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Found 21 results

  1. Did you hang out with the cool crowd or not? And don’t lie. If you weren’t, you weren’t and that’s ok
  2. After having a mature and private conversation with another user who I will not name, I have realized that I may owe this forum an apology. If any users on here feel that I have been policing their comments or threads, I wanted to sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. It has never been my intention to disrupt the community and I do not think that I am above anyone else. I will say, I am someone who is naturally outspoken and sometimes do not express myself properly. (something that we all can do every once in a while) I guess it’s more of a protection mode that I go into for Britney because of all that she’s gone through. I expect more from her fans and when I see someone trying to ridicule her or control what she does, it somewhat triggers me. Most likely due to the traumas of my own life and I apologize for projecting that onto here. It is also worth noting that there have been comments on here made about Britney that are absolutely trying to control her or just plain ignorant. I want to be very clear when I say that I do believe that we can have different opinions and I agree that we should all be able to express ourselves, our views and our opinions respectfully. I apologize for any hypocrisy that I may have exhibited and I will work on this moving forward. I also apologize for the amount of threads that I have created. I am totally aware of how many threads that I make and it has never been my intentions to take up oxygen on here. We all should be able to make threads and I’m sorry if I have over done it with the thread making, particularly making a lot of threads in one day. I enjoy engaging with you all and having discussions about Britney and that could be why I feel so comfortable asking questions or making threads. I will cut back on the amount of threads that I make and hope that this allows others to be able to post more and engage with this community more comfortably. I hope this message is received as genuine and I wish everyone on here the best 🤍 Ps, making this apology does not mean that I will allow others to disrespect me or harass me freely. I will continue to defend myself.
  3. Hey guys! If you are a musician, producer, actor, director, singer or dancer, this thread is for you! This thread is yours to share all of your projects and to also help promote yourself to the Exhale community. Share your work and we will help you promote and get views Where are all the Exhale Stars at? Please share your socials and projects, I know I’m not the only one who wants to support you 🤍
  4. Fake for me because I’m not dealing with the mess of a real tree
  5. If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all
  6. If you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all. Please stop spreading negativity around Exhale. If you disagree with someone, absolutely express yourself but in a respectful manner please. If you can’t be mature and have a respectful conversation, refrain from commenting anything at all 🤍 I hope everyone has an amazing day!
  7. -put the thumbs down in reaction to a comment / thread , we have the thumbs up why not down 👎 -delete a thread: it would be so nice if we could delete a thread that we posted, for example imagine that we posted a thread but that it quickly becomes obsolete or while we posted a useless or annoying thread it would be useful -report a thread, i realized that it would be a good idea when a user had posted a hateful thread towards the children of britney, instead of identifying all the mods, it would be easier to click on an option to send a report notification to all mods including @Jordan Miller
  8. I don’t know, I feel so liberated and it’s just such a vibe Thanks @Style. for informing me that it’s called avi
  9. This is a really big deal Who’s been around the longest? Who contributes to the community? Who’s your fav? Let me know who you’d crown in the comments
  10. here's a list of things i love to do (for example purposes, y'all don't know me im just another anonymous person on exhale 🤫) - i love to eat pizza, chicken fried, sushi, alfredo pastas, and strawberries and lemons 🍓🍋😉!!! - i love hanging with my friends its super cool and fun - i love to pray and meditate from time to time. - i love to sing and dance and write songs - i love the color pink - i love Christina Aguilera and her music (except her first two albums) - Pepsi is not what i love, coca cola is. - i love dancing on tables - i love spa days!!! - i love casual dating over LOVE what about y'all? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
  11. Looking for new shows and movie recommendations! I've watched the new Ryan Murphy series The Watcher, also the new Halloween movie, Only ******* in the Building, Good Girls, Jane the Virgin, The Bold Type and Do Revenge just to name a few stuff. I need new recommendations and I'm sure others could benefit from that too! What do YOU like watching, Exhale peeps?! 🍿🍿🍿
  12. Who was around then? Was it as fun on here back then as it is now? I’m so grateful for this amazing site @Jordan Miller
  13. Random question but I thought it would be cool to see all of the different vibes on Exhale! I feel like I’m an even mixture. Parts of me are pretty flamboyant and feminine but then I also have parts about me that are on the masculine side. I am comfortable painting my nails and wearing makeup but I’m also low key and subtle at the same time. Growing up I always tried to hide who I was but as an adult I love being me! Me at 13 trying on my mom’s makeup and getting caught: Ps this is a safe thread and everyone is beautiful in their own way. Be proud to be who you truly are 🤍
  14. I’m thinking of going as a sparkly devil 😈 What are you planning to go as for this years Halloween party? 🎃👻
  15. I just wanted to come on here and say that I appreciate all of the comments and messages that I get from some of you. Like Britney said, not every thread can be a good thread. You’re going to have some amazing threads and you’re going to have some ok threads I love engaging with all of you, despite being picked on for making threads or the amount of threads that I make. It doesn’t stop me and I continue to make them for this community I just wanted to come on here and say thank you to everyone who has shown me love on here, including @Jordan Miller. I will continue to make threads for you all because I really do love Exhale and this Britney community 🤍🤍🤍
  16. I prefer dark mode. I always accidentally click the little 💡 at the top of the page and the screen goes super bright and I’m like
  17. I can’t believe some of the comments that I’m seeing on here by some of her “fans” - “She needs to stop posting about her sons” - “She needs to save it for the book” - “She needs to find a better way to deal with this” - “She needs to stop posting revealing photos” - “Is she off her meds and having manic episodes?” - “There’s so much more going on in the world. She needs to move on from this” and more. Do you guys not understand that she gave up her life to be a star? Then becoming that star turned her into a prisoner in her own life and she was trafficked by her own family. She has had everyone around her take advantage of her and has been silenced for over 13 years. How dare any of you insinuate that you know what is best for her and her healing? Let her post whatever she wants and let her deal with this in whatever way she chooses to. This is not your life nor are you the one living in her shoes. Sit down and stop trying to diminish her thoughts, feelings and traumas. Period.
  18. So we’re all probably aware of the thread @GlitterRain made on @JayTawndre’s behalf about the alleged communications he had with “Britney.” We don’t need to rehash that thread, nor does this thread need to be an environment where members drag one another. I am curious though, about where GlitterRain went as JayTawndre was being dragged and attacked. It seemed like Glitter was his most vocal supportive ally but went silent amidst the onslaught of attacks. Vote in the poll to settle this discussion once and for all.
  19. ... "My advice for you is to never ever lose your passion to dream. Please don't." - Dream Within the Dream Tour, 19.12.2001 Miami. And I have never stopped dreaming! First of all, I want to say how happy I am that I am part of this fan base. We guys rock! We made history! I come here for Britney news and a lot of times you guys make me so happy, cause you are so funny and talented! Thank you @Jordan Miller for creating this site! Hopefully we can meet someday. I have been a BreatheHeavy member for over 15 years (made an account a little later, 2011). I have seen 5 Britney concerts and I have 2 pictures with her. She has inspired me on so many levels - I will love her forever! And I am SOOOO happy that she is finally free! Last few years I have been dreaming about something special I want to build (already started) the best platform (web + apps) for fans and their idols! So I am asking for your feedback that would help me to create it. I believe that we can create something very cool and special for true fans and their idols. If you believe that Britney fan(s) can do something big and you like the idea or you like being a part of the fan base please click on True Fanbase website and fill out the survey (https://truefanbase.com) So one day when I meet Britney again I can tell her how it started and who helped me! If you know any friends who are fans of someone else, please share this survey. You can build something big with me! You just have to believe in it! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Liisa
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