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  1. I'm usually all about indie rock, metal and stuff, but Britney is the only pop star I really vibe with. Most pop music feels so bland and generic, but Britney's stuff is actually interesting. Her productions have always treaded the line between progressive , experimental, cutting-edge and mainstream corporate pop music ... Honestly, she feels like the OG of hyperpop, kinda laying the groundwork for artists like Charli XCX. She is the basis/prototype of a robotic popstar. She kinda paved the way for the hyperpop sound. It's like she mixed the experimental with the mainstream trends, Britney always pushed the envelope and boundaries of pop sound and made it weirder. Songs like “Piece of Me” and “Radar” are so cool and weird—mechanical, synthetic, cold, soulless, robotic, and kinda eerie. Only Britney could drop tracks like that and have them smash the Billboard charts. The way the songs are arranged and the way her vocals are overprocessed to death, autotuned, vocoded and stuff, it's very proto-hyperpop to me.
  2. I’ve been reading some of britney’s old magazine interviews and I find the Rolling Stone one (2000) so bittersweet. It’s endearing how she cared for her work and her family but even then people could tell she was lonely and really overworked:( she’s always lacked a good support system and people who truly cared for her. She was so young and naive at the peak of her career and really needed guidance and the people surrounding her mostly cared for the product not the person. This excerpt specifically makes me very sad - It is near the end of the final interview when you ask Spears which of her qualities she’d most like to see portrayed in an article. “I don’t want to say,” she says. “Why don’t you tell me what you think of me?” You strike a deal: that she will tell you her ideas if you, in turn, tell her yours. “OK,” she says, sitting up on her hotel bed. “I’m someone who’s really focused. This isn’t all fun and play.” She pulls her knees to her chest and rocks. “The reason why I say that is that in the interview in “People” magazine, when people write back after the article, they wrote the most hurtful things ever,” says Spears. “The interviewer made it seem like all I talked about was Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck, which isn’t true at all. So they wrote all these degrading things. I’m really serious about what I do. And I’m someone who is down-to-earth and comes from a good family. I love my family….” She stares at the bedspread for a moment. “OK,” she says. “Your turn.” You start slowly, saying that you agree with much of what she said — that she is sweet and hardworking and down-to-earth. You also tell her that she seems very lonely. There is a long pause. “I think you’re right,” she finally says. “Keep going.” You tell her that it seems as if part of her wants to be a normal kid, yet being a normal kid has always been boring to her. That she loves where she’s from but doesn’t want to live there, and, together, this makes her feel guilty. “That’s just right,” says Spears. “I want to be by my family, but I don’t think I can live there. I’m so used to all these things that these other places have to offer, so I would be miserable there.” Again her voice trails off. You ask her if she’s scared that, by wanting her current life, she’s alienating the people who are closest to her in the world. She musters a smile. “That’s so right, it’s scary,” she says. (…) In a flash Spears is back to work, moving in time with her dancers. When the show finally ends with “…Baby One More Time,” the audience goes wild. Spears says her thank yous and rushes offstage, straight to the parking facility, where her bus sits idling. She jumps onboard, still sweaty from the perform­ance, and before her fans have even left their seats, Spears is on the road, a police es***t leading the way. Some time during the night, she will be told that she has been asked to both host and perform on the May 13th “Saturday Night Live,” but, for now, Spears is simply in motion. It is a nine-hour drive to Baltimore, where tomorrow, Spears will repeat the events of today almost point by point. She is eighteen years old, and this may be her only moment, so she is working like there’s no tomorrow.
  3. Kamala Harris’ smash hit “Coconut Tree” is taking over Billboard charts. The new summer anthem. UPDATE: Longer version has been released. #OperationCoconut
  4. I’ve pretty much accepted that we won’t hear new Britney music. At least not anytime soon but IF she makes new music someday - what are new genres or music styles you’d like to see her experience with? I’d personally love if she dabbed a little into any genre she hasn’t done before for a new album. I’ve seen fans on here talk about how Britney’s voice is pretty much a whole new instrument for producers and I couldn’t agree more, she can be very versatile if she wants to. I think she’d sound amazing if she did a couple angry rock songs singing with that exaggerated style rock singers usually have. House music is kinda making a comeback so it’d be interesting to see what she does with that. R&B would be cool too.
  5. Wow negativity seems to be at an all time high with what I'm seeing....let's all post some things about why the world loves Britney so much so that she feels it...remember what she said in her book?? She feels a connection to us at all times and is highly intuitive and empathetic I'll start:
  6. Cher has announced her memoir part 1 will be released in November. I love Cher but the book cover is a picture from herself from 1900 in black and white, with her name in color Remember our meltdown in July 2023 when Britney announced her memoir with a picture from 2002? I believe we should apologize for our meltdown tbqfh! At least Britney was really creative with her memoir title Britney setting trends as always Discuss!
  7. Remember 2-3 years ago the whole Billy B message fiasco? I genuinely thought this guy was doing it for attention, but sadly this afternoon while researching information about gangstalking (a type of paranoid delusion prevalent on people with schizophrenia) I found this old documentary where he stars in and talks about his experiences with these types of delusions and how he thinks he is being stalked by the public. At first I thought he was just opportunistic and disgusting but now i feel sad that I misjudged his behavior, he is just deeply mentally ill. His appearance starts on 4:46
  8. My favorite number regarding Britney is 2, cause Britney's second single is Sometimes do share yours trust me u can get creative with this infinite number of numbers WITH LOVE, Kaarel.
