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  1. Kids in America are getting kicked out of classrooms so that global asylum seekers can sleep there... Can your country relate? Have you ever witnessed your government self-sabotage?
  2. I genuinely am not one to speculate or fixate on someone’s looks. It’s none of my business however I have to say something…. she looks different than she did in the 2008 news release when she first made it on the scene away from her 3 sports person roster. Prior to this it was alleged that she stalked Britney, prior to entering her life in alleged emails sent to (and leaked by) Sam Lutfi where she asks why he is letting Lou into her life and why he isn’t protecting her (because he wasn’t) She objectively looks more fresh faced these days……… and different tbh Am I rude for making this topic I legitimately would never shame anyone, I think it’s fine tbh. I am just perhaps seeing things
  3. Could Joe Exotic be our first gay president? Joe Exotic truly does represent the best of y'all. Does he have your vote?
  4. Poor criminal rat F.B.I. Searches Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Residence in Florida - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM The former president called the search an “assault” and complained that authorities had broken into a safe. The news appeared to come as a surprise to top aides at the White House. Former President Donald J. Trump said on Monday that the F.B.I. had searched his Palm Beach, Fla., home and had broken open a safe — an account signaling a major escalation in the various investigations into the final stages of his presidency. The search, according to multiple people familiar with the investigation, appeared to be focused on material that Mr. Trump had brought with him to Mar-a-Lago, his private club and residence, when he left the White House. Those boxes contained many pages of classified documents, according to a person familiar with their contents. Mr. Trump delayed returning 15 boxes of material requested by officials with the National Archives for many months, only doing so when there became a threat of action to retrieve them. The case was referred to the Justice Department by the archives early this year. The search marked the latest remarkable turn in the long-running investigations into Mr. Trump’s actions before, during and after his presidency — and even as he weighs announcing another candidacy for the White House. It came as the Justice Department has stepped up its separate inquiry into Mr. Trump’s efforts to remain in office after his defeat at the polls in the 2020 election and as the former president also faces an accelerating criminal inquiry in Georgia and civil actions in New York. Mr. Trump has long cast the F.B.I. as a tool of Democrats who have been out to get him, and the search set off a furious reaction among his supporters in the Republican Party and on the far right of American politics. Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the Republican leader in the House, suggested that he intended to investigate Attorney General Merrick B. Garland if Republicans took control of the House in November. The F.B.I. would have needed to convince a judge that it had probable cause that a crime had been committed, and that agents might find evidence at Mar-a-Lago, to get a search warrant. Proceeding with a search on a former president’s home would almost surely have required sign-off from top officials at the bureau and the Justice Department. The search, however, does not mean prosecutors have determined that Mr. Trump committed a crime. An F.B.I. representative declined to comment, as did Justice Department officials. The F.B.I. director, Christopher A. Wray, was appointed by Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump was in the New York area at the time of the search. “Another day in paradise,” he said Monday night during a telephone rally for Sarah Palin, who is running for a congressional seat in Alaska. Eric Trump, one of his sons, told Fox News that he was the one who informed his father that the search was taking place, and he said the search warrant was related to presidential documents. Mr. Trump, who campaigned for president in 2016 criticizing Hillary Clinton’s practice of maintaining a private email server for government-related messages while she was secretary of state, was known throughout his term to rip up official material that was intended to be held for presidential archives. One person familiar with his habits said that included classified material that was shredded in his bedroom and elsewhere. The search was at least in part for whether any records remained at the club, a person familiar with it said. It took place on Monday morning, the person said, although Mr. Trump said agents were still there many hours later. “After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate,” Mr. Trump said, maintaining it was an effort to stop him from running for president in 2024. “Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries.” “They even broke into my safe!” he wrote. Mr. Trump did not share any details about what the F.B.I. agents said they were searching for. Aides to President Biden said they were stunned by the development and learned of it from Twitter. The search came as the Justice Department has also been stepping up questioning of former Trump aides who had been witnesses to discussions and planning in the White House of Mr. Trump’s efforts to overturn his election loss. Mr. Trump has been the focus of questions asked by federal prosecutors in connection with a scheme to send “fake” electors to Congress for the certification of the Electoral College. The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol also continues its work and is interviewing witnesses this week. The law governing the preservation of White House materials, the Presidential Records Act, lacks teeth, but criminal statutes can come into play, especially in the case of classified material. Criminal codes, which carry jail time, can be used to prosecute anyone who “willfully injures or commits any depredation against any property of the United States” and anyone who “willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates or destroys” government documents. Samuel R. Berger, a national security adviser to President Bill Clinton, pleaded guilty in 2015 to a misdemeanor charge for removing classified material from a government archive. In 2007, Donald Keyser, an Asia expert and former senior State Department official, was sentenced to prison after he confessed to keeping more than 3,000 sensitive documents — ranging from the classified to the top secret — in his basement. In 1999, the C.I.A. announced it had suspended the security clearance of its former director, John M. Deutch, after concluding that he had improperly handled national secrets on a desktop computer at his home. In January of this year, the archives retrieved 15 boxes that Mr. Trump took with him to Mar-a-Lago from the White House residence when his term ended. The boxes included material subject to the Presidential Records Act, which requires that all documents and records pertaining to official business be turned over to the archives. The items in the boxes included documents, mementos, gifts and letters. The archives did not describe the classified material it found other than to say that it was “classified national security information.” Because the National Archives “identified classified information in the boxes,” the agency “has been in communication with the Department of Justice,” David S. Ferriero, the national archivist, told Congress at the time. Federal prosecutors subsequently began a grand jury investigation, according to two people briefed on the matter. Prosecutors issued a subpoena earlier this year to the archives to obtain the boxes of classified documents, according to the two people familiar with the matter, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation. The authorities also made interview requests to people who worked in the White House in the final days of Mr. Trump’s presidency, according to one of the people. In the spring, a small coterie of federal agents visited Mar-a-Lago in search of some documents, according to a person familiar with the meeting. At least one of the agents was involved in counterintelligence, according to the person. The question of how Mr. Trump has handled sensitive material and documents he received as president loomed throughout his time in the White House, and beyond. He was known to rip up pieces of official paper that he was handed, forcing officials to tape them back together. And an upcoming book by a New York Times reporter reveals that staff members would find clumps of torn-up paper clogging a toilet, and believed he had thrown them in. The question of how Mr. Trump handled classified material is complicated because as president he had the authority to declassify any government information. It is unclear whether Mr. Trump, before leaving office, had declassified materials the archives discovered in the boxes. Under federal law, he no longer maintains the ability to declassify documents after leaving office. While in office, he invoked the power to declassify information several times as his administration publicly released materials that helped him politically, particularly on issues like the investigation into his campaign’s ties to Russia. Toward the end of the administration, Mr. Trump ripped pictures that intrigued him out of the President’s Daily Brief — a compendium of often classified information about potential national security threats — but it is unclear whether he took them to the residence with him. In one prominent example of how he dealt with classified material, Mr. Trump in 2019 took a highly classified spy satellite image of an Iranian missile launch site, declassified it and then released the photo on Twitter. Earlier this year, Kash Patel, a former Defense Department senior official and Trump loyalist whom Mr. Trump named as one of his representatives to engage with the National Archives, suggested to the right-wing website Breitbart that Mr. Trump had declassified the documents before leaving the White House and that the proper markings simply had not been adjusted. “Trump declassified whole sets of materials in anticipation of leaving government that he thought the American public should have the right to read themselves,” he said, according to Breitbart. Local television crews showed supporters of Mr. Trump gathering near Mar-a-Lago, some of them being aggressive toward reporters. Mr. Trump made clear in his statement that he sees potential political value in the search, something some of his advisers echoed, depending on what any investigation produces. His political team began sending fund-raising solicitations about the search late on Monday evening.
  5. Donald J. Trump has filed the official paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to run for president in 2024. His committee is called Donald J. Trump for President 2024. Live Updates: Trump Is Expected to Announce 2024 Run - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM May God Have Mercy
  6. @Jordan Miller suggested i created a topic about it so i did. (also, i'm trying to add some links to articles but they won't load. )
  7. Good riddance She resigned after 45 days, making her the shortest serving Prime Minister ever in the UK. A big newspaper in the UK has been doing a 24/7 livestream of a lettuce to see what will last longer, the lettuce or the Prime Minister. The lettuce won
  8. The way she answered him when he went to college.. She went full ageism on him, and he got offended by it. Saying stop, and got more offended when she put it in that people your age are the snowflakes cos your views of life is outdated, that's when it escalated from there, that a young woman refused to see a view or opinion of a man in his 60s. @Jordan Miller @Slayer
  9. Mariah will be performing at The 10th annual Global Citizen Live event which will be held Saturday on the Great Lawn in Central Park. Metallica. Here’s a rehearsal image
  10. You know it's bad, when the number one podcaster and former friend realizes how much of a horrible person you truly are, and a monster in disguise.. Joe Rogan is refusing to be a platform for the most evil man to use as a threat to the democracy our country is..
