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Donald Trump is banned from Joe Rogan's Podcast

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1 hour ago, DougfromBrazilIsBack said:

Or maybe he doesn't want to be banned from Spotify...

he  is not in danger of being banned lmao... they would have to pay him a **** ton of money. Also Trump has been on several podcasts who are all not banned


Joe is a Bernie supporting liberal. I still cant get over how many people think he is a crazy right wing lunatic lol.  :smokney2_smoke_britney_blackout_2007_sunglasses_red_cigarette_smoking:

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15 hours ago, Spicechinodiva said:

You know it's bad, when the number one podcaster and former friend realizes how much of a horrible person you truly are, and a monster in disguise..


Joe Rogan is refusing to be a platform for the most evil man to use as a threat to the democracy our country is..

I didnt hear him say threat to democracy part. Probably because its idiotic and he never said it. :yesokay_britney_blush_blink:

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28 minutes ago, bbbsss said:

okay? first time I hear about him. Literally nobody cares and #MAGA2024. 




It’s because of Trump that SCOTUS is stacked Republican and women’s reproductive rights are being taken away, and they announced they’d be looking into overturning the cases that deal with gay marriage rights, gay equality etc. 

How awful and deranged do you have to be to support this nonsense. GTFO!

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7 minutes ago, blackingouthenegativity said:

It's idiotic to say that a man who tried to overturn democracy via violent insurrection is a threat to democracy? :umwtf_britney_wth_um_wow_eyes_big_okay:

he literally told people to protest peacefully and told them to go home in peace. Violent insurrection? Most of the people were let in by the police and the people that broke in had no weapons? the most heavily armed part of the population and nobody brought a gun to an insurrection? Sounds more like a bunch of angry morons to me.  Trump literally asked for more security the day before and it was denied. :awkblink_britney_awkward_blinking: why do you people always bring me in this position where I have to defend him? 

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4 minutes ago, x.rox said:

It’s because of Trump that SCOTUS is stacked Republican and women’s reproductive rights are being taken away, and they announced they’d be looking into overturning the cases that deal with gay marriage rights, gay equality etc. 

How awful and deranged do you have to be to support this nonsense. GTFO!

Democrats have had 60 years to codify RVW but they did nothing. Obama literally said he would but then changed his mind. :smokney2_smoke_britney_blackout_2007_sunglasses_red_cigarette_smoking: Why is nobody mad at him? Its interesting how it took the democrats seconds to send out emails begging for donations. 

This whole thing was about the constitution and RVW had nothing to do with it. Neither does gay marriage or any of the other stuff mentioned. 

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1 minute ago, The Greatest Show said:

he literally told people to protest peacefully and told them to go home in peace. Violent insurrection? Most of the people were let in by the police and the people that broke in had no weapons? the most heavily armed part of the population and nobody brought a gun to an insurrection? Sounds more like a bunch of angry morons to me.  Trump literally asked for more security the day before and it was denied. :awkblink_britney_awkward_blinking: why do you people always bring me in this position where I have to defend him? 

LMAO. You don't have to defend him. It's your problem that you are so easily misinformed and believe lies over an investigation conducted by Republicans and Democrats. We also have video that proves everything you said is false. 

People brought guns, people chanted to hang the Vice President, they stormed their way through the Capitol and caused damage, cops were killed.

WHY did they do that? Because they believe the election was "stolen". 

WHY did they believe that? Because Donald Trump said so. 

He didn't send anyone in to stop the insurrection. He sat and enjoyed it on television. His closest aides have said so. 

But continue to believe Trump, the biggest liar ever to be in U.S. politics by a long mile. I wish I had little conscious like Trump so that I could scam rubes like you into buying **** from me. Oh well. 

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1 minute ago, The Greatest Show said:

Democrats have had 60 years to codify RVW but they did nothing. Obama literally said he would but then changed his mind. :smokney2_smoke_britney_blackout_2007_sunglasses_red_cigarette_smoking: Why is nobody mad at him? Its interesting how it took the democrats seconds to send out emails begging for donations. 

This whole thing was about the constitution and RVW had nothing to do with it. Neither does gay marriage or any of the other stuff mentioned. 

People are mad at the Democrats. We just don't view them as equally evil as the Republicans who are the REASON we need to codify in the first place. Because they don't have the human decency or empathy to not take away other people's rights.

Congratulations on using your time and energy to defend the indefensible. 

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6 minutes ago, blackingouthenegativity said:

LMAO. You don't have to defend him. It's your problem that you are so easily misinformed and believe lies over an investigation conducted by Republicans and Democrats. We also have video that proves everything you said is false. 

People brought guns, people chanted to hang the Vice President, they stormed their way through the Capitol and caused damage, cops were killed.

WHY did they do that? Because they believe the election was "stolen". 

WHY did they believe that? Because Donald Trump said so. 

He didn't send anyone in to stop the insurrection. He sat and enjoyed it on television. His closest aides have said so. 

But continue to believe Trump, the biggest liar ever to be in U.S. politics by a long mile. I wish I had little conscious like Trump so that I could scam rubes like you into buying **** from me. Oh well. 

what lies? Ive seen him say in the full speach to be peacefull and to leave peacefully. Funnily enough I also saw those parts cut out on the news. Strange.

why was nobody shot? 1 police officer died and they later admitted it was a heart attack or stroke. The only person who was killed was that Air Force lady who was shot by security. If they came armed why did nobody shoot or use their guns? were they just not very serious about the "insurrection". Why did only about 200 people enter and they just walked around taking pictures? Why did the police let most of them in? 

