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Why do some fans want so badly for Britney to have a 'Ray of Light?'

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If Britney wants to connect to a bigger audience, she needs to appeal to newer, younger listeners.

I don't want a Ray of Light sounding album from her. I don't. But I want a revolutionary album, a reinvention that's fresh and true to her sound, aesthetic, and personality - the way ROL did for Madonna. I guess what I'm trying to say is, we can use "Ray of Light" as a phrase for when Britney reinvents herself to become relevant to a brand new audience.

ROL was my introduction to Madonna. I was 9 when i first heard 'Frozen' and I was so enchanted by the music video and the sound. It was so captivating. And 'Nothing Really Matters' became one of the most impactful songs and music videos of my life. And that's what Britney needs to do. Not the sound. But to capture the attention of Gen Z. Imagine Britney singing a record like Bad Guy. I think she could do it.

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8 minutes ago, OriginalRoxxy said:

If Britney wants to connect to a bigger audience, she needs to appeal to newer, younger listeners.

I don't want a Ray of Light sounding album from her. I don't. But I want a revolutionary album, a reinvention that's fresh and true to her sound, aesthetic, and personality - the way ROL did for Madonna. I guess what I'm trying to say is, we can use "Ray of Light" as a phrase for when Britney reinvents herself to become relevant to a brand new audience.

ROL was my introduction to Madonna. I was 9 when i first heard 'Frozen' and I was so enchanted by the music video and the sound. It was so captivating. And 'Nothing Really Matters' became one of the most impactful songs and music videos of my life. And that's what Britney needs to do. Not the sound. But to capture the attention of Gen Z. Imagine Britney singing a record like Bad Guy. I think she could do it.

This!! Everytime I hear bad guy I hear britney!

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1 hour ago, GMFlop said:

Because Britney is too old to sing about party, boys and *** and need a mature album that a 40 years old would do. 

I think she knows that but her team doesn’t. Look at how the lyrics for Glory has more mature lyrics (besides clumsy but then again Larry insisted on that song so go figure) I’m sure she has lots of songs about other things but her team doesn’t allow them because it’s not the image they want to sell. 

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When people say they want her "Ray Of Light" they just want that more personal, artistic, creative and mature album from her. She has to do it her own way though without trying to recreate Madonna's sound or Janet's Velvet Rope. I see her doing a more soulful/acoustic sound.

I believe in her, in her writing and singing, I'm sure she can deliver an amazing work, she just has to let go of "Britney Spears - The Pop Princess 99-19" and show who she really really is. 

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Ffs. Ray of light is basic ****, all madonna does is tap whomever is popular at the time to produce her music, so well done to William orbit who I believe it is. Madonna strongest talent is videoography. She can't sing, dance or act well but she knows how to make things look good on video. STOP COMPARING, britney is beyond madonna 

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10 minutes ago, samwoods321 said:

all madonna does is tap whomever is popular at the time to produce her music, so well done to William orbit who I believe it is. Madonna strongest talent is videoography. She can't sing, dance or act well but she knows how to make things look good on video.

The disrespect. :omg:

"William orbit who I believe it is" :ehidk:

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3 hours ago, samwoods321 said:

Ffs. Ray of light is basic ****, all madonna does is tap whomever is popular at the time to produce her music, so well done to William orbit who I believe it is. Madonna strongest talent is videoography. She can't sing, dance or act well but she knows how to make things look good on video. STOP COMPARING, britney is beyond madonna 

you're really an ignorant.

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Whenever Britney decides to put out new music it will be the perfect time to re-invent herself as enough time will have passed since her last release and she could have a “comeback” but it needs to be well thought out and stand-out, something cool and artistic but also left-field that makes people sit up and take notice. I’m feeling an album that is quite raw, meaningful and showcases Britney’s vocal talents. I want the lyrics to be personal and heartfelt. It’d be a great way to re-introduce herself to the music scene - a woman with substance, a woman who has something to say, a woman who is vulnerable yet strong. 

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16 hours ago, samwoods321 said:

Ffs. Ray of light is basic ****, all madonna does is tap whomever is popular at the time to produce her music, so well done to William orbit who I believe it is. Madonna strongest talent is videoography. She can't sing, dance or act well but she knows how to make things look good on video. STOP COMPARING, britney is beyond madonna 

Please, there's a difference between disliking and being delusional. And im not a Madonna stan. 

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I wouldn't want her to have a "ray of light" but I would want her to have a masterpiece of it's level instead , she doesn't need to mimick any sound or take ideas from any artist , all she needs is to be at peace and connect to her soul and express it through her music , that's how magic happens , it's usually the best formula to create timeless and beautiful music .... I just hope she'll get the chance to do so in the future it will be so interesting and will really please me to see such thing.

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21 hours ago, samwoods321 said:

Ffs. Ray of light is basic ****, all madonna does is tap whomever is popular at the time to produce her music, so well done to William orbit who I believe it is. Madonna strongest talent is videoography. She can't sing, dance or act well but she knows how to make things look good on video. STOP COMPARING, britney is beyond madonna 

You might be right that Madonna jumps on every trend that is popular and that she's not so strong vocally , but it worked for her big time on ray of light , it is her best work even vocally , you might not love Madonna I'm not a fan either but denying it's a good album is plain stupid.

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