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Exhale Reacts: Britney Spears Cancels 'Domination'

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4 minutes ago, Paulino999 said:

 Let's MARK THIS...

i agree with all this theory,... 


I'm just not sure if her team will do those amazing YOU just wrote... 

and a little bird that has some connection with the DANCERS told me that the show will go on.

Haha thanks! I work in the hotel industry and we work with big performers all the time so I’m hoping I’m right, but I in no way, am pretending that I know anything about Britney/Domination specifically. Just want to make sure people know that lol. 

I DM with one of the dancers from time to time, but haven’t asked him about this. I want to, but don’t wanna seem insensitive. 

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9 minutes ago, nerdygeekgrl said:

I agree with most of this. I do think when those dancers were saying "See you in March" they meant this show. Idk any other show that's slated to begin in 2019 other than hers. 

I feel like this was a calculated plan and are hoping for a July start rather than a late Aug/early Sept start. I only think this because what's sp special about July as opposed to late Aug/early Sept? Summer vacation. People will be planning their trips and why not take advantage of using the summer when they're off to visit Vegas and see her show? 

I honestly won't be surprised if by March or very early April they suddenly emerge and say the show is back on. Gives fans at least 3 months heads up to buy tickets for the first show in July and then it's just business as usual from there on. 

I was thinking July too, but didn’t want to be too optimistic lol. I also think there’s an album ready that would’ve come out with the second set of Domination dates to lure fans to come back to see the new music performed and create more GP buzz.  

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4 minutes ago, CockyBritney said:

Haha thanks! I work in the hotel industry and we work with big performers all the time so I’m hoping I’m right, but I in no way, am pretending that I know anything about Britney/Domination specifically. Just want to make sure people know that lol. 

I DM with one of the dancers from time to time, but haven’t asked him about this. I want to, but don’t wanna seem insensitive. 

 YOUr  theory is really good.. let's hope something good happens with all of this...


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Just now, CockyBritney said:

I was thinking July too, but didn’t want to be too optimistic lol. I also think there’s an album ready that would’ve come out with the second set of Domination dates to lure fans to come back to see the new music performed and create more GP buzz.  

Idk why but July just seems to make way more sense than February for a start date. 

The POM official final show was Oct at that race thing. Having a quick 4 month break and then starting a new residency is way too much pressure in my opinion. It's just way too close and people won't be interested. Having a July start, like I mentioned, is good the simple fact thst it's the summer and people will take their summer vacations. What better way to kick off the residency than a brand new show? 

And it'll also be almost a yr since the last POM show so it'd make more sense. 

Won't be surprised. I'll hold off canceling my Park MGM hotel reservation till I hear more news about what's going on. 

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45 minutes ago, CockyBritney said:

Okay so here’s what I think is going on, yes it’s kind of long but I hope you take the time to read. I’ve been thinking about this since yesterday morning. 

Jamie is sick, yes. That’s evident in JL’s Instagram stories and posts. It’s likely they thought he’d be 100% by now, which is why they continued planning Domination, but I think as time went in they realized he wouldn’t be 100% quite yet so they started reducing the already little promotion they’ve been doing for the show. I’m sure Britney wasn’t as concerned about the show as she should’ve been, given her dad’s condition. 

Then, her team and MGM realized that grouping up the less than stellar (but still not terrible) ticket sales with Britney’s father’s health becoming her priority and not having adequate time to finish rehearsals/preparations in time, would not be a great combo so they panicked for a hot second. The decision to “postpone” NOT cancel Domination was mutual between Britney, her team, and Park MGM because it’s a win-win-win. 

It’s a win for her because now she’s painted as the “sweetheart daughter,” who instead of taking in millions to perform in Vegas, is rushing on her father’s side to help care for him and be with her family during the “tough times” of his recovery. The GP and the media will eat this up and she’ll come out shining once he fully recovers. 

It’s a win for her team and MGM because now they have more time to prepare for the show and improve what they need to improve before it kicks off again. NappyTabs teasing about the setlist (Overprotected, My Prerogative) and vocals is likely all part of the plan to hype it up so when it’s back, her fans are excited and will flood the box office/ticket master to buy tickets to see what is supposed to be her best show to date. Her return will be branded as yet another “comeback,” which the GP/media will be all over because everyone loves a good comeback story, right? This will help MGM sell more tickets to the GP and fill the venue/ their hotel rooms/casino—which is where MGM’s real money comes from. Don’t be fooled into believing otherwise. 

Here’s what the plan would look like for her return (if it’s not, her marketing team needs A LOT of help): 

1. Announce the “indefinite hiatus” on a Friday morning so it’s watercooler talk in the office, but close enough to the weekend where it’ll be brought up in social interactions with people you’re more likely to visit Vegas with. This “postponement” story will be all over the media for a couple of days and keep people talking about her and getting her sympathy points. 

2. In a few months or so, maybe around early March, post a pic with Jamie and confirm he’s at a full recovery and thank fans for their patience and prayers. Tease that Britney is ready to get back to work again. 

