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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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20 minutes ago, Bravenewmary said:

Yes so true 

I do kind of believe the emails too.

Regardless of the past, he clearly knows bad stuff has gone on, and definitely knows stuff about Lou. And she obviously hates him too, which makes you wonder to what degree he’s been scapegoated (I’m not defending him guys). 

I just think Lou is the hidden answer that we have searched for for years. Some culty nut job that’s manipulated all of Spears’ and allowed the conservatorship to get out of hand. People like her are good at manipulating situations. Religion does funny things to people’s perceptions and understandings of reality  

Don’t target Britney’s family, everyone just keep chipping away at Lou and her company. 


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Can we all talk about Jamie Spears?

I don’t mean “talk about him” as in to bash him but I mean don’t you think it’s time for a deep dive into who he is? Who is he? What do we really know about him?

Does anyone else feel that he may harbor resentment toward Lynne ..., toward Britney? Their success, their (once) close relationship. 

Wait. Are Lynne & Britney still close? We noticed that Brit has not been back to Louisiana in years. Maybe it’s not because she doesn’t wanna be there. Maybe Jamie won’t allow her? That’s not a fact, it’s a theory. Just wanna make that clear!! I asked Jordan a couple of weeks ago, but I didn’t get a reply. Circa 2009/2010 it was written (By Jordan from a source) about that claim that Lynne & Jamie had a big argument over Britney.

britney & Lynne were together at the hotel when Sam Lutfi’s sister smuggled her a phone. We didn’t see Lynne & Britney together much after that. Does Jamie not trust Lynne... not trust Lynne & Britney together? Discuss. We need a Jamie Spears thread. 

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1 minute ago, Dirk said:

I don't think so, I like how they are going on her team

I loved what they talked about the Instagram posts and Lou Taylor and stuff, for people who are not here on exhale this podcast is great. 

Her team is f**kin' **** with all those fake posts/staged candids we saw these days (interrupting her treatment (giving her more things to worry "my family is going with a lot of anxiety") to defend themselves using her image). her team is f**kin' disgustinggggg they clearly lost their mind with the truth that came out with the movement that they did a horrible job with media/her instagram etc.

they are clearly playing smart. and y'all should do the same.

1 minute ago, Applejack said:

One thing is clear: don't buy and stream her music and videos anymore if you really want to keep pressure on her team. Don't buy merch, tickets.

me neither. not one single dime.

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Just now, Dirk said:



her team keeps going with paid articles and I think Sam Asghari is now sold by her team tbh, I think Lou Taylor is probably managing him with his stuff and using him like an outsider (of her team) to speak about britney. 

I really think sams fake now ngl

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Just now, Dirk said:



her team keeps going with paid articles and I think Sam Asghari is now sold by her team tbh, I think Lou Taylor is probably managing him with his stuff and using him like an outsider (of her team) to speak about britney. 

Sam is kinda pointless here. I believe he has to play with them, until Britney get's free from the c-ship. we don't know what they talk about and discuss, they are boyfriends, so likely, they speak the truth to each other hopefully.

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20 minutes ago, Joey Orfino said:

Recap of the Britney's Gram podcast:

1- Compared the #FreeBritney movement being kind of similar to the Harvey Weinstein's situation. Years of something fishy going on, people having suspicions all along but no one taking a stand to speak about, until it all exploded.

2- Recap what happened post-podcast. Lynne liking Instagram / Facebook comments and following Babara.

3- Talked about Alli Sims, Britney's cousin. How she is silent because she has to.

4- Talked about Jamie Lynn ranting about all the negativity, defending themselves against the claims that they started the hate, and that they don't condone "insults / death threats etc."

5- They took a look on Britney's public record court document from 2008 where she couldn't even take a stand to plead her cause against the conservatorship and all the restraint that was applied. That her lawyer Samuel Ingham, talked to her for just 15mn and said that she couldn't speak for herself. 

6- That people are finally looking into people's conservatorships because a famous person and her conservatorship are getting exposed publicly and it shouldn't be that way. 

7- They talked about which side of the story the media decided to run with. The way the media twisted the whole story from the perspective they wanted just to get profit out of it.

8- Talked about the article from The Blast basically confirming almost everything the paralegal talked about and using suicide to save their *****, to finally admit they used Jamie's illness as a cover up: "You do not decide who gets to die or not" and that it's very irresponsible.

9- They talked about Britney being told by her team about evreything that was happening and called them out about who would say to someone that is taking time for herself in a mental health facility what is going on right now.

10- Planting different narratives to create confusion: What to believe when they're so many different statements out there. Why would we believe a statement from Britney's Gram when they have also one side of the story.

11- Britney is working for them and getting them money but they can take a stand to defend her.

12- TMZ are pigs, taking any garbage and run with it but cannot talk about the movement.

13- Talking about Britney leaving a hotel after Easter and how sad and heartbroking it looked. They dragged the press release joining these first pictures from paparazzi saying "how relax and happy" when it was the exact opposite. How they're playing with words and how they never said that Britney was in a cage but they are just controlling and monitoring a certain narrative to follow to try to shut down the #FreeBritney movement.

14- Talked about the pics of Jamie driving a yellow car. How her daughter is worried about his sickness, yet is 

15- Talked about Perez Hilton and how basically he is an opportunist, using and milking the whole movement, how sarcastic he is toward her and how addicted he is about fame and money. How he is used to take someone in their downfalls and put them even further down. Then Tess read a comedic monologue dragging Perez for filfth.

