of other twitter users have been blocked by the POTUS’ account and had their comments deleted if they weren’t kissing his ***, and yet the GP hasn’t noticed in three years that we are literally not allowed to disagree with our “elected” representative.

Point being, I doubt anyone will notice that the same is being done by the team of a popstar when they don’t even realize their first amendment rights have dissipated. 

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2 minutes ago, NotBuyingIt said:

Lynne and Jansen would, too. After all, they're still following savebritneyspearsnow, justiceforbritney, etc.

Oh I totally agree. I just think that persons useless comments don’t add anything to this narrative. WHAT fan really wants any of this mess to be going on? None. But they’re taking pleasure thinking we all “will look crazy” when Britney is free and this was all in our collective heads. Lmao. 

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12 minutes ago, Meaner03 said:

May be this is it, may be the same people who went after MJ went after Britney

MJ case hoffman sabban &  watenmaker Jerryl S. Cohen



Britney's case hoffman sabban &  watenmaker Jerryl S. Cohen / Geraldine Wyle A (Jamie's lawyer team that put Britney under c-ship)






What’s the tea with Michael, though? :mj:

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Y'all, that video. They got her to awkwardly dance a little between looking f**king done with everything and tense as all get out. It's over, we can all go home.






















Team C-Ship:



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3 minutes ago, justphil said:

I was inclined too, but her nails were the same color of pink when she was seen driving with her phone. Right? Or am I wrong? (I haven’t double checked)

in this picture you can tell yer nails were pink in this photoshoot with the same photographer from last year... idk if this is a coincidence or if these are from last year too

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17 minutes ago, LiquoriceBabe said:

What’s the tea with Michael, thought? :mj:

There’s a video of his own sister, Latoya, admitting to him abusing boys way back in the early 90s. It’s extremely easy to find. Even his most ardent supporter thus far, Corey Feldman, said he can’t support him anymore. It’s a very bad idea to conflate these two cases, in my opinion. Only one celebrity is the victim here. 

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