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Is Madonna underrated nowadays?

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Now before I get any angry comments,

im NOT discrediting or downplaying her legacy

but I feel like in this new generation, she is really overlooked and not as acknowledged as her other peers.

Even Britney and Mariah get more praise and are called "inspirations" more than Madonna.

I have a feeling its because of her recent behavior and shocking new look,

that people dont take her seriously.

But thats just my opinion.


What do u guys think?

Like I said I KNOW she's a legend and the best selling female singer ever but she is kinda underrated now.

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If her career had ended with COADF or Hard Candy, she would've been more praised in modern times imo. But then MDNA came and it was super underwhelming and aged like milk, then she started smoking weed and wearing grillz and dating men 1/4th her age, and just being incredibly hungry for attention overall.

Now she just comes across as desperate whereas Mariah still maintains some semblance of class and dignity while releasing good quality music. :mcwave_mariah_Carey_kiss_bye_goodbye_wave:

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Sadly, ageism has affected her current success (or lack thereof). Still, I think that her legend status will carry her through. A few days ago, I was teaching proper nouns to students... in one exercise they had to write a singer's name. I was expecting the Olivias and the Billies, but no, queen Madge showed up... one of them said that she loved 'Material Girl'. :kylie_proud_yes_wow_impressive_amazing:

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One take I see is that Mariah is current thanks to AIFCIY charting every christmas now, plus her positive interaction with Ariana was a plus to the youth:mhm_britney_nodding_yes_mhmm:

For Britney, Toxic is on repeat, and Work ***** is also on repeat especially for running playlists.

But Madonna doesn't have like a "current" hit. "B I'm Madonna" was like the last one almost a decade ago.

She is talked like an artist that isn't active, when she is tho.

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17 hours ago, princessmimi said:

Now before I get any angry comments,

im NOT discrediting or downplaying her legacy

but I feel like in this new generation, she is really overlooked and not as acknowledged as her other peers.

Even Britney and Mariah get more praise and are called "inspirations" more than Madonna.

I have a feeling its because of her recent behavior and shocking new look,

that people dont take her seriously.

But thats just my opinion.


What do u guys think?

Like I said I KNOW she's a legend and the best selling female singer ever but she is kinda underrated now.


Yes, ur absolutely correct and i agree 

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Idk about USA, its good to keep in mind Madonnas political stances have damaged her reputation there. In Europe Madonna is very respected and she is talked about a lot more than brltney or mariah. Madonna has so many timeless hits that i think she will be relevant for a long while. Britney has been on the rise for a while now and mariah while she has AIWFC i dont see her being talked about as a legend all that much. Some of Mariahs scandals and infamous lip sync performances have definitely hurt her stance as a legend. If i had to pick Celine Dion is definitely the most popular legend in europe, everyone still respects her. 

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Madonna's social media presence has killed her career in terms of the last 5 years with the things she posts not involving ageism.

If she just embraced aging and stopped trying to chase relevance she would be respected more. It's crazy how someone can be so mature at their 40s and 50s and then become immature in their 60s.


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18 hours ago, HisNameisChase said:

Madonna's social media presence has killed her career in terms of the last 5 years with the things she posts not involving ageism.

If she just embraced aging and stopped trying to chase relevance she would be respected more. It's crazy how someone can be so mature at their 40s and 50s and then become immature in their 60s.


I think she had a mid life crisis,

thats why she's acting so crazy imo.

I've known people who've gotten them and they're NEVER the same afterwards

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She is not underrated , her unbelievable influence in pop music and fashion will never be forgotten however she has become a caricature of herself,

strong independent women turn into old lady desperately seeking for youth


Also she didn't release anything good or commercially successful for a decade.


Also this comes from someone who grew up on Madonna, who has all her CDs, some singles, vinyls, saved money to see her live so its even more sad to see the big idol turn into this.


sad michelle obama GIF by Obama

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The problem with Madonna is that she's too self absorbed. It was refreshing back then when basically there was no global powerhouse popstar, she came with a bang and kept surprising everyone, but now things have changed and she can't pretend to keep being the center of attention. Also, she has this delusion of wanting to be the enlightening savior of human kind... And girl, it's just pop music, chill.

And finally, the world is ageist but also why would anyone want to watch a grown woman deformed by surgeries and filtered to the high heavens be photographed half naked on the floor every single time. Why is that worth people's attention and respect? Like, honest question.

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On 4/8/2022 at 9:20 AM, stanLOONA said:

But Madonna doesn't have like a "current" hit. "B I'm Madonna" was like the last one almost a decade ago.

Work ***** is older than ***** I’m Madonna though. 7 years ago, I don’t think Madonnas song was a “hit” tbh, just briefly viral with teenagers scrolling YouTube  (I was literally one) because of the cameos, not the quality of the song. 

she’s been problematic since literally calling her son the n word despite adopting a Black son from a country in Africa. It’s horrible and honestly just just ageism (although that does play a part). People legitimately are critical of her actions for a reason. That being said, I will have to admit she was a force to be reckoned with until about 2008/2009. Her legacy is indisputable but largely overlooked because of her recent posts, which actually could be ageism but also people being rightfully critical of her using Black culture for her gain. 

I personally enjoy a lot of Ray of Light and Music


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11 hours ago, MIKE_INT said:

She is not underrated , her unbelievable influence in pop music and fashion will never be forgotten however she has become a caricature of herself,

strong independent women turn into old lady desperately seeking for youth


Also she didn't release anything good or commercially successful for a decade.


Also this comes from someone who grew up on Madonna, who has all her CDs, some singles, vinyls, saved money to see her live so its even more sad to see the big idol turn into this.


sad michelle obama GIF by Obama

Problem with Madonna is she is trying too hard to fit in! She should take a step back and enjoy the legacy she created…like Celine and Mariah !


She do controversial stuff, which give her more negative outlook. She has nothing to prove, she is most successful, her tours sons out in minutes! She should embrace low key profile now..


she should release remix of her old song, enjoy being a feature artist for chart success, but she should be careful with her image cause she is self destroying it

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4 hours ago, Rik said:

Work ***** is older than ***** I’m Madonna though. 7 years ago

But like I said, Work B is still "current" because is added to workout playlists and people do know the song, unlike BIM.

Yeah, her last "era" was Hard Candy, after that she is considered a legend almost in a throwback way

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On 4/8/2022 at 4:14 AM, Stefani said:

If her career had ended with COADF or Hard Candy, she would've been more praised in modern times imo. But then MDNA came and it was super underwhelming and aged like milk, then she started smoking weed and wearing grillz and dating men 1/4th her age, and just being incredibly hungry for attention overall.

Now she just comes across as desperate whereas Mariah still maintains some semblance of class and dignity while releasing good quality music. :mcwave_mariah_Carey_kiss_bye_goodbye_wave:

You speak as if dating someone 1/4th her age or smoking w**d, was something bad to become a successful in the music industry. How did snoop dog got there then?

Let's face it. ageism is real. They do not like an older women playing a **** role. (they are wrong) and so her music is not played in radio stations.

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On 4/8/2022 at 3:14 PM, Leolileinstein said:

She has 0 to prove, she doesn't need. 

OT: ABSOLUTELY!! I absolutely agree with every single thing you said

Yeah, she is Madonna.

I was really upset about the Living For Love drama with BBC, like they didn't play her song in the main list, what do you do about that? Nothing. Ageism is real.

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