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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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3 minutes ago, pablitonizer said:

U wanted her to appear and she did it  so now please give her some privacy for christ's sake!


You're telling a member in a forum where you have discussions to give Britney privacy?

According to the C Ship documents Britney gets no privacy gerl.

Take a seat before you fall out your chair with the flop privacy issue.

When has Britney had any privacy away from a bodyguard, security, her dad, lawyers, and her inner circle, she's not to be alone.

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You know what's worse? The general public is gonna eat this fake garbage up and everyone is going to think everything is ok, like cmon! Her own mother was liking my comments regarding this mess! This has to mean something! Something is not adding up. :wontcry: I wish Britney knew that we really care about her and we went all out to raise awareness about this! :pensiveney: 

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1 minute ago, PieceofBritney said:

It sounds totally crazy to think about but what if Britney really did write that text, she  made the video the way they asked her to and while typing snuck “sam lutfi” name in so it will get attention. But saying they are fake and stuff so she would have a way to justify it for “people” around her. I can’t explain it. Like in a code way. It’s crazy to think about but why else would any of them talk about sam. It could be a lead in disguise.

or I might be just looking into it.  Either way it’s odd af. 

I was wondering the same thing. Like I said earlier, of all things they could talk about in the post, they chose Sam and his emails as a main topic, who the GP doesn't even know and the media didn't even cover the emails. It oddly sticks out in the post. I did wonder for a sec if maybe she Britney did write the post and did it for a reason.

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2 minutes ago, Stevenroro said:

Well, she has the same necklace on in both photos, but I'm sure she has worn that before several times. 

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Its probably new guys. A little make up and some hair styling and she’s good to go. She had to make her statement in order to calm everyone down. This was getting bigger every day.  Unfortunately a lot of people will believe it and blame us. However mentioning sams name is so alarming that I don’t believe she posted the text. It’s definitely her team. What do we do now? 

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8 minutes ago, Dream With In a dream said:

i feel bad for him now though yes hes a **** but hes gonna get so much HATE. and on the court documents he said he became suicidal because of 2007... and all the hate EEK.

Every story needs a villain They brought her back with that story. I am very interested in what the truth is more than I was in 2007 tbh. 

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2 minutes ago, 3isacharm said:

Maybe she meant the stress the fans are causing by harassing her family online.

I was waiting for this video to drop. I knew Britney would post something to shut the fan base up. Now I don’t really think she wrote the caption but at least they got the emojis right 

Still doesn't add up.

The story kept changing and it's wild that the excuse was Jamie's health yet he's well enough to drive, attend parties and go fishing while Britney is in a mental facility.

On top of that Lynne liked comments and Jamie Lynn was active on social media they were all living their normal lives while Britney is getting medicated.

I don't buy the story at all we need the girls to drop another pod cast asap.

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9 minutes ago, Urbanney said:

We're not done though. We all had to question ourselves for a second when we saw the post. This is nowhere being close to over. If anything, we're just getting started. 

We have to drill in the point that we want her matters to stay private. We don't care about her personal details that aren't our business. We just want her conservatorship to be investigated by a fair, honest third party.

But most of the fanbase will stop with the campaign. CHeck twitter, most of them are like "Aww, poor britney. Let's give her privacy". 


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2 minutes ago, CuriousaboutBrit said:

You guys are crazy. In the first pic it's pushed to one side. Her hair has always been short and choppy since she shaved it. She just brushed it.

One thing is short and choppy, and other thing is that I see parts without hair, and the other parts are full of extensions.

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