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Britney calls out Christina Aguilera and thanks Lady Gaga

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30 minutes ago, UnyewsualYew said:

To be honest as a peer and someone she has known as a kid, Xtina could have said something short and sweet and kept it moving. The fact that she made it abundantly clear she didn't want to say anything coupled with her publicists shut down - I can see why Britney is over Christina's BS and is calling it out. 

The support post was lovely of Xtina so it probably made Britney think she wasn't genuine. 



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21 minutes ago, Ricardo Santos said:

How Rude!


I'm a person with a masters degree in culture and that speaks 6 languages. And also delegate of the union (I really work for people rights). Is that enough for you, or not enough to validate my thoughts ? 

I'm not famous and and I don't want to be. It doesn't mean that I cannot have an opinion. 




Now, I reply you back. And who are you? How smart are you?,what I did uselfull in life? 

I was not invalidating your thoughts. I was questioning if you weren't part of team con.


You don't need to have a degree to make an opinion.. Seriously wtf is that. You see to be so extremely entitled and full of yourself. I am an architect, if that information is useful for something in this forum.

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26 minutes ago, BoyDeChanel said:

I'm not a fan of Xtina, nor Gaga as a person, but Xtina was the one who shared a supportive message after Britney's testimony, while Lady Gaga chose to remain silent...

She also maybe now realizes the magnitude of pain and abuse Britney has endured .  I get Britneys reaction and I am not shading Christina. She saw she could not be bothered. Yet put yourself in Britneys shoes. Shes right .. People should speak up more . Its so new for Britney to have freedom. Christina only spoke up recently. She had kind words . Cher, Courtney and Rose talked about how Britneys situation was abuse and they showed empathy many times.  They advocated while many in Hollywood turned a blind eye. Many should have spoken up . 

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5 minutes ago, Johanpapz said:

Disgusting? Ok to all people who thought it was disgusting... Can you guys explain to me why? He's still alive right? It's a real question, because I really still don't understand why people were so offended by that. She said "happy birthday Fausto", she didn't said "happy birthday and you and your daughter can go... ???". She was wrong indeed, she thought Xtina talked about her own father, alot of you thought that too lol... But the answer to it was just "happy birthday..." it was clumsy yeah! But "digusting"?


Plus, we don't even know 20% of their relationship, the things we know is that, Xtina was kind of rude to Britney back to the old days and to many other people who still hate her and it's not for no reasons... Remember when she put her tongue in Britney mouth without her consent to say hello? And lied in a interview saying she gave Britney advices about the break up and Britney want on tv and said it was b.s.? Remember when Xtina wore I F *CK BRITNEY SPEARS sign just right after the Vma's performance? The Blender interview, etc... It's the past and I don't care at all but you can't totally blame Britney for still being in the defensive. Especially when we don't know all stories behind the curtains...

Imagine thinking that saying happy birthday to wife beater and child beater. And overall abuser is okay.


I am sorry but I can't argue with ppl defending that.

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12 minutes ago, One More Time said:

I was not invalidating your thoughts. I was questioning if you weren't part of team con.


You don't need to have a degree to make an opinion.. Seriously wtf is that. You see to be so extremely entitled and full of yourself. I am an architect, if that information is useful for something.

I cringe when people bring up their super ultra superior intelligence and all their (fake) titles. Yikes. Probably took an Internet course and that’s it.

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11 minutes ago, Easy There said:

Imagine thinking that saying happy birthday to wife beater and child beater. And overall abuser is okay.


I am sorry but I can't argue with ppl defending that.

Yeah that was not okay. I don’t want to judge Britney because she has been silenced for 14 years and it has to be freeing to say whatever she wants, but in my opinion, she should put herself in Christina’s shoes…They have both been abused by their fathers. I’m sure it hurt Britney the many times the media defended her demented father or publicly acknowledged him. I still don’t understand why she posted that on her Instagram about Christina’s dad.

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IMO evenn if she had of answered the question in the interview regarding Britney there would still be people mouthing off saying it was insincere and fake she can’t win, whether it’s an Instagram post or in an interview at least she’s addressed it, many haven’t and have turned a blind eye and said nothing at all 

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10 hours ago, One More Time said:

mmmmmm okay ricardo who are you? no but really?

What? Don't put that way. Your words were very clear! "who are you?" lol don't play the victim here and do not try to reverse the things on me. 

