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Exhalers, what’s on your mind?


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December rush, vet bills once again💸.
Just saw fifty shades of gray yesterday for the first time and what a cringe concept glamourising a stalker, psycho, ******, manipulator etc. The female protagonist clearly has some self worth issues. Who could even love this franchise is beyond me! Why was it so popular half a decade ago :umomg_britney_shocked_wow_omg_surprised_eyes_wide:. Clearly stans have not dealt with abusive relationships themselves irl.

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11 hours ago, BUWYGF said:

Im not good at all at the moment. It looks like I might have jaundice and tomorrow im gonna get tested if I have Hepatitis (A,B or C). I got a lot of symtoms (my eyeballs are yellow-ish, dark urine, nausea etc.). Im very confused because all the hep types have similar symptoms, C being transmitted only through blood, which is impossible in my case so Im supposing it could be A or B. 

Either way I am extremely worried and I have no idea how I potentially got it nor what to expect. Pray for me yall :( Im getting tested tomorrow.

Sending you lots of good vibes for today 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️

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I'm okay, I try to choose positive thoughts everyday but obviously I have little worries for example I have a lot of projects to realize because of university etc. I worry about my future like everyday but I kinda started to notice these bad thoughts that make me feel bad and I try to run away from them/stop thinking them and it works sooo but u never know when and what ugly thoughts will come to your mind to haunt you and it happens often, the worst ones are about people that passed away too soon I think :crying1_britney_sobbing_tears_2006_sad: sometimes it can be really really painful but I just try to understand that death happens to everybody and just like enjoy life cause it goes by so fast and there's no place for worrying. 

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13 hours ago, BUWYGF said:

Im not good at all at the moment. It looks like I might have jaundice and tomorrow im gonna get tested if I have Hepatitis (A,B or C). I got a lot of symtoms (my eyeballs are yellow-ish, dark urine, nausea etc.). Im very confused because all the hep types have similar symptoms, C being transmitted only through blood, which is impossible in my case so Im supposing it could be A or B. 

Either way I am extremely worried and I have no idea how I potentially got it nor what to expect. Pray for me yall :( Im getting tested tomorrow.

Sending you positive energy and remember that your thoughts affect your health and body (It's like science proved and I experienced it thousand of times) so think positive thoughts. It's really that easy, just don't go deep into negative thinking and change it for something positive like ''I'm pretty sure I'm healthy'', think it many times through the day no matter if it feels true or nah, after some time you and your body will start to believe it, just don't question it (it's also science proved and even psychiatrists would say to u that thoughts are very important). Your body, your rules, I hope it doesn't sound stupid but we are what we think and our thoughts affects our reality, world, it can really change everything. 

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7 hours ago, babyimmafreak90 said:

In camp #notokay tbh. 15 months ago, I got new neighbours who have called me derogatory names since day one. The mother screamed me out in the street a few times this year over me being gay and her being on *****. Bright side is they have finally been evicted and are out as of yesterday. A great Christmas present :yesplease_yas_agree_preach:

Also my aunt and pop were both diagnosed with different cancers and deemed terminally ill throughout the year. My pop died a month ago. It was right before my birthday and it sucks :disappointed_thinking_oh_okay_glasses:

But time presses on regardless and hopefully heals wounds. 
To anyone who is dealing with a hard time, I hope the best for you and that you find enjoyment and peace over the holiday period. You all deserve it. 

And if any of you want to talk about anything, I’m happy to listen. Nothing but love for you guys :hugs_madonna_britney_ftr_2008_circus_hugging_friends_support::kiss_britney_blowing_pink_candies:

So sorry to hear about your pop, at least he's at peace now.

Sending you all the love for what you're dealing with right now, time really does heal :hugs_madonna_britney_ftr_2008_circus_hugging_friends_support:

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10 hours ago, Midnight said:

I'm actually doing good, I'm enjoying the holiday season. 

I have dealt with a lot this year but I'm hopeful for the future.

Wishing you guys the best. 


Thank you for asking @Urbanney How are you by the way ?


I’m glad to hear you’re doing well!

I’m doing fine, thank you for asking! Like everyone else, I’ve had some rougher parts of this year, but I feel luckier than many, so I’m really trying to focus on just being appreciative and happy with where things are at. :mhm_britney_nodding_yes_mhmm:

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I'm team #notokay. I'm under investigation as of now for some "crimes" I and a few people from the past committed when I was younger. I don't know how to feel because some people who found out might press charges against me. I may have to get a lawyer. The worst part is some of my close family members already found out about it and I feel bad. When I'm under suspicion or scared I react with a brash sense of humour and say stuff and crack jokes I don't mean. This scares my parents who care and see it is a serious issue but it's my way of coping. I feel excited but nervous. I don't know what's going to happen. I'll say my prayers...

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18 minutes ago, Slayer said:

@Urbanney making a sweet thread, continuing to show how much of a great person he is :tysm_beyonce_thanks_wow_gratitude_love_you_ily:

I've been reading everyone's posts and I wish you all happiness & all the best for the future. Things may seem tough now but they WILL get better :hugs_madonna_britney_ftr_2008_circus_hugging_friends_support:

My DM's are always open if anyone need to talk :)

You’re the best :makeitrain_britney_blush_headphones_omg_wow_happy: :hugs_madonna_britney_ftr_2008_circus_hugging_friends_support: 

Thank you king

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16 hours ago, Alexanda said:

Don't compare yourself to other people :mattafact_alligator_telling_talking_chatting_preaching_green: It's dangerous for your mental health. 

Tbh i was 29 when i started to work on my dreams, who cares what other people think, you can't do this, you can't do that, yeah, right, i've heard it so many times and you know what? They were always wrong! 

So with that note: chase and find your dreams, sis. :mattafact_alligator_telling_talking_chatting_preaching_green:


Thank you so much for saying this :kyliecry_crying_tears_jenner_wipe_sad: I really need it 

16 hours ago, BUWYGF said:

Thank you so so much baby :hugs_madonna_britney_ftr_2008_circus_hugging_friends_support: as for you being afraid for your future, dont be. This society tends to make us believe that by 30 we have to be accomplished, but those are different rules for a different times. Those applied to boomers and somewhat to gen x (our parents). Millennials and Gen Z now have the burden of suffering consequences and having to fix ignorant mistakes of our elders. You dont have to find yourself yet, youre still a young man. If youre ever interested in digital marketing I will be more than happy to give you an intro as you might find it interesting and its a well paid industry :mhm_britney_nodding_yes_mhmm:

Wait?! :overwhelm_beyonce_ashamed_lol_embarrassed_telling_talking: I’m just change my job (I was working there for 9 years) and now I’m working digital marketing (since September) :ohcrap_britney_crap_omg_glory_jimmy_kimmel_jkl_surprised_wow: I would some help !

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