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Britney: Is it a joke in the news again with welfare checks, I’ve been bullied in my home for so long now…ITS ENOUGH!

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15 hours ago, Tranquil24 said:

At the end of the day, Britney needs to realize that she IS a public figure and any action will be met with immense scrutiny and criticism.


And no, being a public figure doesn't give free access to her private life, but that's an unfortunate consequence.


Britney, get a professional and seasoned team, get a good PR manager, and they can turn your twirling into the next TikTok challenge. They can SHIELD  you from this. Unfortunately, right now Britney seems like a lonely, moody, and chaotic woman who lives alone and is isolated from everyone with nothing to do but dancing for hours.


Emphasis on "seems".

This is exactly my sentiments on the subject.   She is a public figure...
If she really wanted to, she could move and move beyond the scope of NA.  Unfortunately, her parents decided her fate super early in life so while I feel for her in not being able to have "privacy" - it is the price of fame and an unfortunate consequence.  And I don't disagree that she deserves privacy.  It's just she isn't gonna get one posting to 40+ million followers on tiktok and elsewhere.  
It's weird.    It's like she wants to have this type of discourse with the public, continously.  She unfortunately cannot post whatever she feels because then you get people that will do some cruel things and that's the way of the world.  Humans are fickle and her own family could probably be the one sending the cops over.   I mean, it's just all so bizarre that she invites this type of discord in her life, even after she worked so hard to be "free."   She self-sabotages so hard.

Edited by Nina Dobrev
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1 hour ago, whenthedogscaneout said:

Yeah, it’s everywhere and it’s nothing to celebrate. It baffles me that some fans think going viral for that is positive or blame other fans for the alleged smear campaign. This is literally her doing. :gerlwat_sunglasses_cigarette_looking_what_blink:

For real, many of us see how others are trying to blame the fans for all of this, they claim the fans are trying to control her, they claim the fans need to be sheep with rose colored glasses on enabling and yass queening everything she does. 

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16 hours ago, ObsessedBritFan1 said:

It's called a welfare check, Britney. It's not bullying. If you are not a danger to yourself or others, there would be no reason to admit you involuntarily. It's part of any mental health act. 

You’re telling that to a person who was unlawfully stripped of her constitutional rights for 13 years and forced into a facility for 4 months against her will without being a danger to herself or others. Let that happen to you and then come back and talk about what you perceive is bullying and what’s not. 

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16 hours ago, The Femme Fatale said:

That was from last year for Halloween. People get dressed up and take photo ops for Halloween. Sad that you just now bring it up because someone recently brought it up and want to use that to justify your argument. 

Didn’t know dressing up and putting fake blood on yourself was a crime on Halloween. Better go and get everyone to the psych ward and into a conservatorship ASAP because Diamond Circus thinks it’s weird and a crime!

street help GIF by South Park

That's Diamond, Badbunny, and Joel Santos for you. It's as if Bitney is the only one who posed with fake blood during Halloween. On this thread, the pretenders came out and pretended to defend the welfare check as something of a "concern for her" when really was nothing but only to get a reaction out of her. which then justified the suspects of fakeries to leave nonsense comments on this thread. 

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Anyone paying attention to the “official story” can only agree that this was an abuse of power and steered by media coverage of her. A member of the LAPD saw the video and thought it was enough for a team to go to her home. Why? She made no threats, no gestures  to harm herself. It was a complete overreaction. And you have a person who has been seriously traumatized by being held against her will by authority figures constantly having police show up at her home. She goes off the grid… cops called for welfare check. She posts unfiltered content on social media… cops called for a welfare check. Leave the ******* woman ALONE. May she be suffering and in need of help? Maybe. But going about it this way is NOT HELPING HER. She is a free, autonomous human being who deserves to have her life play out the way she wants it to. When or if she recognizes she needs help she needs to come to her own conclusions and make that choice for herself. Until then forcing it upon her because of public perception is only doing more damage. Let her live. 

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2 hours ago, Haha-Hehe-Haha-Ho said:

That’d be convenient for you, huh? I will stop calling you out when you stop giving me reasons to. 

What warranted you to mention me in the first place when I hadn’t even been posting for a few days? Go fry some bigger fish, your obsession is weird af.

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11 minutes ago, blackingouthenegativity said:

A tacit acknowledgment that you're not a fan of Britney :billie_eilish_green_chuckle_cackle_lol_lmao_haha_hehe_laugh:



She's still my most listened artist, and I'm a fan of the Britney Spears brand. The person I'm not sure about at the moment tbh... she's just not giving me good vibes currently. That's no drag and I'll admit it, I still have a right to be here though. :tired_so_there_head_tilt_annoyed_see_rose_mcgowan:


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55 minutes ago, Itscuzim31 said:

You’re telling that to a person who was unlawfully stripped of her constitutional rights for 13 years and forced into a facility for 4 months against her will without being a danger to herself or others. Let that happen to you and then come back and talk about what you perceive is bullying and what’s not. 


