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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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6 minutes ago, Goneforever said:

Britney is fine with her conservatorship continuing VS Britney is fine having a new conservator other than her dad.

Cleary they are using her words against her to make it sounds like she's ok with the whole conservatorship when she's not. She's probably just ok with the new conservator as long as it's not her father after what happened lately and by agreeing with a new conservator, they think she's agreeing on continuing with the conservatorship, just so they can make a big statement against the accusations she doesn't want to be under control. 

The Blast is such a fraud but nothing new here.

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I can't at people trying to justify that Britney has dementia or schizophrenia. Going to post this with a trigger warning. 
This is a Schizophrenia Simulator on Youtube, so you might experience or at least get an insight into what a person goes through during an episode. I cannot speak from expirience, but I honestly do not believe that it is justifiable for a person to tour the world 3-4 times, onstage in from of thousands of people, tons of lights and lasers, and the media, knowing this could happen at any moment and who the media recklessly brand as ''crazy'' and still claim that this ''makes sense''..


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1 hour ago, BrittonJeanSpears said:

OMG this thread is still active over a year later? SLAY, EXHELL. I miss the good old days where even a flop thread would get you at least 3 pages of comments and a decent thread would rack up 100 pages in 2 days.

The time/date is messed up in the OP. The thread's from April.

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6 hours ago, ICouldntThinkOfOne said:

We don't know everything, but what we do know is everyone who has been involved, and has come into the picture since the FreeBritney movement started has either had a very questionable history regarding money or their involvement with Britney, OR been directly involved in conservatorship abuse cases or recognized for fraud in some sort of way.

As fans, we love Britney. Do we have a family bond? no, but it must stand for something that Britney cut contact with her father in the 00's, her mother wrote a book about him being abusive and now his grandchildren have a restraining order against him. Britney could easily offer him money, but he's an abuser; its about power for him. Why would he try to extend the conservatorship the same year all of this news broke?!

Also, its fact that the conservatorship has failed. If Britney does have some sort of mental health issue, then she's under the wrong type of C-Ship, and should not have been touring and promoting the globe barely a year after her breakdown, yet alone, touring the world three times, releasing 4 albums, and doing a five year residency, only for it to be revealed (according to her team....cough cough) that after all of this, she was ''going to die'' without help; THE CONSERVATORSHIP IS SUPPOSED TO HELP HER.

The reason the C-Ship stayed was because they adapted it to their gain, and sold it as a business model. There has to be something said about the fact that when Britney seemed uninterested in her career, she also appeared to be near sedated both onstage and off and all interviews featured nothing but prescreened questions.

We're not medical professionals, or court paralegals, but we're not stupid enough to believe something isn't happened in Britney's life.

This.  Moreover, the disconnect between Britney’s social media and her real life is bizarre to say the least. How is it possible that amidst the virtual chaos of legal issues she’s posting about the beach and shallow crap like her weight?  They seriously can’t believe that we are that stupid that they can distract us from what’s going on, but why is Britney not speaking out for herself and truly setting the record straight? It’s so hard to know what to believe anymore and the confusion is frankly driving me crazy. Plus, I don’t know what platitudes she could give us anyway because it’s all scripted and nothing has been really real since Blackout.  I’m sick of this fake, controlled, utterly vapid princess... I miss very real, very imperfect, soulfully honest Britney.  Is she still there?...

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9 hours ago, Meaner03 said:

I still wanna know the logic the people who made this law had, like let's say someone is mentally ill, is that a reason to take away all his/her most basic human rights ? I mean mental illness is an issue all over the world yet most of countries never go to such an extent. Better yet they try to really make that nobody takes advantage of you and play their role as a state and authority to protect you. How the hell you order an investigation on someone and that someone has the power to approve who make the investigation ? You the judge, you the state so you appoint that f**king someone and get your reports.

Ill or not you are a human and have rights, just like even criminals who have done terrible things still have rights, that's actually how you recognize a democracy.