  11. The first Earth Day was recognized on April 22, 1970 as a series of protests swept across the United States demanding action be taken to stop environmental degradation, limit pollution, and protect resources we rely on to survive as a species. Since then, it’s become more clear that human behaviors, corporate and governmental policies, and other actions have contributed to a rapidly changing climate, and drastic shifts need to happen to stave off the worst impacts of climate change. So, what ways do you care for the Earth on this day and everyday? Do you join local protests, participate in local events, or something else? How have you seen the climate change around you? Do you have any favorite music or art that honors the Earth? Discuss.
  12. A giant Black Lives Matter mural is being painted on 5th Ave. in front of Trump Tower today. Trump has called this a "symbol of hate." Why does this feel so good? #BlackLivesMatter
  13. One of the biggest fast food chains, Taco Bell, is officially cancelled. While they support #BlackLivesMatter, they fired an employee over a mask supporting it. The CEO made matters worse when he went to fox Business news to defend the company's policy.
  14. In 2012, a Russian punk band went from being unknown to globally known as they were arrested for doing an anti protest song on Putin. They have been jailed a lot, cos of their activism against the Putin Regime.. While i have talked to gay Russians who want out, but can't afford to leave, they give ***** Riot praise for bringing the reality of Russia and what it's like.. They are several videos of cops whipping these girls, and beating them up. Many in the government has been askimg for horrific things to happen to these activists for a long time including. You know, the electric chair to put it nicely. Even Madonna spoke im defense of these girls calling them courageous and how censorship shouldn't happened to anybody.. Ironically the other popular Russian girl group T.A.T.u actually supports Putin and one of them have actually been revealed to be homophobic herself.. The other member of that duo has denounced the other girls statements..
  15. Anybody hoping for a reboot of the original Charmed, that ain't gonna happen. Allysa Milano and Rose McGowan are forever enemies, and while skull dragging Alyssa, she wants to remind the world, while her movement was stolen from her, Rose was gaslighted by her Charmed Co star, Mocked and Humiliated and basically exiled from Hollywood. With the news of The investigation of Governor Cuomo coming out to reveal it's much worse than anybody thought, Rose wants everybody to Know Hollywood is all fake and so is all these feminists and so called male feminists who supported Me too, it was all paid for, cos Hollywood pays celebs to Be activists to causes to stuff that they are doing to their clients just for their clients they represent to keep working. Like rose said stay woke to real situation. Which kinda makes me wonder are artists and supporters being paid to say they support other grass roots moments like Free Britney, the way Rose explains Hollywood all signs point to yes and a may be. And I don't believe Rose will ever get the credit for revealing the monster that Is Harvey Weinstein, that also went to Alyssa Milano. Side note: Britney Jean and I'm positive all team con album are represented by. Seth, Ken, Rob and Jeffrey Azoff and my entire team at CAA!!! (They're involved with the conservatorship as well!!!!) Times up indeed. @Style. nicki is silent cos of her manager is part of a major organization that's involved with team con. @Jordan Miller @Slayer @I Always Sing Live the agency Rose called out represents Britney as well per her thank yous on albums beginning with Circus.
  16. The country of Canada is in revolt. As of right now over 150,000 truckers and 2.5 million people have descended onto the parliament building in Ottawa, Ontario to fight against the totalitarian lockdowns and useless mandates. They are now proven not to work and is causing more problems than they are fixing. Mental health problems, suicide have gone way up and over 50% of small businesses are gone forever. The media in Canada is 100% owned by the government and is censoring all information and news coming from the protest. They are actively painting it as a white supremacist movement. People are so fed up even the large aboriginal community has come out in full force to support the movement. This is a peaceful protest. This is not an anti vaccine protest, actually more than 90% of truckers are double or triple vaccinated. So are many of the people there. For the first time in a long time I have been proud of my country and the people. It’s beautiful to see people coming together to fight against a tyrannical government. This post is not for preaching some sort of rhetoric but for information purposes only about something going on in the world. These people will not leave Ottawa until all mandates in Canada are lifted and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau resigns.
