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  1. I started a new job three weeks ago. There’s an intern guy in my team who’s hot AF and is effortlessly cool, like his clothing choices are enough for me to jump all over him, but he’s very very cute. Since the first day he’s always been so nice and sweet to me, like he would text me random **** like he loved my emails to clients or that my report was so well done, stuff like that. We work remotely a few days a week but when we’re in the office he always sits next to me. A few days ago he put a cookie next to my laptop and I was like “is that for me?” and he replied “yeah that’s for you”. I had half of the cookie thinking he’d want the other half, then after a while I asked him “is that gonna go in my mouth?” and he said “yeah that’s going in your mouth beautiful” - I was literally dying inside. The day after we were working from home and he gave me a call about some random email he wanted to have my thoughts about - I literally got the email while I was on the phone with him so I feel like he just wanted an excuse to talk to me. During the call he asked me how I’m finding the job and basically at some point I told him “anyway let’s go for drinks sometime after work to talk about this” and he immediately said “that’s exactly what I wanted to suggest”. And we agreed for next Thursday, with him adding “I’ll buy you drinks to make you spill all your secrets”. Like omg! Now there’s a little twist… Friday morning we were on a zoom call waiting for a colleague to join, so I asked him about his plans for the weekend and he said “I got a date tonight”, to which I replied “ohhh with who?”, and he said “this girl who’s a friend of friends”. I was like WTF? I thought he was gay?! He literally sends me texts and emails always ending with xx - what is going on? There’s also the fact that I’m a director and I feel embarassed about other senior people at the firm seeing me interacting so much with the 22yo intern boy who’s 11 years younger than me, and even worse if they’d see me leaving for drinks with him after work. And I also live with my partner of 5 years, and we aren’t open (although there have been some obstacles along the way…), so there’s that. I don’t know what to think- is he gay? Is he into me? Or does he just see me as an older mentor? But then why the cookie and why the drinks and why would he tell me those things?? I feel embarrassed to talk about it with my friends as he’s literally a kid and I have my relationship, but please let me know your thoughts. I’m developing a dangerous crush over here like I haven’t had one since I was in my early 20s probably, and i could do with some external advice …..
  2. This video talks about a "gay matrix" regarding ***ual relationships and the lack of deep personal relationships in the Gay community. I think it's a really good video! Watch and let's discuss.
  3. Are you a Mean Gay? If you have trouble creating lasting bonds with other gays, this video may help. Let me know what you think.
  4. It sounds like a DL guy in her complex is giving out her apartment number. The person scamming is telling the men just to walk in instead of knocking. This is wild!
  5. Is it just me or is being in your 30s like being in a limbo when it comes to being a gay man? Let me explain. I've always been considered good looking and I never had to struggle to hook up with anyone I wanted. My Grindr was literally on fire throughout my 20s, and my skinny body was a hit at the bars and on the apps. Every weekend was all about jumping from D to D to D, and it always turned out to be a match ANYTIME I swiped right. I truly had the best 20s. Fast forward to my early 30s—with my body still slim but no longer twinkie-skinny à la Troye Sivan, and some veiled little lines on my forehead (nothing retinoids can't fix)—my Grindr has become almost a desert. I've noticed a significant decline in guys' interest in me, with daddies (who have always been after me) often not even coming back to my messages. It's demoralising, and shocking, especially as it's such a drastic situation compared to just 4 or 5 years ago. I talked about it with a friend, and he said apparently it happens to all gays in their 30s as everyone is either into twinks or daddies. Another friend of mine in his late 40s, who's extremely handsome, confirmed this 'rule', saying he's never hooked up and had so many guys after him like he does these days. So, is this how it works then? That it's a twinks and daddies' world, and everyone in between just has to wait to become more of a daddy to successfully shop around again? Is anyone else experiencing the same or has noticed something similar? Signed, a former twink.
  6. I'm as3xual and people are constantly ******* me with comments- oh, wait how stressful your life will be when you get a boyfriend oh wait until you get married do you have a boyfriend? why not? get one. you're only getting old, have kids your clock is ticking HOW DO I TELL THOSE HAGS I AM AS3XUAL AS ONE COULD POSSIBLY BE? Do I get a beard? Do I make a fake bf with AI? How do I make them stop pushing me into something that will NEVER happen?
  7. Although I do sense a lot of homophobia and gender-binary paradigm flaws, I think its an important conversation for our current time.
  8. What is your preference when it comes to appearance and personality?
  9. 1 gender idiology and raising children Basically a video that is supposed to convince people LGBTQ+ is just a political propaganda that will take the kids away 2 ''3 Absurdities of gender idiology'' Super transphobic, homophobic, it's all a sin and if you are part of it you're off to helll 3. ''Women are under influence of gender idiology'' They promote the idea women with mental issues are prone to turn to being trans to fix their issues and it's a ''devil's trap'' Please report those videos. I hate seeing this kind of propaganda. There is a wave of people who want to convince people everyone who is LGBTQ+ is sick, possessed and women should go back to being traditional and not to try being so manly because that's harmful for men. I am disgusted this bs even exists. Please, please, please report those videos.
  10. Pride month was supposed to be celebration of hom0saxal history. Why did straight people get inserted into the community via this flag? Who chose this flag? Why has it replaced the original in almost all corporate ads?
  11. Rock N Roll King Little Richard is an underrated gay icon. Richard struggled with internalized homophobia and grappled between his spiritual side and gay nature. He tried to denounce his ***uality but it was hard for him. I'm not sure what pressures he faced but it was obvious that he was being caused to feel conflicted. What I feel makes him a gay icon is the fact that he publicly pondered his ***uality and lived in his truth. I think a lot of gay people feel conflicted at times, back then moreso than now. Do you like Little Richard? Should we consider him a gay icon? Discuss
  12. brymo

    How to be single?