  9. Which track could not be missing in your opinion? For me, this one:
  10. It's legit in my top 5 Britney songs and I think it's such an insta/tiktok friendly song. The "take me touch me" part and the chorus...I can imagine people using it for memes about kissing lol. Also house music has become so popular, there's a whole new audience for it. Get Back will be her most streamed non-single soon. I wish the same would happen to ATWK Are any of yall tiktok famous and can make it happen? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3tWy0u6hGA
  11. My brother keeps BLACKOUT as his main playlist while working out. I think this might indicate that he is a little gay tho IDK. I love when comes back from the GYM and all his aroma will fill the room. one time I wore his GYM T shirt, boxes annd Big sneakers and I started feeling myself I was about to BLOW.mp3 Isn't FUN?
  12. This is not a hate thread, just some fun poll cause i'm bored Vote here for the worst Britney song of all time
  13. Another day of boredom for the Britney army leads me to the question, which of her cars is your favorite? We know Britney loves to drive and she drives in style. Here are the options.. A. White Mercedes convertible B. Black Mercedes convertible C. Mercedes Jeep D. Smart Car E. Black Lexus SUV F. Black Cadillac Escalade So what’s your personal favorite? EDIT: Was super stoned when I made this thread and forgot her iconic white Mercedes from the early 2000s. G.
  14. *rant ahead* Something I really don’t get is all the hate and vitriol she gets from the “dancing” clips she shares on her IG. First off, she’s said recently that she rarely dances on her IG. That tells me she knows the clips she shares don’t truly showcase her abilities as a dancer. Rather, it’s just a form of artistic expression and something that makes her happy. Can’t we let the girl just be happy? FYI, this is her when she wants to show off her dancing abilities. What do you guys think, does she still have her dancing skills in tact? Or has she truly lost all the talent she had? Discuss.
  15. Happy Saturday Britney Army Nerds! Today in Britney Spears History: On July 20th, 2004 "Outrageous" was released as the fourth and ultimately final single from In The Zone. While Jive Records had wanted the song as a single over previous singles "Me Against the Music" and "Toxic," Britney had delayed the song's release. It was ultimately released as part of a campaign for Halle Berry's 2004 film Catwoman. The song peaked at #79 on the BBH100. It has only been performed live at The Onyx Hotel Tour. A music video, set to premiere on June 28th, was cancelled after Britney was injured on set, which also caused the cancellation of the remaining dates of The Onyx Hotel Tour. A composite of various scenes that were recorded prior to the injury were included on the DVD release of Greatest Hits: My Prerogative. The video features rapper Snoop Dogg.
  16. I know that Britney usually doesn't make personal songs, but We have songs like Lonely ("Ain't no way I'll be lonely"), unreleased tracks: She'll Never Be Me (title says by itself) , Tell Me Am I Sinner ("I confess if I've done it wrong But in your eyes I see I'm guilty....", "This is not my fault") Feels like he probably cheated on her and then she cheated on him or something like that. Is it my conspiracy or these hints are reasonable? What do you think?
  17. is it one of her best performances? where does it rank for you? how do you rate its quality?
  18. The most pop or the ones I thought Exhale would be interested in: #86 #83 #82 #72 #71 #67 #63 #58 #57 #26 #15 #9 The 100 Best Album Covers of All Time WWW.ROLLINGSTONE.COM The 100 Best Album Covers of All Time: Beatles, Nirvana, Kendrick Lamar and more
  19. whįch one you prefer? today i go with Now That Í Founď u
  20. Ok so she was born in the early 80s kinda big early in the century.. Now it's 2024! This is your topic longtime Britney stans and stubborn exhalers. Help out the poor and lost kids. We're actually a handful! : - ) Britney time, from the beginning until now. Where should the lines be drawn in time? How many divisions? How do look upon Britney from beginning to now? And for those that are both loving and smart, pointing out into the future. A good history don't keep the present and future out of its mind. Teach all of us newcomers, bring us up. How do we look at Britney, way beyond here and now?
  21. Little Mix's Jade expresses her love for Britney. She co-wrote 'Pretty Girls', it was originally a song for one of Little Mix's albums but they didn't want it and Britney wanted it. She says it is iconic how hated it is In a recent interview she says Britney is one of her inspirations for the album. If Britney came back i'd love her to work with Jade on a song like her debut single. Jade's song is trashing Simon Cowell and the music industry. Also she dropped her debut solo single today:
  22. https://youtube.com/@museinfinite This YouTube channel keeps popping up on my homepage, claiming to use AI to create fanmade music videos. But all they're doing is taking someone else's music videos (mostly k-pop or some latino music video) and replacing their faces with Britney using deepfake technology (NOT AI) that's been around since 2016 and fooling people into believing it's fully made by AI Whether it's supposed to be AI or not, it's just not cute or cool. It's actually super creepy, and it doesn't even look like Britney to begin with. They even made a video where they turned Justin Timberlake and Britney into mermaid with deepfake and making them lovers. Like, seriously? It's just weird.
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