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Britney Spears’ aunt Leigh Ann reveals that Jamie Spears’ father put their mother on lithium too

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2 hours ago, AP4 said:

It was not hard to have a woman hospitalized/institutionalize/put on medication back in the day. It was damn common in fact. Women were more so property of their husbands. And what the husband said was the final word. Doctors listened to the husbands. It wasn’t illegal to beat or r*** your wife not that long ago either.



Apperently it is still not hard in the US. Britney being an obvious example of a sick system. 

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9 hours ago, Onyxgirl17 said:

I’m confused about how the grandfather got two wives institutionalized and forced on lithium.

My mother had to be institutionalized sometimes (sometimes due to her medications stopping working and needing a new mix) but even if she didn’t sleep for two weeks straight if the doctors felt she wouldn’t “harm herself” they would not admit her. My father didn’t sleep well at night because he had to personally make sure she didn’t hurt herself and us (by like accidentally setting the house on fire). 

Maybe it was different in the 1960s. Maybe the mental hospital doctors were crooked. 

I’m glad we are in a time where society is starting to recognize that mental health care is important but we’ve still a long way to go. 

Back in the 60s you could have locked someone up based on their ***uality or simple mood swings.

Especially by your own family in this case husband.

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10 hours ago, Slave4Brit88 said:

Do you mean when she said something like ‘I am angry and I will go there’? because I always thought that was a curious phrase. Also back in 2019 when Ingham said Britney is against everything being hidden away like the ‘family secret’ or words to that effect. That article was horrific and I’m so sad for Britney’s aunt, what a true nightmare this family is - and to think it all seemed so innocent and pure when BOMT came out, who could have ever guessed Britney came from such a dark past/family :sad_britney_ftr_for_the_record: it’s weird I always thought Britney had a good relationship with June and he kind of spoke against her hospitalisation in 08, maybe past guilt got him. I also found it interesting Lynne was the one who immediately believed Brit’s aunt, wonder if her experience of the Spears men showed her what they’re capable of. Also it 100% sounds like Brit’s grandmother was ********, I remember reading of the suicide and the weird way it was said she pulled the trigger with her toe...mmmmm I share the suspicions of the aunt and uncle. What a nightmare.

I had to look up exactly what he said and…



“I don’t know about Brit­ney,” her grand­fa­ther, June Austin Spears, told the Daily News. “I’m wor­ried about her. She shouldn’t go in the nut house.

“Some­times you come out worse than you come in.”

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57 minutes ago, legendoftherose said:

so the handling of britneys breakdown in 2007 was really Jamie's long time trauma acting up?

Of course, this had a big impact on her mental health. From childhood, she lived in a pathological family (sorry for that statement, but this is the reality), life in a family with alcohol and psychological abuse for a young child reflects in the future. Britney was under a lot of stress since she was a child. From an early age, she worked to be who she is. She has worked for her family all her life. There are many things and situations that we don't know about and for now we can only guess. I really hope Britney has never been ***ually abused by Jamie, but there are many factors that indicate that this may be true. Worldwide fame, constant work to satisfy fans, breaking up with Justin, divorcing Kevin, loss of rights to her own children, the media never left her, the paparazzi followed her every step. No wonder she had a mental breakdown.

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26 minutes ago, dfffff said:

Of course, this had a big impact on her mental health. From childhood, she lived in a pathological family (sorry for that statement, but this is the reality), life in a family with alcohol and psychological abuse for a young child reflects in the future. Britney was under a lot of stress since she was a child. From an early age, she worked to be who she is. She has worked for her family all her life. There are many things and situations that we don't know about and for now we can only guess. I really hope Britney has never been ***ually abused by Jamie, but there are many factors that indicate that this may be true. Worldwide fame, constant work to satisfy fans, breaking up with Justin, divorcing Kevin, loss of rights to her own children, the media never left her, the paparazzi followed her every step. No wonder she had a mental breakdown.

you are absolutely right! Maybe you misunderstood my statement :) what i emant was that britneys situation in 2007 was more than understandable and could have been handled way differe´nt  and in a holistic way even, but Jamie, unreflected and deep in trauma as he was/still is, fought back with he himself experienced...


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4 minutes ago, legendoftherose said:

you are absolutely right! Maybe you misunderstood my statement :) what i emant was that britneys situation in 2007 was more than understandable and could have been handled way differe´nt  and in a holistic way even, but Jamie, unreflected and deep in trauma as he was/still is, fought back with he himself experienced...


I'm sorry, English isn't my first language:jl_jamie_lynn_awkward_cringe_eek:

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11 hours ago, Xavierleleon said:

Apperently it is still not hard in the US. Britney being an obvious example of a sick system. 

It really is. It’s also why so many people say if Britney was a man this never would have happened to her. Because the likelihood is it wouldn’t have. Britney represented everything “frowned upon” in a young woman, ***ual and seemingly independent, confident, successful. I still believe the original judge went along with all this because of that, not because she was paid off. But because she wanted to punish the Britney Spears that had so many older women and conservatives up in arms over how she was “destroying” young girls. 

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34 minutes ago, AP4 said:

It really is. It’s also why so many people say if Britney was a man this never would have happened to her. Because the likelihood is it wouldn’t have. Britney represented everything “frowned upon” in a young woman, ***ual and seemingly independent, confident, successful. I still believe the original judge went along with all this because of that, not because she was paid off. But because she wanted to punish the Britney Spears that had so many older women and conservatives up in arms over how she was “destroying” young girls. 

Yeahyeahyeah, totally. She and judges like her grant that **** all the time. Misogonysts doesn’t need to be paid to be misogynistic just like racists don’t need to be paid to be racist. She is just like Diane Sawyers and that female politician who wanted to shoot Britney. Or Sarah Silverman, Christina Aguilera, Kathy Griffin etc. They hated her for being free, ***ual and successful. How dare she be **** and powerful while soft and feminine but bold and “dgaf” all at the same time?!

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