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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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5 hours ago, tommy_boy said:

I stopped reading after you said: "We need to remove the stigma around mental health" because I felt offended by it since you quoted me. Please tell me how do I have a stigma over mental health when my own brother is bipolar since he was 19yo? :umok: I know a lot about it and have been dealing with it for over a decade.

Also, where did I say she doesn't have/had a mental illness? I clearly said that TO ME she acted (in 2007) more like a person abusing from ***** and drinks out of depression, than a person dealing with severe mental illness and that she having ONE violent moment didn't necessarily mean ****, because any of us could react the same way without having a mental disorder. BUT I ALSO DID SAY: "Actually, is NOW that Britney seems anxious and showing signs of having a mental illness. I'm not saying she didn't have it back in the day, we don't know for sure.:well:

Wich means I'm not denying the possibility of it happening back in the day, so please read it again. English is not my first language so maybe you didn't get my point, I was just stating facts that SOME examples of her behaviour in 2007 people give here, are not necessarily a sign of mental illness. But at the same time, I'm not saying it's impossible since WE STILL DON'T KNOW FOR SURE. :begone:

The whole comment wasn’t directed to everything you said, sorry if you felt offended by me quoting your content particularly. Actually we do agree that we don’t really know what’s going on. But we do know she has some level of mental health issue, based on  what happened back then and what it seems to be anxiety now. I just wanted to let everybody know that meds can be neccesary and changes in that treatment can be made too. She taking them shoudn’t be considered “forced or against her will” as some people might think because it’s not a decision her team or her family can make but only her doctors. Also, not all psychotropic ***** make people sleepy or more weak as some think, it all depends.

Again, sorry if you felt offended, it’s all coming from a postive and informative place. Love and peace ;)

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14 minutes ago, JordyAF said:

I know This will probably get merged but I wanted To reached the masses before it gets lost in the thread. We all know TMZ is paid blah blah but more people have voted ‘No’ on this Free Britney poll so get to work and show tmz and team brit that their schemes and lies are not working ladies! :lessons: 



I can’t believe the poll says 65% don’t want her free. This world truly don’t deserve Britney...We all failed her. This actually makes me sad :( 

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4 minutes ago, Hope said:

Voted, but part of me thinks they will manipulate the results anyway. :wontcry:

1000%. This is definitely rigged in Team B's favor. Both E News and CBS's The Talk ran a poll and the majority of votes (80-90% were in favor of freeing Britney from the Conservatorship). 


TMZ is still getting a big fat paycheck from Britney being in the Conservatorship. Don't forget that.

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19 minutes ago, JordyAF said:

I know This will probably get merged but I wanted To reached the masses before it gets lost in the thread. We all know TMZ is paid blah blah but more people have voted ‘No’ on this Free Britney poll so get to work and show tmz and team brit that their schemes and lies are not working ladies! :lessons: 



This is how they test to find out if they lies are convincing the public. Obvs their propaganda is working. They’re disgusting!! Notice it’s all about the general public’s opinion not ours. TMZ knows up til now most people weren’t aware Britney was still under a cship or they bought into the misleading stories they’ve spun for over a decade getting their readers to believe the cship is in name only, a safety net and shouldn’t be modified or even removed. Lies!!!

They’re still manipulating the public. It won’t stop until the GP realizes why TMZ is bias, who benefits from their misinformation and bias reports, and that TMZ has the direct support of Team Cship who uses them to purposely spread & plant lies, half truths and misleading info. Knowing full well that even more credible outlets  (CBS, NBC, CNN) never fact check TMZ’s stories therefore the mainstream media (MSM)  reprints TMZ’s skewed info/sources as though it’s 100% true when it isn’t.

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And they also manipulate their viewers. Did u read the comments under posts about Britney? People are so disgusting, so damn ugly sometimes. Makes me ashamed to be human... :bigtime:

Britneysgram said it right. There are two  types of people. The good ones who love Brit or the bad or at least narrow-minded and stupid ones who constantly try to bring her down... 

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8 minutes ago, Girl On The Moon said:

I can’t believe the poll says 65% don’t want her free. This world truly don’t deserve Britney...We all failed her. This actually makes me sad :( 

Baby the poll is manipulated :akii: it’s true she has a lot of haters

but is also true she is and always will be the American dream the eeuu sweetheart :bigkiss: no way people want Britney under the c-ship 

this poll is bullshit 

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11 minutes ago, Guido said:

And they also manipulate their viewers. Did u read the comments under posts about Britney? People are so disgusting, so damn ugly sometimes. Makes me ashamed to be human... :bigtime:

Britneysgram said it right. There are two  types of people. The good ones who love Brit or the bad or at least narrow-minded and stupid ones who constantly try to bring her down... 

This!! And look at all the candids there have been since Britney was let out of the treatment facility. About 10+ different candid sightings, right? Why didn’t we get this many candids a year ago? ? (not that we need candids but my point is they’re allowing Britney to be seen so much more for a reason. We should already know why.) Now we hear her talking on camera when asked specific yes-or-no questions. This isn’t a coincidence.

Optics. Audio. They’re giving fans what appears to be a more “accessible Britney” to pacify the Free Britney supporters aka US! You better believe Jamie and Lou are working on a plan to gently smooth over this entire thing so we’ll stfu and they can continue to control Britney, implement restraints on her once things cool down (depends on what happens in September)  and put her back on stage, all to their benefit. 

While I’m happy to see Britney looking well-groomed and content in the latest candids, make no mistake about it..., it’s all calculated by the handlers. I hope u all realize this the next time you flip out over seeing new candids.

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Is it normal for a lawyer who specializes in business and environmental cases to be working to get someone out of a conservatorship? If someone's goal was to get freed from a conservatorship, wouldn't you mainly hire a lawyer who specializes in conservatorships? The Dell Lawsuit was HUGE... he exposed corruption for the mayor of New Orleans and won against Dell. 

Gladstone N. Jones, III (“Glad”) is Jones Swanson’s founding member. In 25 years of practice, Glad has litigated both environmental and commercial cases in New York, Florida, California, Mississippi and Louisiana. He has garnered numerous honors for his work.

Glad’s first major case, Friloux v. Exxon Corporation and Campbell Wells Corporation, in 1997, prompted changes in Louisiana’s rules concerning the handling and disposal of oilfield waste. Another one of his cases, Doré Energy v. Carter-Langham et al., resulted in what was then the largest land restoration judgment in Louisiana history—$57 million. In 2010, Glad was lead counsel on Active Solutions et al. v. Dell, Inc., et al., which not only resulted in a verdict against the technology giant Dell, but also set the stage for the later criminal conviction of then-New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin. In 2013, the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority–East hired Glad to bring a case against nearly 100 oil, gas and pipeline companies in what The New York Times called “the most ambitious environmental lawsuit ever.” The SLFPA–E case prompted private landowners throughout South Louisiana to bring their own land-loss cases, and Glad represents several of those plaintiffs today.

So, what if his end game is not only to free Britney from her conservatorship, but also seriously look into the business practices of the conservatorship and lock some people up? I don't think he would take on the case if he didn't think he could win. I think we all could argue the conservatorship is a sham on our own with all of our evidence - any decent lawyer that Britney would have hired (if she was allowed before) could win the case. I feel like that's just a given at this point. Is it out of the question for me to think that someone's about to get indicted? I wonder if they catch corruption immediately if charges or a dissolution could happen before September. There's a lot of evidence out there, and it looks like a quick look at the books would give them all the evidence they need of wrongdoing. Maybe they are trying to build a case.

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