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Are We Happy Britney's Last Ever Album Being Glory?

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Britney has lowkey announced that she's staying clear of the industry, is done touring and doesn't wanna be "britney spears" again. Personally I'm content with it, I have favourites from it. In terms of Britney herself, she EP'd it with Karen her A&R and she's proud of it. If Britney Jean was her last it would be very unfortunate that her last album is sung by someone else and that she generally wanted everyone to forget about it. 

Comment below your thoughts on Glory being her last ever record 

Alright here's my image I created used in the thumbnail (by demand) https://imgur.com/j8e2qkc

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13 minutes ago, gapeach704 said:

She will release music again, just years down the road. However, if Glory (the original…I don’t know Matches or SITS) is her finally album, then I’d consider it a glorious way to bow out. While it didn’t perform like we would’ve liked commercially, the album as a body of work is a masterpiece and is in my trinity along with Blackout and ITZ. So, I’m fine either way. The Queen has given us more than enough

She might do a 2007 and do it for the fans and not promote it. That's good to hear that you're happy with everything 

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13 minutes ago, gapeach704 said:

Oh lord could you imagine if BJ was the final album of her career?! I’d never financially recover tbh. I’d be hyperventilating for the rest of my life and probably tied to an oxygen machine literally


Yeah that was the reality after it came out when it looked like she lost interest and the residency was extended as an indication she was gonna piece out after piece of me, which happened anyway after 2018 

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I highly doubt Glory will be her last album. She said she hated touring and yes i dont see her ever touring again, but i think she still loves making music and not doing any promo for it. i think she'll release B10 and do like a webchat for it and thatll be it

The thing is as well about this board lol one week there was threads saying she wants to make a new album at somepoint, then the next 'shes never making music again' lol. and also tbh she cant retire forever. $60 million wont last her the rest of her life 

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She will release music and do videos but not maybe tour...maybe do some shows, performances, but it does not mean if she is not gonna tour that she can not make music and do other things..touring is not important if you don't have to prove anything anymore...

Art is her therapy, she will reflect that in her songs and choreography.

I am also more than sure she will do more albums, since this time it will be all her choice with the production and all, unlike before...

Glory is a nice album, I was just not happy with single choices, Make me and SITS are my least fav songs from her...so we need to have at least 10 albums from her, so B10 is a must :mhm_britney_nodding_yes_mhmm:

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1 minute ago, IconicShow said:

People seem to forget that Britney has a record deal and contractually has obligations to fulfill! Whether that means new studio recordings or albums being released with unreleased material, I’m assuming more music will come!

This also boggles me a little, as Britney was first a minor and then under a conservatorship to my logic Britney never did sign anything as she never had the rights as a person first being a minor and then post 2007 correct me if I am wrong. 

But, to your point I do agree music will be released when it'll be who knows. 

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I wouldn’t want to do anything ever again if I was her, she was a prisoner for 13 years and unable to go anywhere, talk to anyone, buy anything, and everything she owned was being forcefully taken from her. Looking back on the situation after she’s been freed makes it seem so much more absurd than it already was 

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Glory is a good place to wave farewell at. I would say if there's going to be another album it would be unreleased or some Original Doll type stuff. TBH however if we get any newer trending music from Brit then it's going to be a long wait or most likely never.

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