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New Blind Item regarding giving Britney freedom to do what she wants hoping she will make some mistakes


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So there is a new Blind Item regarding giving Britney freedom to do what she wants to do hoping she will make some mistakes that will prove she still needs CONservatorship.

Blind Item #10


The "singer's" team is letting her do what she wants. They think by doing so, that she will show she still needs to be under the watchful eye of people getting paid.


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I dont know if i believe on those blind items but yes as soon as i realize that she was allowed to do things she wouldnt do in the past i thought:

- are team con doing this because of the mediatism this case is getting? And they dont wanna look bad in the picture (oh well)

- are team con doing this because they want her to do some mistake and then come out saying “thats why she needs to be under a cship”

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16 minutes ago, mrjmendes said:

I dont know if i believe on those blind items but yes as soon as i realize that she was allowed to do things she wouldnt do in the past i thought:

- are team con doing this because of the mediatism this case is getting? And they dont wanna look bad in the picture (oh well)

- are team con doing this because they want her to do some mistake and then come out saying “thats why she needs to be under a cship”

Is Jodi apart of team con? Because she is the one with the rights to let Britney do as she pleases 

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17 minutes ago, MARKUS said:

This is no blind item to me. Just common sense. ITS DEF A CALCULATED MOVE. The entire world is watching. Of course they are gonna let her freedom loose for us THE GP to be like OMG but she is literally doing what she wants :xcuseme_mad_say_what_hmm_confused: and YESS praying for Britney to doing something unusual. :gtfo_britney_pink_wig_2007_mad_annoyed_irritated_stare:



It does make you wonder if Team Con are behind it because the 'media manipulation' tactics is so 2004-2007. It ain't gonna wash in 2021!

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Bottom line is even if she makes mistakes. She is human and we all make mistakes. It's really disgusting how everything she does is presented 10x worse then when rest if the world does it.

It had been like that since Britney era,when everyone expected her to stay this clean virgin from Baby and oops.



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I hope the media doesn't turn on her if she does make a mistake and ask if #FreeBritney is the best option. I could see the gossip rags saying that. Also, public opinion can change fast and any little mistake could have them say she has something wrong with her, she does need the arrangment. They could say this even for the littlest thing. The "she's crazy" belief is still in some people's minds.

I hope she shoves it down people's throats that she can live just fine with this freedom she is getting.

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Here are things that Britney could have done even before June 23rd but apparently were let to believe she couldn’t do those things by Team Con: 

- Have her IUD removed and refuse to have an IUD put in.

- Have a baby.

- Get married.

- Walk out of her house.

- Refuse to take Lithium.

- Refuse to take any medication she didn’t want to take (Team Con would then have to go to the court to get a court order to force her take a particular medication).

- Choose her attorney.

- Tell her attorney to file a petition to remove her dad and end the conservatorship (he would have had to do it even if he thought it wouldn’t go through).

- Meet anyone she wants to meet and refuse to see anyone she didn’t want to see (including her therapists).

- Talk about her situation to anyone she wanted to - including journalists.

- Drive a car.

- Eat and drink what she wants.

So one reason she is now “getting freedom” is just that her new attorney has told her what her rights are. If Team Con would try to limit her in ways they’re not allowed by law, Rosengart would immediately notify the court.

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Doubt it. I think it's far more likely Rosengart has been making demands for Britney behind the scenes and/or Brit's team are scared, see the writing on the wall and are taking the path of least resistance by letting her do what she wants. They know where this is all heading legally.

It's worth noting that Rosengart's clients apparently call him "The Godfather." I think Britney's in good hands.

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