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Guest Rockdaboat07

Yup i think shes def been in there for longer than a week. Prob as soon as they released that hiatus statement to be honest

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19 minutes ago, zxcvb said:


What I don't understand is why she signed up for a new residency so fast despite her obvious unease last year.  Her team needs to answer for this.

I kind of wonder if after all the free time she had last year  (she only did that short tour in the middle) they saw her spiraling and thought she needed more stucture and something to challenge and distract her?? POM obviously wasnt doing anything for her the last 2 years maybe they thought if they gave her something fresh and new she would be back to normal. I do think tho after all the MAG stories we got last year thats kind of wishfull thinking. I mean if all of us here (the non delusional ones at least) could see that she was not doing well mentally at all, then im sure her team had to see it. But yeah maybe she said she didnt want to get help and they thought giving her work was the best way to help her.

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23 minutes ago, chizwhiz said:

Jamie lynn just deleted all her Instagram stories?!?! Just of her being in a ball park and her kid both yesterday and today


Is she really as much in the dark as we are  about the whole situation?

Probably doesn't want people to judge her for having fun while Britney is in treatment.

Why did I just get an ad for Harmony Place, a women's **** and alcohol rehab facility in LA on this page :xcuseme:

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6 minutes ago, Cigarettes&Cologne said:

the daily mail are disgusting. the second photo they use is the umbrella one. this is a really positive thing she is doing and they want to remind people about her darkest hour... yuck

The DM always seem to use that umbrella photo and it pisses me off. At least the comments in the article are positive.

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17 minutes ago, GemmaTeller said:

Stop getting butt hurt about not getting an official statement. Maybe SHE doesn't wanna officially say anything and prefers having people speculate. It's not up to you, a person who has never even met the poor woman, to decide what would be for the best and if she really is getting treatment the fans are probably the last thing on her mind. She has children that she would have to leave to go stay at a facility for f**ks sake im sure things like that are what she's thinking about. Understandably not her fans. 

I agree 100%.  But that tour last year should have never happened.

It should have ended with that first residency in December 2017.  If she wanted to comeback to still perform, a break should have transpired and then comeback to instigate some anticipation.  'Not back to back' residency garbage.

Larry Lou and co have to answer for that nonsense.

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25 minutes ago, chizwhiz said:

Jamie lynn just deleted all her Instagram stories?!?! Just of her being in a ball park and her kid both yesterday and today


Is she really as much in the dark as we are  about the whole situation?

she is nuts

as if people actually care about she does other than teaching kids how to kill 

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1 hour ago, GimmeBritney320 said:

YEAH! EFF the public! Britney got ALL her money from herself!!

The public and her fans never did anything for her!

Everyone should just hand over their money to her no matter what the quality of the product or authenticity! Don't question anything just do it!

She doesn't owe anyone her personal business

That's on you if you can't undestand

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2 minutes ago, zxcvb said:

I agree 100%.  But that tour last year should have never happened.

It should have ended with that first residency in December 2017.  If she wanted to comeback to still perform, a break should have transpired and then comeback to instigate some anticipation.  'Not back to back' residency garbage.

Larry Lou and co have to answer for that nonsense.

Yeah I agree she didnt seem well enough to be out there touring but that still doesnt mean she wants a statement released making a mental illness "official". Anyone who had a hand in getting her out there performing if they knew she was unwell should have to answer for that but not at the expense of Britneys privacy. 

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Something is really strange. I think Britney was once more forced to check into the facility now that we all thought she was getting better and being released from the conservatorship. What a better way to keep her under it than creating this whole mess. She can't decide if she wants to go or not. Do you really she would want to go with her children noticing. I think this is a plan from her team.

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5 minutes ago, The Greatest Show said:

I kind of wonder if after all the free time she had last year  (she only did that short tour in the middle) they saw her spiraling and thought she needed more stucture and something to challenge and distract her?? POM obviously wasnt doing anything for her the last 2 years maybe they thought if they gave her something fresh and new she would be back to normal. I do think tho after all the MAG stories we got last year thats kind of wishfull thinking. I mean if all of us here (the non delusional ones at least) could see that she was not doing well mentally at all, then im sure her team had to see it. But yeah maybe she said she didnt want to get help and they thought giving her work was the best way to help her.

You do bring up an interesting point.  In between shows, she always did have an awful lot of free time.

But seriously, they thought that giving her work was the best way to help her?  Her performing skill have just deteriorated thoroughly in the last decade.  Have these idiots actually been consulting real mental health professionals in the last 10 years???


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3 minutes ago, GemmaTeller said:

Yeah I agree she didnt seem well enough to be out there touring but that still doesnt mean she wants a statement released making a mental illness "official". Anyone who had a hand in getting her out there performing if they knew she was unwell should have to answer for that but not at the expense of Britneys privacy. 

they didn't do that with the FFT in 2011, they're not gonna do that now..

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oh my god i thought she was doing better :(  :( :( 

this definitely seems like something really dark is happening right now and we're not aware of any of it, from the domination cancellation, to the silence, to her conservator running away, to her dad getting worse, now to this 

i hope she gets better soon :yasqueen:

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37 minutes ago, chizwhiz said:

Jamie lynn just deleted all her Instagram stories?!?! Just of her being in a ball park and her kid both yesterday and today


Is she really as much in the dark as we are  about the whole situation?

i think she has her instagram set as her source of income now, we shouldn't 100% trust it

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1 minute ago, zxcvb said:

You do bring up an interesting point.  In between shows, she always did have an awful lot of free time.

But seriously, they thought that giving her work was the best way to help her?  Her performing skill have just deteriorated thoroughly in the last decade.  Have these idiots actually been consulting real mental health professionals in the last 10 years???


I mean we dont know how she acts behind the scenes. She had a lot of energy last year (too much actually) and maybe they thought she deteriorated so much because she was bored? A lot of fans thought that. I think they have been consulting mental health professionals and thats why there have been so many ups and downs over the last couple of years. Maybe she had issues with medication, mabye she stopped taking it and then started having problems again. Maybe they knew that she needed help but also knew that forcing someone into treatment that doesnt want to go isnt the right way to go (and it pissed her off in 2007) We dont know. There could be a lot of reasons for everything that is going on. Could be something really sinister or something really simple.

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