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Slumber Party was a bad single choice..

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You guys just pretend that it wasn't because the video was so well done. :jl:

And the people who hate Tinashe on the song are just as delusional because she sings it exactly like Britney. :clownery:


#JusticeForAlmostAnyOtherSongOnGlory :demi:

#TimeTravelToMakeDoYouWannaComeOverAsFirstSingle :runga:

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Britney is known for uptempos, and 2 out of her 4 last singles or ballad/midtempos which is basically career suicide

Make Me was a great choice, but SP was bland ! LMD, Liar or Better would have charted higher and the songs were fan faves

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I think Glory has the worst single choices. There are definitely better songs that deserve justice :crying1:. DYWCM should be 1st single without a doubt. Also I would love to see Better, Love Me Down or Liar becoming singles :donewithit:.  Plus Make Me should have original video, the official is a mess :zoomzoom:.

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3 hours ago, chizwhiz said:

Slumber party and make me were both bad choices. It needed to be another edm dance song as that’s the only pop that’s really performing these days. 


Do you wanna come over or Change your mind were the only acceptable choices! Ain't nobody got time for the boring midtempos (aka Make me/Slumber party).

All we needed was a mainstream single to attract a big audience and then they could choose whatever boring  2nd single they wanted. :( 

The Make me performance was boring has hell :zoomzoom: the poor choreographer was forced to make it "danceable" but no way in hell that song was made for that. 

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3 hours ago, Avatar said:

You guys just pretend that it wasn't because the video was so well done. :jl:

And the people who hate Tinashe on the song are just as delusional because she sings it exactly like Britney. :clownery:


#JusticeForAlmostAnyOtherSongOnGlory :demi:

#TimeTravelToMakeDoYouWannaComeOverAsFirstSingle :runga:



DYWCO should have been the lead single.

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