Hilary Clinton also said the 2016 eleciton was stolen. Does that bother you? Do you care that a lot of people thought that Bush stole the election?

wtf are rubes? :awkblink_britney_awkward_blinking:

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Just now, The Greatest Show said:

what lies? Ive seen him say in the full speach to be peacefull and to leave peacefully. Funnily enough I also saw those parts cut out on the news. Strange.

why was nobody shot? 1 police officer died and they later admitted it was a heart attack or stroke. The only person who was killed was that Air Force lady who was shot by security. If they came armed why did nobody shoot or use their guns? were they just not very serious about the "insurrection". Why did only about 200 people enter and they just walked around taking pictures? Why did the police let most of them in? 

Hilary Clinton also said the 2016 eleciton was stolen. Does that bother you? Do you care that a lot of people thought that Bush stole the election?

wtf are rubes? :awkblink_britney_awkward_blinking:

You are a moron and literally say these things because Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Green said it. Why do you insist on just believing what these two say? My biggest mistake is taking the time to fact check someone like you who will believe anything those two liars say over the actual evidence.  But let's roll the tapes because our democracy is very frail and liars like you should not be allowed to go unchecked:

Here is a video from the hearings detailing police transmissions that said Trump supporters brought AR-15's, glocks and rifles into the Capitol

Also, you said 200 people were in the Capitol, actually it was 2,000. And they were not just "taking pictures." You won't watch it because it proves you to be completely wrong and that you just believe anything Donald Trump says, but here is a 40 minute video of the VIOLENCE that took place. 

Four people died. Yes, no one was shot. Doesn't mean it wasn't violent. You do understand that, right? If someone punches me in the face, it doesn't mean it wasn't violent if I wasn't shot by a gun. This is weird I have to explain this to you like a small child. Police officers were injured very badly (see below). Three officers died. One from injuries and two by suicide. So congratulations for downplaying an event that caused police officers to kill themselves... who I'm sure you defended when it's used to attack Democrats. But when it's time to point out the consequences of Trump's rhetoric, you come up with excuses, gaslighting and lies. 

Police Union: Over 140 officers injured in Capital Attack



“I have officers who were not issued helmets prior to the attack who have sustained head injuries,” said the Capitol Police officer’s union chairman, Gus Papathanasiou, in a statement Wednesday. “One officer has two cracked ribs and two smashed spinal discs and another was stabbed with a metal fence stake, to name some of the injuries.” 

According to The Post, 65 D.C. police officers suffered concussions, swollen ankles and wrists, bruises, and irritated lungs from pepper spray. Officers were pushed down stairs, trampled and punched. 81 Capitol police officers were assaulted during the siege, but the extent of their injuries was not detailed in reports.

“The officers are angry, and I don’t blame them. The entire executive team failed us, and they must be held accountable,” he said. “Their inaction cost one officer his life, and we have almost 140 responding officers injured. They have a lot to atone for.” 

The union chairman also said that 38 Capitol Police employees have tested positive for COVID-19 since the attack. Almost all of them had responded to the riot. 

Three officers lost their lives amid the aftermath of the attack. U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died from injuries sustained during the siege and two others died by suicide in the weeks after: D.C. Police Officer Jeffrey Smith and U.S. Capitol Police Officer Howard Liebengood. 

And shut the **** up about Hillary Clinton. That's all you Trump people do. You deflect and do "what about HILLARY? WHAT ABOUT HUNTER BIDEN????" Hillary did say that, but that was about Russia subverting our democracy. She never claimed they changed votes. She never claimed that our voting systems were compromised. You just cherry picked a quote when she was talking about a Russian Disinformation Campaign. Just so you know, Disinformation is false information purposefully spread in order to deceive people. You might refer to Disinformation as "news" as a Trump supporter. 

You really need to look deep within and figure out why you are so susceptible to misinformation, especially by a former reality TV show star with an exhaustive history of lying. 

Also, since you clearly don't like to seek out information, Merriam-Webster defines "rube" as 

1: an awkward unsophisticated person : RUSTIC
2: a naive or inexperienced person



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1 minute ago, The Greatest Show said:

Blackingouthegativity I can see that you are typing and im sure its something mind blowing that I have never heard before but I have to wake up at 3am tomorrow and will be on a work trip so... cant reply. Im sure whatever you are writing is totally accurate tho.

AKA... "deep down I know what I'm saying is probably bull****, but I don't want to admit I'm wrong, so I'm going to find an excuse to not have to read or take in any new information that goes against what Donald Trump says"

"something mind blowing" aka literal VIDEO that shows you are wrong about:

The number of people there. The weapons that were taken there. Trump's own words claiming the election was stolen and lie after lie after lie that worked people up into violence because they thought their country was being stolen. 

You are a vessel of Trump disinformation on this forum. No one should believe anything you say after trying to gaslight in this thread and deny what we have video footage of. Shame on you, honestly. It's people like you that are causing our democracy to be hanging by a thread. 

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