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Sam orchestrated the court appearance

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Yeah i didnt buy britneys story that she didnt know it was going to be public, im sure they played dumb to team con and acted like they didnt know it was public to make them feel safe that they werent going to attempt anything crazy 

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Also, not sure if its related but Sam Lutfi had posted in his stories tagging Sam Asghari and saying he's a badass or something along those lines 

While I absolutely do not trust Sam lutfi I do wonder how much "bad" stuff was a team con portrayal. If anything, he's always stood firm on wanting britney out of the conservatorship (whether he has ulterior motives or not is a different discussion). But I thought it was interesting how blatantly Sam L was showing love to Sam A

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5 minutes ago, Britman512 said:

I think it time we stop talking about Sam L, he is the lesser of all the evils and he also didn’t lock her away for 13 years. If anything he always spoke out about conservator 

I agree. I just find there to be a lot of mystery around him and the things he likely knows


Back to Sam A though, I saw he reposted the pride group singing to britney 

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Where’s the proof? I get he has fans but I’m also sick of people painting him as this knight in shinning armor when he had years to fight back too and how do you know the other guys didn’t when one of them literally came out saying he’s heard Britney tell her lawyer she wants out yet Sam the lawyer acts dumb about it. I still remain on the fence about him and try to give the benefit of a doubt but this is all Britney, she did it, she took a risk and said her words, don’t take credit away from her.

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2 hours ago, rower2222 said:

He wants her money! 5 4 3 2 1 banned. Sorry but he seems shallow and dont trust him, he's another k fed. 


 This isn't 2016 anymore.   Sam has more than proved himself to love and respect Britney.   She isn't faking the smile when shes around him - it's been almost 5 years together, they want a baby, they want to be married.   He's publicly  spoken out now several times,  he's the one consistent, close person she has in her life and I fully believe he's been helping her get to this stage every way he can without being overt about it.   Remember what happened when previous Boyfriends were at odds with the conservatorship publically?  

Did she drop any bombshells about Sam's  behaviour  last week in court?   No. 

 Did she mention he had tried to control her or support her family and management in any way?   No. 

Do her sons/Fey support/speak highly of Sam?  YES.  Does Britney glow, beam and laugh when we get to see her around him?  Yes. 

Has Sam publically shown support for #FreeBritney on multiple occasions?  Yes. 

Did Jamie try and break them up soon into their romance with a bought off smear campaign of a supposed 'affair' like he did with David all those years back?    Yes.

Did Britney continually reiterate her desire to be with Sam and have him drive her places during the her statement?  Yes. 

Is Sam actively persuing and working hard on his own fitness and acting  career not related to Britney and making good progress without dropping her name into every social media post or interview.  Yes. 

Does Sam seem to let her break the rules and allowed Britney to drive away from court in her car?   Did he post a Insta story showing them on their way to Hawaii after the hearing to let us know she was fine and any posts coming from the brand account are unlikely to be Britney?   Does Sam only interact and like her IG content that seems to be legit coming from Britney herself in the last year or 2?   YES. 



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