  17. ''Novak Djokovic will not be able to defend his Australian Open title after authorities revoked his visa and decided to deport him. The Australian government made the decision last year that all players must be fully vaccinated to enter the country, although they would make some medical examptions available in sepcial cases. Djokovic travelled to Australia on Wednesday believing he was one such case, but he found himself detained at the airport for hours while the legitimacy of his claims were checked. Ultimately, it was decided the world number one had not provided sufficient evidence to support his medical exemption and his visa was cancelled. "The Australian Border Force will continue to ensure that those who arrive at our border comply with our laws and entry requirements." an ABF statement read. "The ABF can confirm that Mr Djokovic failed to provide appropriate evidence to meet the entry requirements to Australia, and his visa has been subsequently cancelled. "Non-citizens who do not hold a valid visa on entry or who have had their visa cancelled will be detained and removed from Australia. "The ABF can confirm Mr Djokovic had access to his phone." Djokovic was then taken to a quarantine hotel while arrangements for made to remove him from the country, atlthough reports claim he will appeal the decision.'' Djokovic is a nine-time Australian Open champion and another victory in Melbourne this year would have seen him surpass Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal in the race for the most career major titles. So basically Novak did not get the vaccine due to medical condition (it's known he has asthma and celiac disease), he got the medical pass and went to Australia. There, he couldn't exit the plane when he landed. He was taken by the police and he was under surveillance and with his phone taken away for more than 6 hours. After Serbian and Australian ambacies got their **** together, he was sent back home. The reason: his visa was filled the wrong way and the medical pass does not count (according to Australian prime minister- EVERYONE has to get the vaxx.) https://www.planetsport.com/tennis/news/rules-rules-novak-djokovic-deported-leave-australian-open-hopes-tatters Also, all this happened exactly 2 years after Dokovic made donations to Australia during the 2019s wildfires. UPDATE 01/10/22- Hearing has been postponed. Dokovic lawyers are still trying to appeal UPDATE- '' Novak Djokovic Can Remain in Australia, Judge Rules The court ordered the government to release him from detention and restore a visa. But Australian officials suggested they may make a new attempt to cancel it.'' https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/09/sports/tennis/novak-djokovic-australian-open-vaccine.html FINAL FOR NOW-
  18. As I’ve stated many times on this forum. I am not anti anything or pro anything. I am simply an academic that wants to see both sides of the issues at hand. Everyone, everywhere needs to watch this whole episode of JRE. Dr. McCullough is a medical expert that is trying to explain both sides of vaccines and vaccine hesitancy. If you have an open mind and critical thinking skills (some formal education would also help) you will find this very informative and will most likely see both sides of the topic. We have data now after 2 years that there are major risks associated with the vaccine but also major benefits. But to deny one or the other is ludicrous. People need to be informed that there are other options and actual treatments that are actually approved vs. a vaccine that is not approved in the USA or anywhere else. Again this is not an anti-vaccine post nor is it misinformation, we have the right to see all opinions and a different side to our own beliefs. This episode is 100% based in science.
  19. In 2020, Peloton and the home gym market thrived in the pandemic to become a Billion dollar industry. Then, 2021 and people going back to regular lives caused the home gym to suffer big time, even Peloton slashed prices on their bikes, and a recall on their treadmills caused a lot of damage.. So they signed a Product placement deal (without reading the script) to the highly anticipated follow up to s** and the city (which everybody is calling the series unrealistic for two of the characters lives. Miranda a black lives activist, and Carrie doing a podcast with younger girls has been described as very unrealistic from the original series characters, only mild prudish Charlotte stayed the same) But the death of Mr. Big has caused a huge uproar cause for 23 years this was Carrie true love, and he died on the Peloton bike. Which has lead the giant to have a cardiologist spokesperson basically say Mr. Big was gonna die for living an extravagant lifestyle of cigars, steaks and booze. He was gonna die anyway. This has a mixed reception on one hand people understand that this image was already tarnished and the fictional TV show could hurt more sales, but you have another side saying Peloton really had yo defend themselves from a piece of fiction. But there's a debate saying Should businesses and brands see the scripts to actually see if it is a good thing for product placement or could it hurt them with endorsements
  20. In probably a first ever, the state of Michigan has charged the parents of the 15 year old student, who went in and disguised himself as a sheriff (his fellow students actually had time to prepare for safety as audio shows he said the word "Bro", which let them know something isn't right about this sheriff). Still despite the preparations it wasnt enough, as a few students died and several were injured over what happened this week, even though you wouldn't have known it, due to the news of the new covid 19 variant is everywhere and this story is basically national media coverage is none existent, between covid and CNN suspending Chris Cuomo for actually helping his brother in lawyers and paying the alleged victims silence, you wouldn't have known a school shooting has happened. But in a rare first, due to the parents purchasing the gun on black Friday as a Christmas gift for the shooter, the State of Michigan has basically charged them with involuntary manslaughter, saying you basically helped him and aided him, you're just as guilty and helped commit the crime as well. This will probably be interesting cos it could have a major impact on minors and guns, now that parents are being charged if the kid uses it as a weapon, instead of it's intended purposes. @Jordan Miller @Urbanney @Slayer
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