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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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8 minutes ago, --- said:

didn't larry suggest britney hang with paris? isn't that when britney started partying and doing ***** heavily? don't ***** exacerbate instability and mental illnesses?

We don't know that, but I do believe the kind of ***** she abused were... prescription ***** like ADHD medication (amphetamines for example). She said on her old blog she was taking ADHD meds and that's the best lead. Plus a rumor she OD'd on Vyvanse, which is amphetamine and ADHD med.

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I posted the anti Sam L. thing in twitter... hopefully it helps people realize that he is not okay. 

Also I wish I was creative enough to make meme.

I think one should have a famous man that had a meltdown and a pic of Britney.   And the words would point out the difference in what happened after...

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19 minutes ago, maquisl said:

If this is true I'm even more sad for her. They have no limits. It's like the 2009 leaked voicemail :wontcry:

You can see the address change if you look up her custody case online. 

Also it’s the same prestigious area he’s living in now that she was living in before - the oaks in Calabasas. 

And things got really messed up cuz she wouldn’t see them a lot anymore. 

So if she’s really mentally not good then I’m sure that has to do something with this whole situation ...

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5 minutes ago, Chaoscontrol said:

This is moving quick but I agree with whoever said we need one clear, concise image to share on Twitter and IG explaining things briefly and quickly. 

People respond to memes. We need simplicity. Anyone good with graphic design here??

I’m a graphic designer but what would we like to put on it?

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1 minute ago, Steel Magnolia said:

Leave Sam Lutfi out of it.

For the love of God.

He knows nothing.

He has a horrible reputation.

He can't help.

This!! We have to focus our efforts on spreading this information. The Gram girls can be focused on sources. 

Keep writing on twitter, tagging news organizations, lawyers, politicians, doctors. We need people with credibility. 

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32 minutes ago, Dollyg said:

I know for a fact that she didn’t get to see her kids a lot anymore since Jamie got ill.  

Dont want to give away my sources so take it or leave it.. but she used to see them around four or five days a week and then they cut that down and the kids basically moved to Kevin. He rented a new home from the money Britney gives him as well. It’s in the same area Britney used to live in (in calabasas). 

Imagine being her. Having her kids and suddenly not seeing them cuz they move to him. It all had to do with Jamie’s illness I guess or with him not being around anymore. But I don’t know more. I just think they are using the kids to control her and that the fact she didn’t see them a lot triggers her 

Ugh. :tiffsniffle: If it's true, it doesn't surprise me, but at the same time it kinda does because her boys are both 12 & 13 now so they are not little babies anymore. What must they think when someone tells them they cannot see their mother? It's so sad and sick. Moments like these show how important legal decisions are. Like her having no custody over Preston and Jayden... And some people here used to say 'conservatorship is just in name'. I can't...

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26 minutes ago, Dollyg said:

I know for a fact that she didn’t get to see her kids a lot anymore since Jamie got ill.  

Dont want to give away my sources so take it or leave it.. but she used to see them around four or five days a week and then they cut that down and the kids basically moved to Kevin. He rented a new home from the money Britney gives him as well. It’s in the same area Britney used to live in (in calabasas). 

Imagine being her. Having her kids and suddenly not seeing them cuz they move to him. It all had to do with Jamie’s illness I guess or with him not being around anymore. But I don’t know more. I just think they are using the kids to control her and that the fact she didn’t see them a lot triggers her 

Britney is definitely entitled to privacy and really, the custody arrangement is none of the public's business. (So I do feel terrible for her in that regard)

But the conservatorship is a public issue; their are tax dollars used to pay for judges and other court costs.

She and her team or not just minding their own business as she listlessly performs under that conservatorship.

They should have let her take a real hiatus (or even retire) after the first residency for her to decide what she wants to do next.

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1 minute ago, nels64 said:

Lol that's the first thing I asked too. I mean I can design something...but what is it that we want on there?

Haha exactly! We have the simple pink #FreeBritney design and then I just saw another with the conservatorship hashtag added but I’m not sure how it can get more simple than that :thinkney: maybe a website should be created with the details like a “freebritney.com” etc. and a url an Be added or an ‘official’ Free Britney insta/social media profile url on the design 

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1 minute ago, nels64 said:

I wish they would change their handle. Not because I don't like it, but it will be disregarded cus it's explicit.

Exactly this. They have been very helpful in this all but seeing “emailmypussy” while regarding such a serious topic isn’t....the best thing ever in terms of credibility/advertising  of the Free Britney movement etc. :ohi:

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1 minute ago, Goku said:

I 100% agree with you, but infamous people are usually more easy to contact ughhhhh :disappointed:

I can't believe only Drag Queens and minor celebrities supported us, they're all scared of getting sued? :tifftear:


No as tinashe said they want more info so as to get involved, i think is logical (speaking from there perspective)

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