16- Talk about the misconception of women taking a stand for themself but being seen as crazy. Gender equality. Getting credit to men and not mentioning the accomplishment of a woman. How people remember her more like a woman shaving her head and forgetting about everything she has done for the music industry

17- Why is Jamie is being considered as a conservator from the get go without even look if he was the right fit to take on such a high position. Mentioning a moment where Jamie was working as a cook for the Superbowl, Britney contacted him and he pretty much rejected her.

18- She commited the crime of making herself a beautiful successful woman so they took that away from her and decided what they wanted her to look like: a crazy person.

19- How relatable and down to earth Britney is. She's not perfect and don't try to be that supermodel, well dress popstar.

20- It's not about her medical record, it's about the conservatorship. The media are scared of people with power and to talk about taboo subjects.

21- How it takes one person to finally break the silence and give other people a voice to speak out about what they were hidding.

22- Talked about the informations they received from new sources. Some people who didn't want to speak out because of agreement with their work places. 

23- They're gonna take a break from the podcast to respect Britney's privacy and at the same time, verifying their new sources and dig up for more.

24- Talked about Britney's first Instagram post. How it didn't convince them. How the "me time" post was not her because she was already in a mental health facility. Fans calling out the lack of emojis and her team learning from their mistakes and added emojis to the new . Britney is a mental health facility and her first concern is supposed to be about some leaked emails about Sam Lutfi. The Instagram post seemed to be written by someone who took offense from the email. That the person felt attacked personally and started to be defensive. A woman in a hospital, not talking for 4 months, and her first words are about some leaked emails. These emails must be a big deal if they are the first thing they want to mention. How ironic these emails are about exposing Lou Taylor. She took offence, made it personally and tried to defend herself via Britney's Instagram post.

25- Talked about the workout video. Again with the emojis. They got the memo. Who would say "Yay for me for losing 5lb from stress in a mental health facility". How she would never talk about body image this way. Someone had a very outdated view of body image and posted it under Britney's name. She loves working out but she would always associate a body workout with a positive note. This workout video felt like a major damage control. 

26- About messages being deleted, #FreeBritney hashtag being banned, Lou disabling her comment section, Shea Coulee taking a stand. Nothing we haven't already discussed.

27- How they don't want to finance the Britney's corporation anymore and don't want to contribute on paying the next vacation from people in her team.

28- They praised us for not being so easily fooled and that we're paying attention to every details. How we need to stay vigilent and only share facts and keep rumors and assumptions in the private. Let's share what is known and public. 

29- They talked about the new court date on may 10 and how we need to be hopeful with this hearing. Her next court hearing was supposed to be in august and it's likely that this new court date added at the last minute is related to the #FreeBritney movement.

30- If we keep the #FreeBritney movement alive, they know things are gonna come crash to the surface and that it's gonna be more and more difficult for them to hide what they're doing. It may put pressure on them to let her out of the conservatorship.

31- They are hopeful that the World is changing and if she's free, it won't be chaotic, that she can go out without being bothered.

32- The story is bigger than them, it's not about the podcast or them, the focus is about Britney. Keep digging and let the movement stay alive.

Tell me if i missed something or if the narrative is wrong somewhere.

Thanks for this! No point in me listening to the podcast then. 

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2 minutes ago, generation glory said:

Can we all talk about Jamie Spears?

I don’t mean “talk about him” as in to bash him but I mean don’t you think it’s time for a deep dive into who he is? Who is he? What do we really know about him?

Does anyone else feel that he may harbor resentment toward Lynne ..., toward Britney? Their success, their (once) close relationship. 

Wait. Are Lynne & Britney still close? We noticed that Brit has not been back to Louisiana in years. Maybe it’s not because she doesn’t wanna be there. Maybe Jamie won’t allow her? That’s not a fact, it’s a theory. Just wanna make that clear!! I asked Jordan a couple of weeks ago, but I didn’t get a reply. Circa 2009/2010 it was written (By Jordan from a source) Thad Lynne & Jamie had a big argument over Britney.

britney & Lynne were together at the hotel when Sam Lutfi’s sister smuggled her a phone. We didn’t see Lynne & Britney together much after that. Does Jamie not trust Lynne... not trust Lynne & Britney together? Discuss. We need a Jamie Spears thread. 

Lynne's book said he was an alcoholic, verbally abused her, showed erratic behaviour and would constantly abandon them. Britney was attached to Sandra...the one aunt she would often run to when fights break out at her home.

We know he often threatens to take the boys away from Britney to get her to comply with the c-ship.

They appointed someone who very likely gave her childhood trauma to be her conservator.

That's what we know.

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2 minutes ago, Dirk said:



her team keeps going with paid articles and I think Sam Asghari is now sold by her team tbh, I think Lou Taylor is probably managing him with his stuff and using him like an outsider (of her team) to speak about britney. 

There's some tea on Sam that someone slipped into my DMs but I don't think it's super relevant here unless y'all want me to spill

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2 minutes ago, Applejack said:

Lynne's book said he was an alcoholic, verbally abused her, showed erratic behaviour and would constantly abandon them. Britney was attached to Sandra...the one aunt she would often run to when fights break out at her home.

We know he often threatens to take the boys away from Britney to get her to comply with the c-ship.

They appointed someone who very likely gave her childhood trauma to be her conservator.

That's what we know.

An abuser never truly changes, he may have chilled out a little over the years but... :whatitellu:

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