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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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1 hour ago, Shrekney said:

Bye :hiii: I hope one day you can handle agreeing to disagree with someone :surething: till then good luck on your 1st grade veggietales math test :groovin:



like we can we PLEASE not turn this into some political BS. I did not mention trump for ****. Somehow pointing out facts about Hillary’s shady past means I’m setting up some campaign shop over here:slowdown: 

Did I @ you?

Didn't think so :bedtime: Go argue with someone else because I couldn't give a **** :raven:

Have a nice day, child.

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5 minutes ago, Body ache said:

I can't at her literally yelling at him on set that she doesn't like it yet he still goes through with it. Maybe if he had listened to her and not film that *** scene maybe he would have created a decent video that both fans and Britney would have liked. Also wasn't he the one who said Jamie axed it?

I haven’t heard that. he’s been consistently saying it wasn’t released bc Britney did not like the video 

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5 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

yes! it was kinda like the Femme Fatale font, but not exactly, I get why he regretted, maybe it was a bit too much, but for certain things it looked interesting and fresh

the sad part is that I was online and posting when it happened, but I failed to notice the font change :britdrown: flop me. dies any of you have any screenshots or something?

I was doubting if I should have included it in the recap but I saw a lot of you talking about it so I did, even though I didn't see it myself

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9 minutes ago, ILikeChillinWithYou said:

the sad part is that I was online and posting when it happened, but I failed to notice the font change :britdrown: flop me. dies any of you have any screenshots or something?

I was doubting if I should have included it in the recap but I saw a lot of you talking about it so I did, even though I didn't see it myself

No, it was almost instantaneous. I refreshed the page, and whoah there it was the new font, and I posted that comment, and then by the time Nelson noticed it, it was gone, but it was like, less than a minute.

It was a bit too much because it was very rounded and a bit thinner than this standard font we have. But for the titles of the quotes or the buttons it looked nice.

I can only describe it as the Femme Fatale font, but not as stylized. Or maybe something like this



I really can't remember exactly :idkney:


@breatheheavy what's the name of the font you tried?



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Is loucifer taylor's instagram still private? I want to sens her some "love" messages. 

How f**ked up of a person to fabricate a story about her driving while using ypur phone . Im so f**king furious. :schoolingtime:


I don't give a **** , im blaming that ***** for everything from now on . And Britney team too , since you're only "maintaining" her career and "self control" shouldn't they be concerned about how there is a fabricated story about her bring her self in "danger" when she's just got out the mental facility? :schoolingtime: 

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1 minute ago, bbbitchme said:

i wonder when Britney will appear in public.she said she would come back soon.

Sam also said she will comeback soon. If she comes back and the cship didn't end, they're gonna put up a new album to please us all. B10 was already confirmed to be on the works before the hiatus. She most probably did not record in the facility. So her team will call up Myah from Emergency Contacts and make her record unfinished demos and put up a make-believe album. We'll get a BJ 2.0 if she makes a comeback without the cship ending. So let's pray she does not make a comeback anytime soon. :ipass:


Brace yourselves for when FFney meets Britney Jean next era :awks::yesokay:


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34 minutes ago, ILikeChillinWithYou said:

Sam also said she will comeback soon. If she comes back and the cship didn't end, they're gonna put up a new album to please us all. B10 was already confirmed to be on the works before the hiatus. She most probably did not record in the facility. So her team will call up Myah from Emergency Contacts and make her record unfinished demos and put up a make-believe album. We'll get a BJ 2.0 if she makes a comeback without the cship ending. So let's pray she does not make a comeback anytime soon. :ipass:

  Reveal hidden contents

Brace yourselves for when FFney meets Britney Jean next era :awks::yesokay:


I actually think they will push for a Blackout 2.0 and make her release an amazing album to cause a divergent and blind us back since well , that's how they would buy us . 

They already started pushing her out to be seen publicly so they have already started. 

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Am I the only one who finds it funny how Britney went to some rando place in Santa Monica which is like 50 miles away from her house to get ice cream? Either she really dove her lazy *** to get ice cream miles away or her team is stupid and thought that we don't know how lazy our fave is to go all that way just for ice cream. I choose the latter.


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1 minute ago, CrystalDorris said:

For real!!!???? ???




so they've done it twice now? As Jordan wrote in his article, maybe they're trying to make her seem like she can't make any good decisions. Someone could've made her sit there and hold her phone so she'd be photographed being "an irresponsible driver" and also skipping the rules they gave her.

Remember the hearing for the conservatorship is coming up

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