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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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19 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

:blol: I'm not that young, but I think she just wasn't as famous in here as in the US. Same as Mariah. Janet and Mariah I've always known them, since I have memory, but I only know a few songs of them. 

I don't know about you, but if Britney is Young, then I'm Young too :tehe:

About Mimi and Janet, sure I have always known them but being mexican didn't help to get their full discography at the moment. But now, thanks to this conversation a will have my Mariah/JanetThon this weekend:makesomenoise:

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I’d like to believe that it’s a yes. I’d love her to make a statement with her music seeing as she doesn’t in interviews. 

But I don’t think she’ll have much say over her new material given the circumstances. Although, addressing everything through her music would garner attention and controversy, her team suck so :whatitellu:

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3 minutes ago, Anitta Elusive Chanteuse said:

I heard Reva Goetz is moving to your country DE828-CB1-AA39-42-E1-AD47-36-E639-CB99-B

I mean I wouldn't mind if someone took control of my finances and (nonexistent) personal life :yaknow: If only I had a fortune like Britney and shouldn't worry about working ever again.DE828-CB1-AA39-42-E1-AD47-36-E639-CB99-B

But I can only imagine how hard it was for Britney (and would be for any normal person) especially given how rebellious/free-spirited she used to be, and being mom of two, and being forced to do stuff she doesn't like/want and being a public figure. 

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12 minutes ago, DayvinDazone said:

And it basically got me thinking.... B10!!

For those too young to remember, Janet Jackson's "Control" was her reclamation of control over her life after years and years of control by her late father Joseph Jackson who managed her career and also controlled her personal life. Janet eventually ended up firing Joseph, emancipating herself and moving to Minneapolis, Minnesota to record the iconic album with her producers James Harris III & Terry Lewis.

oh wow, I never thought about the similarities between the two of them in that regard

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1 minute ago, PokemonSpears said:

I don't know, I mean, I get it, but I think it's needed. Sometimes you just want to show that you agree or disagree with some comment without engaging on a fight.

Maybe if the downvotes were gray instead of red the negative connotation would be less? :idkney:

I think we need more reactions like the ones from Facebook though. When I give upvotes I'm not necessarily agreeing, sometimes I just find a comment funny, like the BJ jokes, and I upvote it, but it's not that I actually agree with it. 

But I understand that maybe excessive downvotes can become tiring. I really don't know how people notice it though, I just get notifications that someone "reacted" to my posts but I never investigate if it was positive or negative lol 

Yes yes yes, same lol *bolded

But yea, I don't think it's that much of a cause for fight in the forums so I don't think it will be removed or something.
Honestly it's just silly fights uncommonly and the votes on @Cwazy's comment proves that most ppl here think that

Anyways I don't know, I think u couldn't see if someone downvoted u this easily before?
I don't think there is a notification for Down Votes but the history that comes in your profile whether someone upvoted or downvoted your post, has been here recently.I don't remember it existing before.
U had to scroll to a particular comment of yours (back in your post history) to see if u got dislikes (since there was always a notification if u received a like)
I don't really look if someone disliked my posts, that's why I was surprised that the user was that much obsessed with his votes that he saw it instantly & attacked (shade but he called me several names so whatever)


10 minutes ago, HuffingAndPuffingOnStage said:

seems super weird, why not just delete the comments? interesting

I think it's a bug or something
I am just WAITING for her team to Disable the comments on her IG
Actually..I am wondering why they havent done that already??

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7 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

I mean I wouldn't mind if someone took control of my finances and (nonexistent) personal life :yaknow: If only I had a fortune like Britney and shouldn't worry about working ever again.DE828-CB1-AA39-42-E1-AD47-36-E639-CB99-B

But I can only imagine how hard it was for Britney (and would be for any normal person) especially given how rebellious/free-spirited she used to be, and being mom of two, and being forced to do stuff she doesn't like/want and being a public figure. 

Speaking as a very introverted and private person, just like Britney has always referred to herself as: the idea of having someone around me 24/7 is a nightmare.

It would drain me of all my energy, desire for socialization, and transform me into a complete misanthrope. Introverts NEED a lot of time completely alone to “recharge their batteries,” or they’re f**king miserable. 

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1 minute ago, LostInAnImage said:

Speaking as a very introverted and private person, just like Britney has always referred to herself as: the idea of having someone around me 24/7 is a nightmare.

It would drain me of all my energy, desire for socializarion, and then me into a complete misanthrope. Introverts NEED a lot of time completely alone to “recharge their batteries,” or they’re f**king miserable. 

SAME. I cannot imagine. It must feel fkn claustrophobic.

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5 minutes ago, LostInAnImage said:

Speaking as a very introverted and private person, just like Britney has always referred to herself as: the idea of having someone around me 24/7 is a nightmare.

It would drain me of all my energy, desire for socializarion, and then me into a complete misanthrope. Introverts NEED a lot of time completely alone to “recharge their batteries,” or they’re f**king miserable. 

:mhm: I think she's left alone at least to some extent though. As far as I understand she doesn't live with her father anymore and those clips with her kids that "she" used to post on Instagram, gave me the impression that they were left alone at least at night. 

But I think just the thought of having to ask for permission for the most basic decision like traveling to some place or talk to someone on the phone, just being conscious that you're not free, even if you don't have any specific plans, would make anyone miserable. 

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1 minute ago, PokemonSpears said:

do you think we'll be able to see judge Brenda entering or leaving the court on May 10? :makeitrain: Or do judges have some sort of underground entrance to pass unnoticed from lounatic fans?

Courtrooms do have private entrances when it’s insanely high profile (e.g., during the Cohen testimony, people entered/exited through secret doors and underground tunnels that even the political media didn’t know the existence of). 

But in this instance, I highly doubt they will be utilizing any secret passageways or opening closets that take them into Narnia. :yaknow:

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