    Being single sucks. I hate it. I've spent most of my life in a relationship, and being alone is painful (I feel like Britney is maybe the same - ). I had a really sad breakup earlier this week and now I'm realizing all the annoying things about dating and being alone. What's the best way to cope? I've already downloaded ALL OF THE APPS and drank way too much wine. #firstthread
  13. Gates funds millions to NGO claiming kids born ***ual, 10-year-olds should learn about 'commercial s** work' ''The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donates millions annually to a nongovernmental organization which claims that children are born ***ual and should learn about "commercial s** work" under 10 years of age. The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) – a separate entity from the U.S. nonprofit – wields significant influence on global s** education. The NGO comprises 120 independent organizations in over 146 countries and has received – including its European network – over $80M from Gates. Other significant donors included the World Health Organization. A toolkit released in 2017 showed an insight into how the NGO teaches s** education to children around the globe. "***ual activity may be part of different types of relationships, including dating, marriage or commercial s** work, among others," IPPF said about children under 10 should be taught, which was first flagged by Nicole Solas of the Independent Women's Forum. PENTAGON'S SCHOOLS INFESTED WITH SHOCKING ****OGRAPHIC MATERIAL FOR MILITARY KIDS: 'TIME TO SEND A **** PIC' Children under 10 should also be told "As you grow up, you might start to be interested in people with diverse gender identities," the toolkit said. The IPPF suggested in multiple instances that children are born ***ual. Children under 10 should be taught that "***uality is a part of you from the moment you are born. Your ***uality develops and changes throughout your life." BIDEN PARTNERED WITH ORGANIZATION WHICH QUESTIONED PARENTS' RIGHTS TO BE NOTIFIED ABOUT THEIR KIDS' TRANSITION "[S]ex positivity acknowledges that human beings, including adolescents and young people, are autonomous ***ual beings." s** educators, according to the NGO, should have an "Understanding of young people as ***ual beings."'' FULL ARTICLE: Gates funds millions to NGO claiming kids born ***ual, 10-year-olds should learn about 'commercial s** work' WWW.FOXNEWS.COM The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated millions to organization claiming children are born ***ual and should learn about ***ual attraction to different gender identities. Archived: Gates funds millions to NGO claiming kids born ***ual, 10-year-olds should learn about 'commercial s** work' WEB.ARCHIVE.ORG The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated millions to organization claiming children are born ***ual and should learn about ***ual attraction to different gender identities.
  14. For boomers unfamiliar with the term- they are the BAnons of Swiftie community. Saesengs but the western edition. Every ******* Taylor song, MV, poster, ad has to be dissected and turned into obscure sapphiric work of art Taylor made exclusively for them. To be so delusional to think Taylor is some super depressed, at times suicidal person who uses her albums to communicate with just a section of her fans is bizarre. Yes, Taylor and Karlie were ******* everywhere but it's been 10 years ago. No one ******* cares. Well, gaylors do. And they are having a field day. Also, if LGBT wants not to be doxxed and bullied for their orientation, what allows them to declare Taylor the gayest female singer to ever exist? Even if she was gay, she obviously do not want that part of her life to be public. She doesn't owe public to tell anything. It's bizarre how ****ed up gaylors are. On one hand they demand the highest level of privacy and rights but at the same time they use every detail, existent and non existent to make Taylor gay. Personal anecdote about those maniacs: Seeing tweets today made me gag. Some morons even left flowers in front of Taylors apartment like she died. There are tweets and pictures on twitter. THAT'S INSANE! Gaylors are crazy hypocrites. I hope they get therapy they need. Thanks for reading my TED talk. UPDATE- Why Some Taylor Swift Stans Are Ganging Up On ‘Gaylors’: Report WWW.ROLLINGSTONE.COM Research firm Graphika tells Rolling Stone what harassment in the Swift fandom can teach us about how people behave on social media. You deserve it. You asked for it. Start having a life. And no, not everyone is secretly gay.
  15. So long hair has come to an end... what do you like the most?
  16. Why should children be coerced into this ideology? Is this an attack on children who show signs of being feminine males or masc females?
  17. The controversy began when fans of the show assumed Connor, 18, was hetero***ual. Despite this, early on in the show's production, a producer had mentioned how proud they were to have an entirely LGBT main cast. However, fans began to suspect Connor was not LGBT after he was seen dating a girl, and accused him of queerbaiting due to his close friendships with some of his male cast members. By the way, this is not the definition of queerbaiting AT ALL. Queerbaiting is when you pretend to be LGBT or co-opt our culture for profit. See the MCU's constant homoerotic treatment of the Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes friendship, or Teen Wolf's Stiles and Derek for prime examples in fictional media, and Charlie Puth and Harry Styles for prime examples in the entertainment industry. A straight actor playing an LGBT role, or a straight man being an ally to the community and having LGBT friends is not queerbaiting. Due to the sustained scrutiny, the actor issued a statement on his Twitter declaring officially that he was bi***ual and denouncing the fans who made him feel forced to come out.
  18. Hi y'all! This Sunday we celebrate our 4th LGBTQ+ Pride... with local artists and feriantes. I'm kinda excited as for the hard work we've been through in order to do it every single year, is a hard job to talk with politics, try to do everything work, get things, talki to artists and feriantes, etc... I'm the one who started it all here in Salto, 4 years ago... since then I'm piloting everything in order to happen... cuz it's important, and even more for a small and conservative town like mine. So I was wondering, are here any kind of activists who wanted to share their stories?
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