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What do you regret most in life so far?


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I regret that i let myself be bullied

i think i should have beaten them all up without regret or discrimination

but thats what i regret now

i know it sounds rather assertive, but then what do YOU think would be a good strategy to shut bullies , who push you, take your things , like this bullying in most times i was bullied wasnt even just emoty words.


listening to all your advice and life wisdom

i just think i did poorly

i suffered years long of classic school bullying


in my life i will probably end up on my deathbed regreting that i wasn't strong enough, not mentally nor physically...

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54 minutes ago, Albert Aspera said:

I always regret that i wasn't performing enough back in my school years. I've taken all of those years like they were suffering, instead of seeing them as opportunities to make myself grow and be more aware intellectually. 

i don't think it is too late to do with your life whatever you want sweetie

for this, in this life there are always many examples of the lives of people, heck some of them even start to thrive when they are 70 years old and live to be successful 100 years olds

there are many living proofs of success that anyone can be successful

and in this age, even if i graduated the number 1 high school of country, in many cases the knowledge you get off school matters more than the knowledge i got in school

in the end, selling what you have, other skills than school skills matter

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I regret not buying the Femme Fatale premium edition when I had the chance :crying4_britney_crying_stages_tears_sad: 

Aside from that I don't regret anything, I lived and I learned. I only kept the experiences that taught me something in life and the rest I let it go.

 Little Midnight is gone and hes never coming back :bop_beyonce_dancing_yes_Yas_cheer_party_glasses: :liberatedaf_beyonce_yellow_lemonade_happy_free_carefree_smile_wind_hold_up: I said :mcwave_mariah_Carey_kiss_bye_goodbye_wave:


By the way I wish I could have been there with you to help you beat their *** :hugs_madonna_britney_ftr_2008_circus_hugging_friends_support:

Did you ever seek therapy for this bullying ? If you didn't I highly suggest it I think it would help heal this regret.

I wanna be there when you touch fire

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2 minutes ago, Midnight said:

I regret not buying the Femme Fatale premuin edition when I had the chance :crying4_britney_crying_stages_tears_sad: 

Aside from that I don't regret anything, I lived and I learned. I only kept the experiences that taught me something in life and the rest I let it go.

 Little Midnight is gone and hes never coming back :bop_beyonce_dancing_yes_Yas_cheer_party_glasses: :liberatedaf_beyonce_yellow_lemonade_happy_free_carefree_smile_wind_hold_up: I said :mcwave_mariah_Carey_kiss_bye_goodbye_wave:


By the way I wish I could have been there with you to help you beat their *** :hugs_madonna_britney_ftr_2008_circus_hugging_friends_support:

Did you ever seek therapy for this bullying ? If you didn't I highly suggest it I think it would help heal this regret.

Oh therapy for bullying could be great idea. i happen to have a psychologist. I'LL DISCUSS IT WITH HIM. he's really good so he could absolutely do therapy for bullying!!


overall, you sound very healthy so thank you for all dis 

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Just now, QZeusLiquorQ said:

Oh therapy for bullying could be great idea. i happen to have a psychologist. I'LL DISCUSS IT WITH HIM. he's really good so he could absolutely do therapy for bullying!!


overall, you sound very healthy so thank you for all dis 




I wanna be there when you touch fire

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18 minutes ago, Midnight said:




love ya to the moon and back


we need to keep our love in Exhale. positivity and high vibratipon.

moderator said to me just a day back that people were rude to me and that was rude to people"

we all need to kill these kinds of things with kindness :-)
that i can also learn from my psychologist

im a beginner hey i need to make effort to not fight with others when they are appearing to be impolite

but i am sure i can learn to appreciate beep i yet guess not everyone but i canl especially learn ro love myself

does it come out funny?

you can always say what you think

anyway, people like me and you (i think you are very kind) need to keep up the good fight


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2 hours ago, Albert Aspera said:

I always regret that i wasn't performing enough back in my school years. I've taken all of those years like they were suffering, instead of seeing them as opportunities to make myself grow and be more aware intellectually. 