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2 hours ago, Maria962 said:

I don't know if I'm reaching...but to me it's like she subconsciously wanted that to happen from the beginning, I remember when Britney and Sam went on their honeymoon and she posted a video with him on a boat saying that she was being obnoxious and recreating "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" (I'm paraphrasing), saying that she hoped they wouldn't kill each other at the end of the year and all the complaints about their wedding. It seems as if she is trying to recreate a little of what happened before she lost her freedom. Self-sabotage at its finest

Oh wow idk that. :plzexplain_britney_karaoke_carpool_confused_oh_okay_hmm_nod_eyebrows_raised:

I wonder what can cause her to act like that if its true.

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1 hour ago, AZBH27 said:

That's Diamond, Badbunny, and Joel Santos for you. It's as if Bitney is the only one who posed with fake blood during Halloween. On this thread, the pretenders came out and pretended to defend the welfare check as something of a "concern for her" when really was nothing but only to get a reaction out of her. which then justified the suspects of fakeries to leave nonsense comments on this thread. 

Thanks for your concern Abdul!

@princessmimi @GlitterRain

This account gives Abdul vibes fyi 

He joined August 24th yet in his comments talks about things prior to his sign up date! :bouncey:

Edited by DiamondCircus
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People here saying “acts got consequences” are wack. Dancing with knives on her socials shouldn’t justify for a wellness check imo. It just really annoys me, those fans that are so concerned about her having “an image to preserve”. Reminds me of Jamie stating on court documents that Britney’s actions were undermining “her icon status”. Dude, it’s 2023, artists can do whatever they want, look at Doja Cat, Halsey and Billie Eilish, they’re far from having a perfect image and they’re doing pretty good.

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2 hours ago, Maria962 said:

I don't know if I'm reaching...but to me it's like she subconsciously wanted that to happen from the beginning, I remember when Britney and Sam went on their honeymoon and she posted a video with him on a boat saying that she was being obnoxious and recreating "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" (I'm paraphrasing), saying that she hoped they wouldn't kill each other at the end of the year and all the complaints about their wedding. It seems as if she is trying to recreate a little of what happened before she lost her freedom. Self-sabotage at its finest

Kinda of like testing the waters, she’s gauging the outrage of the public, they’re more outraged about her using prop knives to dance then they were of her being robbed of her freedom for 13 years for no reason other than a postpartum depression, mixed with bad decisions but she could have been rehabilitated they just got greedy because they realized what a work horse and cashcow  she was and NObody spoke up lmao until she finally did after they forced her into an institution due to disagreements on business matters (residency part 2) 🤯🤯 she spoke up and yes fans gave momentum but she was eventually going to make it a point to fight, it was bubbling. They took her kids and used them as pawns to get her to cooperate!!! they demoralized the women, and we pounce on everything she does, I don’t think she’s trying to prove a point anymore. bc at this point I don’t think she cares she probably feels like she’s free falling, but god willing she can get some good grounding and the public can focus on real issues, give this type of energy to the real problems in your communities bc Britney’s not the problem. I personally think we should constantly be sending her love and support because she seems to need it now more than ever.

Edited by Poopstar
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17 hours ago, The Femme Fatale said:

Yeah because she name dropped the store she got them from.

Logic is hard for some people lol 

17 hours ago, filmandstage13 said:

I’m sure there are some people who are truly concerned for Britney, but the comments that litter this site don’t sound like they’re coming from places of concern.

Also, know the difference between wanting what is best for Britney and wanting her to act in a way you approve of.


I agree with this. It's okay to not agree with everything she does I surely don't but it's always the same group of folks who are just dying to go in on every move she makes and justify it by saying we are concerned. 

Imagine disagreeing with someone so much and then continuing to spend hours of your own life on the person you don't agree with. 

If there was logical discussion going on it would make sense, but it's just another form of bashing and it's allowed now, so we either accept it or leave the site, and it sucks because the irony is the ones who are staying are the ones who are always negative towards her. 

They don't like what she looks like, they don't like what she post, they don't like her content and yet they participate in a fan site? :idgi_dont_get_it_how_confused_what_hmm_umm_thinking:

Why are yall here if you don't like anything she does? Idk I'm venting at this point.

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2 hours ago, Maria962 said:

I don't know if I'm reaching...but to me it's like she subconsciously wanted that to happen from the beginning, I remember when Britney and Sam went on their honeymoon and she posted a video with him on a boat saying that she was being obnoxious and recreating "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" (I'm paraphrasing), saying that she hoped they wouldn't kill each other at the end of the year and all the complaints about their wedding. It seems as if she is trying to recreate a little of what happened before she lost her freedom. Self-sabotage at its finest

Maria, it is true that Britney occasionally posted passive-aggressive comments on her relationship with Sam. Not only the one you referred to. To me it sounded like she didn't really know any better because she never had a good role model, certainly not her parents. 

Coming back to that phone call to the police. It is very serious that the LAPD health unit showed up instead of the local sheriff. Somebody who is very afraid of the revelations in the book tries to recreate conditions similar to 2007, but the situation has completely changed, Still, the tabloids have a feast and the accusatory posts here on Exhale have multiplied. 

I love that the three-letter tabloid had to write about the prop shop. :haha_britney_laugh_lol_lmao_hehe_haha_bw_black_white:

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