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What really happened with the divorce and Sam?

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3 hours ago, stronger1992 said:

It’s pretty obvious why. Look at Britney during the Glory era when they started dating, she was thriving, happy, mentally stable. Fast forward to now, and there’s quite a difference. She’s a completely different person. Britney does not take care of herself, no shade to her but it clearly shows. We all know she’s struggling and needs proper treatment. I think once she was free, Sam started seeing the real Britney and concerning behavior. I think Britney did actually need meds, obviously nothing crazy like lithium but ones that actually made her a functioning human. Because right now she’s not that. Sam has a good head on his shoulders, Britney not so much. I don’t think he realized that until he actually saw it for himself once she was free and not taking care of herself.

What an undermining statement.

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Posted (edited)

It's curious the relationship ended after he finally married with her... and it barely lasted one year.

Scam knew all Britney problems when he married her.

The story of the cheating is possible but I don't even think they were "a couple" for all the marriage time. I don’t even think they lived together for the most part.

When tmz started with the domestic violence stories and Scam "by accident" showed a paparazzi some bruises (and Maxi confirmed it was from training) I imagined the relationship was about to end.

Scam wouldn’t drop this relationship with empty hands... if he was the one dumping her, then he got something solid to make $$$. Changing the prenup or blackmail.

Britney and Paul were hanging out right after the end of marriage news, right after TMZ report Britney had an affair with two employees and Scam saw something. 

Britney shouldn't cheat Scam (if that happened) but... fans still thinking this man was genuine is so funny. Just ask yourself why from 2016 to 2019 he was the longest relationship had, ask yourself why Jamie would allow this man if he didn’t trust him. Ask yourself why he lied the way he did while Britney was suffering drugged and locked.

He is not selling her out (yet) because he still hopes to be a serious actor. He know a controversy like thst wouldn’t open doors for big studios... and Britney team was allegedly paying for his apartment.

Edited by Dark Willow
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1 hour ago, kleinbritney said:

Sam is currently in Cannes. But he hasn't commented on Britney.


Why S. Asghari is in Cannes. Iranian film director Rasoulof has fled Iran and is in Cannes promoting the film for which he was going to be flogged and imprisoned. It was not his first time in prison for his film work. Fleeing was dangerous. The Iranian authorities had taken away his passport.

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Was this not enough of a red flag to show that Sam didn’t care about Britney? Would you let your loved one be imprisoned in a mental facility that she didn’t need, be traumatized and abused, and do nothing? The fact that he stayed silent speaks volumes.



Second, he filed for divorce days after their trip to Mexico. They even have some videos and photos from that trip. He listed the date of separation as July 28, 2023, but here is a video taken on July 14, 2023. Something must have happened after this trip. I really think he thought he could contest the prenup; thankfully, it was ironclad.




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8 hours ago, stronger1992 said:

It’s pretty obvious why. Look at Britney during the Glory era when they started dating, she was thriving, happy, mentally stable. Fast forward to now, and there’s quite a difference. She’s a completely different person. Britney does not take care of herself, no shade to her but it clearly shows. We all know she’s struggling and needs proper treatment. I think once she was free, Sam started seeing the real Britney and concerning behavior. I think Britney did actually need meds, obviously nothing crazy like lithium but ones that actually made her a functioning human. Because right now she’s not that. Sam has a good head on his shoulders, Britney not so much. I don’t think he realized that until he actually saw it for himself once she was free and not taking care of herself.

why did he wait to marry her? she was freed long before and already was showing most of the concerning behavior. things just don't add up

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Only them know what happened but, being honest, she seemed way better when she was with him.

I think he is a good guy. He could’ve done so much to her image, it’s not that difficult. And he certainly could’ve make it a lot of cash selling inside stories about their marriage. He just moved on and never said one bad word about her (neither her about him). 

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5 minutes ago, stronger1992 said:

They got married not even a year after it ended 

7 months. They were serious about having a family, but she lost the pregnancy early. Over a decade of imprisonment and this miscarriage took a toll on both, especially Britney who had suffered through all of it. They are keeping the separation private, no need to speculate. 

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12 hours ago, Mayenaise said:

I don't think it's fair to say she prefers "rough".

If you drill down deeper the rough type she prefers are just losers without jobs, usually married too...

Sam was driven and passionate. She must have resented that, and he must have resented her for not wanting to get better.

Yeah, I wonder if she prefers men who don’t have anything going on with their careers or passionate hobbies because she is needy and wants all their time and attention

But I have always wondered about their relationship and marriage and if it was ever real or just some sort of arrangement or deal 

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Sam would get $1 million for every 2 years they were married, with a cap of $10 million after 15 years. He bailed 10 months before he was eligible for $1 million. That’s a huge deal.

I love Britney and know she’s been traumatized beyond belief. But being a partner to her in that house must’ve come with a lot of challenges.

Her story is sad and complex.


Before Britney Spears and Sam Asghari walked down the aisle in 2022, the couple signed a...



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Posted (edited)

Sam voleva controllarla. He was the first to talk about her and for her at TMZ,poi mo****ava anche le ragazze in palestra, quindi lei lo ha mandato via.

Edited by BPI
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16 hours ago, J45x said:

I have followed her since her debut. She was never going to be happy with the fit gym lifestyle because that is not her!



wait what??

she loved going to the gym! i even think she was obsessed at one point… she looked SO fit!

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The Britney he met is wayyyy wayyyy gone. Trauma will change a person forever . It’s difficult to live with someone whose had teu

and worse when that person continues to say “I’m not going to be a victim or try to be a victom BUT… then then final straw was when Sam found Britney with the help. Now it makes more sense almost a year later

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4 hours ago, Inherzone said:


wait what??

she loved going to the gym! i even think she was obsessed at one point… she looked SO fit!

She loves the gym! She is very athletic. Loves basketball. But she also likes to party and hang out. She is not like Sam who has a strict gym and diet schedule. She seems to go more with the flow.

That is what I'm talking about.

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8 hours ago, BritneyInTheZoney said:

It just didn't work out. I don't think Sam is "perfect" as some fans claim. Didn't he harass girls at a gym while he was with Britney and those TMZ pop ups.

Someone had the receipts of that on IG, wonder what happened to them

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