We never stop learning, when we leave school we leave with "knowledge" but we never stop learning and we can always go back to education.

Education has no age restriction on it, and now you will see 40-50yr olds going back to uni for second career paths.

We grow as we experience life!

school education GIF by SoulPancake

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9 hours ago, QZeusLiquorQ said:

I regret that i let myself be bullied

i think i should have beaten them all up without regret or discrimination

but thats what i regret now

i know it sounds rather assertive, but then what do YOU think would be a good strategy to shut bullies , who push you, take your things , like this bullying in most times i was bullied wasnt even just emoty words.

I understand your pain. I was bullied throughout childhood and feel like an outcast in teenage years (now). Sometimes people try to manipulate me even now like at the workplace or tease me. I try to make it clear to them with my deadly silence that I don't like it or I ditch them. They should know what they're doing wrong. Study them, look at them closely, what ticks them? Stab them  psychologically. They back off. I stab them with my silence and trust in God. 

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7 hours ago, QZeusLiquorQ said:

love ya to the moon and back


we need to keep our love in Exhale. positivity and high vibratipon.

moderator said to me just a day back that people were rude to me and that was rude to people"

we all need to kill these kinds of things with kindness :-)
that i can also learn from my psychologist

im a beginner hey i need to make effort to not fight with others when they are appearing to be impolite

but i am sure i can learn to appreciate beep i yet guess not everyone but i canl especially learn ro love myself

does it come out funny?

you can always say what you think

anyway, people like me and you (i think you are very kind) need to keep up the good fight


Yes,I agree sometimes it is a little difficult to be kind but your are right we need to keep up the good fight.

Thank you for that compliment I highly appreciate it. 

I wanna be there when you touch fire

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I regret not taking my religion seriously when I was younger. I was drawn to it but never participated. It didn't help I was never confident and realized I was gay. But God has given me another chance and until now, entering my 20's, I've become immersed in Bible reading and praying daily. I've felt a happiness, protection, and peacefulness I had never experienced before. I can't describe, you have to experience it personally. It's difficult yes, I have to keep my desires under control and not focus on them. I've accepted it's part of our fallen flesh, but God gives me strength!

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16 hours ago, Alestaos said:

We never stop learning, when we leave school we leave with "knowledge" but we never stop learning and we can always go back to education.

Education has no age restriction on it, and now you will see 40-50yr olds going back to uni for second career paths.

We grow as we experience life!

school education GIF by SoulPancake

You're probably right, but I think I missed out a lot of the basic learnings that I should've known earlier if I focused studying.

But I guess, that's the good thing about life. You will learn so much more along the way. It's like an adventure.

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2 minutes ago, jordeezy said:

I regret letting shyness and anxiety keep me from making more friends in school.  I have always had social anxiety, and I grew out of it a little, but I feel it came back again in the last few years.  

i also have anxiety but i believe slowly i can just convert it to good excitedness and it will be more and more converted for good and be my friend

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regrets....I have a few....(lol) 

I regret hooking up with an ex. He was an abusive serial cheater and we broke up but then we hooked up a couple times in the following years after. I cheated on my boyfriend at the time and never got caught or anything but it was mostly a pride thing for me like why why why did I do that. When I think about those nights it makes my skin crawl cause he treated me so poorly. He was my first love and I just was a stupid, young idiot who wanted to reconnect. I wish so much I never saw him again after we broke up but deep down I know we had those few nights of hooking up, when I did the same thing to someone else that he did to me. Barf. 

My dad is also so important to me but he is not very emotional/affectionate. He is very Hank Hill from king of the hill lol anyways when his mom died I was the first to know, he came in the house and told me she was dead and I just stood there like an idiot. I think I was like, 18 or something. I was old enough to know I should give him a hug. I just remember standing there in total shock because it came as a big surprise and not knowing if I should go to him. I remember him looking so shocked and just numb. So I mirrored that and didn't hug him. Anyways. I look back on that and wished I had just hugged my dad. 

I have a lot of regrets actually but nothing I really beat myself up over. There's no point. We all would do things differently but in the moment we just do the best we can. 

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