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  1. Racist, antisemitic tweets quickly spread after Musk Twitter takeover ''Racist and antisemitic tweets quickly spread on Twitter following Elon Musk’s takeover of the company on Thursday, The Washington Post reported on Friday. Musk closed the deal on his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter on Thursday night and reportedly fired CEO Parag Agrawal, Chief Financial Officer Ned Segal and other top Twitter executives. The Tesla and SpaceX CEO, who describes himself as a “free speech absolutist,” is expected to take a much laxer approach to content moderation than Twitter’s previous leadership. However, Musk told advertisers in a letter Thursday morning that the platform cannot become a “free-for-all hellscape.” While Twitter has yet to announce any official changes to the site’s content moderation, users reportedly appeared emboldened to push the limits following the takeover, using racist, antisemitic and homophobic slurs. Some users tweeted out entire posts that repeated one racial slur over and over in all caps, while others posted **** memes.'' Racist, antisemitic tweets quickly spread after Musk Twitter takeover THEHILL.COM Racist and antisemitic tweets quickly spread on Twitter following Elon Musk’s takeover of the company on Thursday, The Washington Post reported on Friday. Musk closed the deal on his $44 billi…
  2. Elon Musk is holding a poll to see if he should step down as head of Twitter
  3. Elon Musk warned he faces EU sanctions after booting journalists off Twitter NEWS.SKY.COM The sudden, sweeping purge comes after controversy over Twitter suspending an account... Either he follows the laws of international countries, or make it only available in the US, if he wants to keep up being the leader of his private company. He's being sanctioned by the European union for breaking the laws,,established by the European union to protect the press and competition like Mastodon.
  4. Hey everyone! So depending where your head is at about Twitter I highly recommend Mastodon! I’ve been on Twitter for a few months now and only have like 70 or so followers. I joined Mastodon to try it out, wasn’t crazy about it at first, so went back to Twitter. Came back on beginning of November and this month alone built a network of over 400 followers. The social media site is experiencing a boom due to “Twitter Refugees” migrating to the platform. Therefore, if you start an account now, due to the immense traffic and people all starting out new, you’ll likely build a network a LOT faster than Twitter. It’s probably akin to how it was when Twitter started. Mastodon is unique though in that while having a profile on the site gives you access to the site as a whole, to sign up and make a profile you need to choose a “server”/community. And obviously for folks who are LGBTQ+ there’s plenty. @Jordan Miller not sure if you’ve heard of the platform but unlike Twitter it is open source. Meaning you can start your own server (e.g. a Britney Spears server) and you basically build a community within the broader community. And by you being the creator of the server you are the moderator and admin. Which reminds me, a lot of people are leaving Twitter due to moderation becoming looser. Moderation on Mastodon is decent but because it is open source and the entire site is comprised of “communities” created by people, it’s important you choose the right community for you since the moderation is done by that specific community’s admins NOT Mastodon. It’s really diverse. Doesn’t seem to have the same negativity and toxic behaviours as Twitter. They have a bit of a different etiquette and norms. There are no algorithms so everyone tags their posts so they show up in places accordingly. Oh and, there’s no ads! If you’re on there DM me your handle so I can follow you! Mine is @hyouka See ya’ll around!
  5. Despite multiple news circulating that Twitter was shutting down, the app seems to be active and functioning.
  6. BreatheHeavy's Twitter has been picking up a ton of steam in the last year. And now the platform is going to **** lol. Since a lot is going on on Twitter, I figured we could have one main topic about all of it. PS follow BH on Twitter
  7. “I don’t really see it as a comeback, I don’t think I never left, I’ve always been here, maybe just like an reinvention of my myself” - 2016
  8. Elon Musk says his advisers sent a letter to Twitter formally notifying the company that he is terminating the merger agreement. Can we agree this is a great way to end the work week?
  9. #freeliam is a hashtag created by concerned overzealous 1D fans. We’re waiting for more information on what exactly this is about.
  10. Spot any pop culture images you like? I instantly noticed coyote piper 💥😆
  11. A blonde Mille was on the jimmy fallow show last night and was getting Britney 2000 resemblances from fans, Do you see it? 🤔
  12. Happy earth day 🌎 What are you tweeting about raising awareness of our planet? Britney sure had questions about global warming and thinks lady gaga is an interesting artist
  13. Here are the Top 10 most Tweeted musicians of 2020. No surprise tbh. BTS' fans showed up and showed out all year. Kanye was a mess so that makes sense he's #2. TBH all those who appear on this list make sense to me. Surprised no Gaga tho.
  14. Twitter accounts belonging to Apple, Uber, Barack Obama, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Joe Biden, Kanye West, and Mike Bloomberg and more were hacked on Wednesday. The hackers, under the alias of these high profile accounts, told people to send in bitcoin to a specific address and in return they'll send back double the amount. Obviously, that was the scam. Twitter is addressing the issue, in what appears to be the platforms largest, most wide-reaching hack to-date. I personally was having trouble sending out Tweets just now. When I tried, I saw a spam error. After I did a little investigating, I discovered the hashtag #twitterhacked and ran to Exhale. 2020 is so freaking weird y'all.
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