This law needs to change


The law is fine. If I got some ilness where i used all my money I had, where I put my kids at risk, and I was a threat to my own health, I would want my mother this instant to seek for a c-ship.
She just went through it with her mother-in-law, but she was not mentally ill, just sick with many diagnoses. She asked my mother to be her guardian, to control the bills being payed, to have something to say regarding medicine, and everything, that is very normal for elder people and frankly also mentally ill people. 

It's the PEOPLE BEING GUARDIANS that shouldn't be this f**ked up! The first year of Britneys went perfect. She grew, she was allowed to see her kids again, she looked healthy, worked again,and that is how it should have been left. Her father should have backed off, saying now we only control your finances (and in a legal way, and not not stealing). It's the restraints she is under that is f**ked up!

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2 hours ago, Scrappy said:

This.  Moreover, the disconnect between Britney’s social media and her real life is bizarre to say the least. How is it possible that amidst the virtual chaos of legal issues she’s posting about the beach and shallow crap like her weight?  They seriously can’t believe that we are that stupid that they can distract us from what’s going on, but why is Britney not speaking out for herself and truly setting the record straight? It’s so hard to know what to believe anymore and the confusion is frankly driving me crazy. Plus, I don’t know what platitudes she could give us anyway because it’s all scripted and nothing has been really real since Blackout.  I’m sick of this fake, controlled, utterly vapid princess... I miss very real, very imperfect, soulfully honest Britney.  Is she still there?...

Britney is honest and real, but she is still a private person, remember that. I really do believe she thinks none of this is our business. She has giving everything, and gone through everything in public, I really think she deserves after this, to just focus on her self, and not telling is everything.

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8 hours ago, BrittonJeanSpears said:

OMG this thread is still active over a year later? SLAY, EXHELL. I miss the good old days where even a flop thread would get you at least 3 pages of comments and a decent thread would rack up 100 pages in 2 days.

The lies :nochillbrit:

My hit threads never saw second page :queenflopga:

2 hours ago, Scrappy said:

How is it possible that amidst the virtual chaos of legal issues she’s posting about the beach and shallow crap like her weight?

Sign of a great performer :werk:, keeping mess behind the scene at all times :well:,

kids of alcoholics learn this ability early. 

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1 hour ago, joanhs said:

Britney is honest and real, but she is still a private person, remember that. I really do believe she thinks none of this is our business. She has giving everything, and gone through everything in public, I really think she deserves after this, to just focus on her self, and not telling is everything.

Britney is honest and real, but I do genuinely believe she would voice her opinions on what is happening, I mean, she used to write letters about everything going on in her life and post them to her website.

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If she is fine with conservatorship then something terrible happened to her mentally. Because she wasn't ok with c-ship. Her leaked voicemails and hand written letters literally say the exact opposite. We won't know the real truth. But I do believe she has serious issues mentally. After the breakdown she changed a lot. But something happened to her in 2010 and Ffney was result. Currentney is also another story. She is forgetting stuffs. Nervous all the time. Her hands are all over the place. I love her instagram posts. But they are weird tbh. Acting childish a little bit. Idk. Maybe all of them are result of wrong treatment.

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10 minutes ago, Dreamer26 said:

If she is fine with conservatorship then something terrible happened to her mentally. Because she wasn't ok with c-ship. Her leaked voicemails and hand written letters literally say the exact opposite. We won't know the real truth. But I do believe she has serious issues mentally. After the breakdown she changed a lot. But something happened to her in 2010 and Ffney was result. Currentney is also another story. She is forgetting stuffs. Nervous all the time. Her hands are all over the place. I love her instagram posts. But they are weird tbh. Acting childish a little bit. Idk. Maybe all of them are result of wrong treatment.

Yeah I'll never believe she's ok with it. Like you say we'll probably never know btu I just think it's more likely to be as a result of what they've done to her all this time and it's heartbreaking. Even if she had a debilitating condition causing all these symptoms, why the eff are they working her like this then? And there's no illness where the things have done is beneficial, cutting her off and isolating her so much? How does that benefit anyone. Such shady bs.

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