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Exhale Reacts: Britney Spears Cancels 'Domination'

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1 minute ago, Dark.Knight said:

reading about the c-ship and being involved in it are 2 different things

My sister has been in the same one for over 11 years and ive overseen her finances for the past 6 years of it. I’ve read in great detail all the court documents related to Britney’s conservership and unfortunately know it too well. 

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I think everyone here is expressing different forms of grief.  Personally, I’m not going to miss Domination and hope it never comes back. That ugly black and red mess can stay in the lingerie drawer for all I care.  I miss her music and would much rather she finish a damn album ON HER OWN! Without other VOCAL HELP. Record a few tracks of just her voice and a mic with a piano and I’d be happy.  I don’t need all this stupid overproduction.  Heck, put out another “For the Record” rather than a bloody residency. I will never personally pay money to hear the radio again (been there and done that for Circus), so come back “Stronger” with your music, Britney. Or not: make some babies, play some footsy with your man of the hour, and enjoy your glorious early retirement.   Wish you the best either way.

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47 minutes ago, 3isacharm said:

I don't know how that would work. They would need to re work dates to alternate with Gaga since they're in the same venue but It could happen. I mean Nappytabs said 6-12 months and if PARK MGM had more concrete details I doubt they woulda just refunded all the tickets, they would have held on to announce new dates, allow ticket holders to exchange and refund those that can't make it.

I really think this hiatus will be a long one

Check the dates.

There are zero shows at MGM announced for Dec, Aug, and Sep

4 for July 

7 for Oct

5 for Nov

So I don't think it would be hard to fit it all in again... 

I feel her Dad was ill in November and hence why she was silent on social media around her birthday, Xmas and New Years. She also only posted a few rehearsal vids and they were all from the same day. I feel as if she delayed it because she didn't have time to rehearse due to her looking after her Dad whilst he was critically ill in November and December. 

The illness he had usually takes around 3-4 months to recover from. So coming back in March-April with new dates sounds about right, as in the statement it said he was expected to make a full and quick recovery. 


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I just checked Jamie's Instagram ... Definitely, her dad doesn't look so bad to cancel a residence. :ponderney: I mean, you see him going to church or in a cemetery, for example. I'm convinced that there were stronger reasons to cancel it, not only his health issues (The worst thing is that I really believed that he was really bad when I read her statement). 

Not that I complain, the residence was a disaster since its announcement so I'm sure it was for the better. :demi:

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17 minutes ago, maquisl said:

I just checked Jamie's Instagram ... Definitely, her dad doesn't look so bad to cancel a residence. :ponderney: I mean, you see him going to church or in a cemetery, for example. I'm convinced that there were stronger reasons to cancel it, not only his health issues (The worst thing is that I really believed that he was really bad when I read her statement). 

Not that I complain, the residence was a disaster since its announcement so I'm sure it was for the better. :demi:

Be quiet

Britney knows what's going on

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I believe that Britney want just be with her dad. It is more important that Domination or new album. Dad is only one and he can leave this Earth :((( many albums can be released later. And it is not for the first time in history when tour/ residency is post-poned due personal issues...

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I am very sad about the cancelation of Domination. I wasn't going to attend the show since I live in Greece and I would rather buy a new car than plan a trip to Vegas, but I was actually soo excited about it. As about Jamie's health issue it IS very serious. My grandmother died 15 days after that same surgery 2 weeks ago. And the doctors told us before her death that even if she would make it things would be very hard. I can't/won't get into medical details but Jamie needs all the support and help from his family.

I don't know if Domination is postponed or canceled, but her 2 years contract with MGM was definitely not canceled. knowing how cost avoiding her team is, they would never  pay MGM all the money a cancelation would cost. I'm not an insider or anything, but I'm sure Britney will come back to Vegas with a new show sooner or later (The late 2019 - 2020 timeline seems possible to me). But after what happened now I doubt her team will let her begin her show without promotion in fear of bad sale figures 

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30 minutes ago, maquisl said:

I just checked Jamie's Instagram ... Definitely, her dad doesn't look so bad to cancel a residence. :ponderney: I mean, you see him going to church or in a cemetery, for example. I'm convinced that there were stronger reasons to cancel it, not only his health issues (The worst thing is that I really believed that he was really bad when I read her statement). 

Not that I complain, the residence was a disaster since its announcement so I'm sure it was for the better. :demi:

My aunt who was 45 was given 3 months to live looked in great shape, had abs, was jumping around all jolly and looked younger than Britney.

she died 5 weeks later 

someone who’s  sick and dying doesn’t have to look like it and btw Jamie lost loads of weight 

And the audacity for u to say “the worst thing is I really believed he was sick when I read it” are u 7? This is her father

jesus I thought y’all were old enough to understand what’s going it 

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33 minutes ago, maquisl said:

I just checked Jamie's Instagram ... Definitely, her dad doesn't look so bad to cancel a residence. :ponderney: I mean, you see him going to church or in a cemetery, for example. I'm convinced that there were stronger reasons to cancel it, not only his health issues (The worst thing is that I really believed that he was really bad when I read her statement). 

Not that I complain, the residence was a disaster since its announcement so I'm sure it was for the better. :demi:

Assuming idiot.

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5 minutes ago, Britneyarmy8 said:

My aunt who was 45 was given 3 months to live looked in great shape, had abs, was jumping around all jolly and looked younger than Britney.

she died 5 weeks later 

someone who’s  sick and dying doesn’t have to look like it and btw Jamie lost loads of weight 

And the audacity for u to say “the worst thing is I really believed he was sick when I read it” are u 7? This is her father

jesus I thought y’all were old enough to understand what’s going it 

No. They are all too f**king stupid, trust me

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