3. Leak something (maybe Pitbull track) to spark interest in her music again and get people talking about her professional life again, not just personal. Shortly, announce that a lead single, which she’s readied since before her hiatus, is coming soon. Release single/MV. Use the “comeback” angle to really push this single. 

4. Later, announce an album and that the residency (maybe new name?) is back on. Release dates and new rehearsal footage. NappyTabs back in the picture. Again, it’s a comeback so people will be all over it. Promo for both will kick in to high gear. Tickets will sell, album will likely sell with it. (Hopefully they’ll bundle the two, but it’s Britney’s team we’re talking about)

5. Album comes out mid summer (July-August) with a combo promotional run for the residency. Residency kicks up again towards the end of summer/early fall (August-September) with the hype from the original show teases and the all the new exposure she’s gotten from being a good daughter and the buzz of new music.

Again, win-win-win.

Agree with all you said, I thought these exact things last night. 

My opinion is that the show(new name I think) will begin in late summer- september tied up the album release. June 1st single and august 2nd one. They will milk out as the comeback/ stronger era. Maybe maybe with a netflix documentary showing the struggles of personal and professional lives.

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5 minutes ago, IonutM said:

Agree with all you said, I thought these exact things last night. 

My opinion is that the show(new name I think) will begin in late summer- september tied up the album release. June 1st single and august 2nd one. They will milk out as the comeback/ stronger era. Maybe maybe with a netflix documentary showing the struggles of personal and professional lives.

Watch Sam be all over the documentary upon request because he will do anything to get his face all over 

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2 hours ago, stefihilton said:

that’s a harsh, detached way of seeing things. and maybe she’s not money hungry at all. she has a lot of financial responsibilities. have a bit of self respect and stop talking about britney’s life like you own it or something. get over yourself. she’s going through crap times and she needs compassion

Um she herself has said multiple times that she likes money.. everyone likes money. They offered her a GIANT paycheck of course she will want that. Has nothing to do with respect but securing your and your children's future.

There is no way she will retire this young she will get totally bored within 4 years. Remember when she wanted to take a year off on 2002 but went back into the studio after 3 weeks because she got bored? She isnt done.

So regardless of how her father does she will be back. It's just a matter of time.

Also I'm all for britney postponing to be with her family no matter how long it takes so I dont kbiw why you had to quote me and be such a ****.

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1 hour ago, ImanuelCortez said:

I know - we all hate the truth but here it is: 

MGM wasn't impressed or happy at all how the production went. 90% of the show weren't ready until new year, after the impact of Gaga's Enigma management decided to pull the plug due low expectations of the whole show and low ticket sales. Gaga is pressured to do more dates but she wants to take it slow and get into the shedule. Cher is offered to do more legs but she is touring all year. Another residency will be announced soon, offerings are in the works. They all play the game nicely cuz Britney is expected to be hyped in Vegas again in five years or so. Nobody ***** were they eat - Rudolph came up to play the ill father card so fans won't be pissed and the side effect is a lot of positive PR. It's win win for both sides Britney gets 3 Mio to offer MGM her next residency and the Resort don't have to pay 550.000 EUR for a shitty production with empty seats. The only f**ked people are the dancers as usual. Jamie is doing fine - he is recovering. If it was all about his condition Britney could have cancelled/postponed if things really turn out serious during her running time. She only had 32 shows planned - she could visit her father a lot and perform the show. It's showbusiness. 

PS: that prerecorded vocal tea was bullshit as usual : DJ's only got the decades old studio vocals for their Domination reworks. Choreos we're only rehearsed for the songs you saw on her IG and one messy one for till the world ends they couldn't post. 


and your source is.....


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Nah. Sam is way too young to wanna be a daddy. He's Persian. I know how Persian men are because I am one. 

Persian men will date non Persian girls till they're in their mid 30s. They'll dump the girl and settle with a nice Persian girl and start a family. 

He's only dating her for 2 reasons: for his own gain (main reason why) and because he knows his family will never accept her into the family so why not just date her for the time being? 

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1 minute ago, nerdygeekgrl said:

Nah. Sam is way too young to wanna be a daddy. He's Persian. I know how Persian men are because I am one. 

Persian men will date non Persian girls till they're in their mid 30s. They'll dump the girl and settle with a nice Persian girl and start a family. 

He's only dating her for 2 reasons: for his own gain (main reason why) and because he knows his family will never accept her into the family so why not just date her for the time being? 

Sorry, but that sounds like stereotyping

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3 minutes ago, DexWillBeThere98 said:

Sorry, but that sounds like stereotyping

 It's how all Muslim men are. It's not stereotyping if it's how they all are. I know tons of Persians, Afghans, and other Muslim men who do this. They're close to the families, esp their mothers. And they wanna make mama jaan happy. How? Marry a girl they'll like. As in a Persian girl. Like I said, I am a Persian.... I know a bit more about how they work than you. 

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