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Nominate an Exhaler to join our Moderator team

Message added by Jordan Miller,

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5 hours ago, BritneyLVR said:

@Jordan MillerΒ I’ve received warning points from a mod and I believe it wasn’t fair. No where in here have I incited hate or tried to muddy the community. Where particularly did I do this exactly? Please look into this! I didn’t realize that we weren’t allowed to have an opinion on here? I reached out to this mod but wanted to put it here for you to see. If I don’t write on here for a bit, ya’ll know why! Turns out that giving out random and unwarranted warning points is still a thing. I’ve literally been super nice in this thread and have been thanking everyone who nominated me? Except for one particular member who came at me first :oprah_well_there_you_have_it_proof_see_hand:Β I’ve mentioned things I would do as moderator but just because someone is sensitive, they shouldn’t be throwing around warning points. That’s exactly what Exhale is tired of Β :makeup_kylie_jenner_makeup_brush_lol_laugh_haha_hehe_lmao:

PS let’s hope that EVERYONE who was commenting rude/shady comments and muddying the community and inciting hate in this thread also received warning points. I’m not sure why I even received them randomly today?Β 

Sounds like someone sabotaging you to keep get their friend back as a mod you literally haven’t said one disrespectful thing in here that would result in warning points @Jordan MillerΒ please for once address this instead of putting your loyal users at risk of leaving this site no disrespect but we keep this forum active daily and the more this constant BS happens the less people will want to come here stop avoiding this mess of a management system and do something about your site stop letting people dictate (watch me get another suspension)Β 

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1 minute ago, BettyBoop said:

Sounds like someone sabotaging you to keep get their friend back as a mod you literally haven’t said one disrespectful thing in here that would result in warning points @Jordan MillerΒ please for once address this instead of putting your loyal users at risk of leaving this site no disrespect but we keep this forum active daily and the more this constant BS happens the less people will want to come here stop avoiding this mess of a management system and do something about your site stop letting people dictate (watch me get another suspension)Β 

:hugs_madonna_britney_ftr_2008_circus_hugging_friends_support:Β @Jordan Miller

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OMG! I come back from a busy weekend to see my name in nominated by @CrazyButItFeelsAllrightΒ and @GODNA IS A QUEEN. Thank you so much!!! I appreciate you both saying that. It means a lot to me coming from you both!!! :sobbing_unbelievable_wow_head_shake_no_crying_sobbing_sad:


I promise if I'm brought on, I will be open to feedback on the choices I make! I definitely want people to feel heard. I want people to know that I won't lash out, and I will be fair. You would always be able to come to me to discuss things. I'm all for helping this community thrive and be a fun place for all pop culture lovers!

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21 hours ago, Stefani said:

I'm legit shocked that nobody nominated me considering that I've been the most unbiased and kindest member. :crying2_britney_crying_tears_2003_diane_sobbing_sad:Β I mean I wouldn't want to be a mod anyways, but the fact that I was completely snubbed is what hurts the most.Β :meltdown_panic_scream_falling_die_ahh_scream_yell:

I nominate youΒ :hugs_madonna_britney_ftr_2008_circus_hugging_friends_support:

Hard to find Mimi fans here.Β 

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