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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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''A normal person can't do that to a daugther/sister''?

I don't know if the people closest to Britney like her father/mother are shitty and evil people, but you do realize what kind of crap there is going on in this world right? Fathers molesting their daughters, parents hitting their children, greedy parents who use their kids and spit them out? Cmon.

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2 hours ago, RedBloodedWoman said:


They also do that for electroshock therapy :( 


1 hour ago, Lil Jay said:

Pls no, I don't wanna think about it:tiffsniffle:

There is nothing cruel or sadistic about electroconvulsive therapy (ECT); it’s an approved, non-harmful, wholly unpainful therapeutic technique intended for individuals with treatment-resistant (I.e., at least two psychotropics from two different classes have been prescribed for a therapeutic duration of time, yet there was no alleviation or an exacerbation in symptomatology) mental disorders such as severe and/or chronic major depressive disorder with psychotic or catatonic features or bipolar disorder. ECT has high rates of efficacy. It’s not torture any more than swallowing a Prozac is. It’s a very common practice.

ETA: I do this for a living; you’re downvoting facts just because you’re too damn lazy to click on a Wiki link. 


Britney’s situation is incredibly grave no matter whether she’s being held involuntarily or not; there is no need to propagate conspiracy theories about some old horror movie trope regarding electroshock. By displaying your basic lack of facts and/or propensity for crazy conspiracy theories in one area (ECT), all you are doing is causing suspension of belief regarding everything else that’s claimed alongside it, and that’s very counterproductive to raising awareness about Britney’s situation. 

Hey, look! More sources regarding this incredibly efficacious short-term therapeutic technique known for saving thousands of lives that is seemingly despised amongst Exhalers:




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7 minutes ago, stefihilton said:

the media is DELUSIONAL i swear to god the amount of delusion i lhave seen the media display since freebritney is INSANE.

it's like they absolutely REFUSE to see the reality of the situation. they swipe it under the rug. 

likely they literally just assume that she's crazy and needs rehab help lol

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39 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

They basically said she hasn't been formally diagnosed as bipolar, but SHOULD take bipolar medication anyway, because she has similar symptoms, like wtf lol 

They also made really, really clear that "SHE'S NOT HELD AGAINST HER WILL, like, OMG, no, no way, nope! :donewithit: Just look her going out with her boyfriend" while showing that picture of her from yesterday where she looks all disoriented. 

omg It sounds like they probably have a doctor for her that just prescribes her whatever they say to. omg this needs to go viral

Thanks so much, it's so hard to keep up with everything :deadbanana:

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