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BREAKING: JAMIE SPEARS SUSPENDED - Conservatorship hearing today! - Live updates + streaming link for Free Britney Rally

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3 minutes ago, FreeBritneyForever said:

lmao it’s a sitcom scene now. Total slapstick.

Not this ending with Viv slipping on a banana peel.

For real. I busted up at this tweet from Britney Law Army: "Ingham asks Penny for HIS FEES. And Loeb and Loeb fees- JPS was supposed to pay these fees via order- Penny: Thoreen, why have these fees not been paid? Viv: MY CLIENT JUST GOT SUSPENDED. Penny: That was not my question. These petitions for fees (Ingham’s and L&L) are passed."

Viv is acting like a child.  Sounds like she's having a meltdown. lmao.

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2 minutes ago, Ryan Robles said:

Nope, public was only allowed in with pen and paper. The audio of Brit's testimony wasn't supposed to be leaked like that, and that really pissed them off.

Im so glad the audio leaked or else none of this might have happened!!! PRAISE GODNEY!!!!


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