Like if I needed to be somebody to have an opinion. Your attitude was trying to invalidate somebody. Doing that way, I'm not the one full Of myself. You are. I just answered you the way I should 😉 I'm not full of myself, but I have my life which I fought for it and a who is not coming here to Me trying to feel superior. Even not knowing me. It was completely disrespectful. 

And I was 100% defending Britney. I'm not only on Britney's side as I am huge supporter of human rights, at any level and for any person. 

I'm her fan since 1999.

I said that she was right to use her voice against one person the kept her life attacking and competing with her (Christina of course). 

She is entitled to her opinion! Even if she is right or not.

Being many years with her mouth shut, I believe, socialogically and psicoligically saying, that she might want to express herself more Than ever. What she did here, was actually showing tiredness and a will to fight over hipocrites. 

The fact that she lived in a cons for so long, she has the right to be transparent and to be annoyed with all of those who failed to her. 

Christina was not obligated to talk about Britney. However, after her post on Twitter and her face in this video are not matching. Just shows that she is not coherent. This type of questions happen in these shows. Christina is not new at it. Following christana's careers, she only cares about herself. And actually she just lost an opportunity to talk about empowerment. 

Just don't come to me with "who are you", despite of not being famous and I'm Not an entertainer. I have my word, my education and my job (that includes fighting for people rights, politically saying), doing what I want. I have done what I feel like doing. 

With this said, I don't have to proof anything. Let's end this way 😉 because I don't owe you nothing and I don't have to justify myself. Stay where you are, I will do the same! 


What you do or what I do, doesn't matter to this forum. Just don't use your wannabe superior ego over people. Especially when you don't know the people at the other side. I've said what I've said, because I don't allow you to treat me, or to treat anybody else like a who. 

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Clearly there's something more, probably Gaga and Madonna directly reached for her during the last months/year while probably xtina didn't, hence the hard feelings. 

Plus this Is not 2001, nobody cares anymore about her supposed rivarly... A question about Britney Is a question about human rights nowdays and nobody, especially super stars, should avoid to answer that, even briefly.

Britney Is beeing quite direct on her insta nowdays, from the naked pics to this i'm not surprised she's feeling this way.

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To be honest, going over these comments I can't believe people are being this ugly. Okay so I am going to give my opinion about this. I can understand why Christina didn't want to make comments about this whole situation. I mean I don't think this was the time for those questions, especially when Christina was there to promote her Spanish album. With that being said, I don't understand why Britney is calling her out. I could understand if they were friends or close, but I don't think they were. Anyways. I'm so glad b is free, I'm so excited to see the person she actually is. But I once said before she has nothing to lose now. Old Britney from the interviews is gone.... So I think we are going to see the real b.... I hope she moves passed this anger and accepts what happens... Holding on to anger is so toxic. Oh and stop being ugly to each other TF 

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The only real reason why she posted this is maybe because something happened more behind the curtains that we do not know about their relationship.

But I kinda think either way Britney should have not posted this, in one way it is rude, but at the other way when you compare it to Gaga it feels bad, so I understand that she felt disrespected and angry...I also think that Xtina did a great job when it comes to supporting her, she was kind and why would she feel not happy about her...

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3 minutes ago, Easy There said:

Imagine thinking that saying happy birthday to wife beater and child beater. And overall abuser is okay.


I am sorry but I can't argue with ppl defending that.

Nobody is defending that off course! Like I said, it was a real question, I'm sorry I don't know anything about Xtina's life. I didn't even know her father's name before it was mentionned here...

But still, in one hand we have a girl, Xtina, who was really rude and not only against Britney, but to so many people in the industry, that many people still hate her to these days. She was a really nasty b *tch, you can't deny it... We know few things but def not all the stories.

And in other hand, we had another girl, who also had a wife and child beater as father, a girl who has been lock for 13 years old, full of anger and kind of disconnected from the reality because she was so isolated for all these years. She tought wrong that Xtina said happy birthday to her father, like another provocative attack AGAIN and she said it too. It was clumsy I agree but you can't totally blame her for that. Since we know Xtina's behavior in the past, old Xtina could totally do that in purpose. And we almost all thought it was about Britney's father too...

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Something behind the scenes must of happened that we don’t know about and considering how far they go back maybe she could of witnessed controlling behavior even before the con that she could of shared like others have been doing but chose to stay quiet.

Maybe others who’ve known Britney less managed to find a way to reach out to Britney personally and Christina didn’t bother, there has to be a reason for this post.

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