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TKyle & Bradley Stern take sanctimonious to the next level

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They have been MIA for months. The cynic in me wonders if the resurfacing of their  podcast was sanctioned by Team Con. 🤔 Isn’t or wasn’t Bradley/MuuMuse kinda close-ish with them? JL is back on her gram too. She’d been quietly updating Maddie’s IG during the softball tournament. Could be she was following Lou’s orders to lay low.

Funny how at the start of a new week those who are pro-Team Con return. We’re likely to get a statement of some kind by either JL or others who are staunchly in support of the cship scam as the new court hearing date draws closer. Btw I’m not bothering to listen to IBB. I’m disgusting and disappointed Bradley and T. Kyle. 

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1 minute ago, generation glory said:

They have been MIA for month. The cynic in me wonders if the resurfacing of this podcast was sanctioned by Team Con. 🤔 Isn’t or wasn’t Bradley/MuuMuse kinda close-ish with them? JL is back on her gram too. She’d been updating Maddie’s IG during the softball tournament. Funny how at the start of a new week those who are pro-Team Con return. We’re likely to get a statement of some kind by either JL or others in support of the scam as the court hearing date draws closer. Btw I’m not bothering to listen to IBB. I’m disgusting and disappointed Bradley and T. Kyle. 

They've been MIA because they've switched over to a different podcast, this was a clip they took from said podcast and posted on It's Britney *****. They insist they're not at all connected to the team anymore (and I believe them tbh) but I do think that they think that taking a pro-team jamie approach will keep them in good graces with them and allow them to reconnect with the team again in the future. They're basically refusing to burn that bridge even amidst the huge surge in #freebritney coverage. 

They're on the wrong side of history though. :nochillbrit:

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Well they pretty much know exhale hates them :quirkney:

I also think since they have media jobs, that they are afraid they might lose their position. I mean it doesn’t have to be dealing with team Britney directly. Since so many have stepped down or taken down their freebritney post so Lou must be well embedded into the industry. 

Although I don’t think that highly of them due to their last few episodes running me the wrong way.

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In all fairness though they made points. 
a lot of what’s being posted about the freebritney movement now stems from A LOT of misinformation and speculation. 
they do however maintain the stand that the conservatorship is extremely questionable and that team spears don’t do themselves any favours by bot giving up any transparency regarding the situation. They completely support the movement but they don’t like the fact that what people are stating are fact Is actually not true and extreme, such as the “call 911” in her eyes. 

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These 2 have are team jamie and Lou they have never supported this movement at all. They don’t want to go against them because they don’t want to lose future privileges 🙄


I unfollowed them both on IG and have not listened to there podcasts at all since plus t-Kyle has the most annoying voice 😷 he tries hard to be funny. 

boycott there crap 💩 

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I mean they have their livelihood to protect, and I think one of them works on WWHL....I think it is Tklye. I don't know I unsubscribed cause they didn't support Britney, but were totally fine with using her name to get followers on their insta's. 

Im not sure if they really get inside info, maybe back in the day....who knows. 

Honestly they are kinda blah...the type of gays that can't get attention for looks or talent, and make podcasts to get the attention that their piers wont give them. Its weird that so many people think a gay is amazing cause they have like 10k plus followers lol 

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22 hours ago, generation glory said:

They have been MIA for months. The cynic in me wonders if the resurfacing of their  podcast was sanctioned by Team Con. 🤔 Isn’t or wasn’t Bradley/MuuMuse kinda close-ish with them? JL is back on her gram too. She’d been quietly updating Maddie’s IG during the softball tournament. Could be she was following Lou’s orders to lay low.

Funny how at the start of a new week those who are pro-Team Con return. We’re likely to get a statement of some kind by either JL or others who are staunchly in support of the cship scam as the new court hearing date draws closer. Btw I’m not bothering to listen to IBB. I’m disgusting and disappointed Bradley and T. Kyle. 


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4 minutes ago, David Rose said:

Is this worth listening to? I appreciate their podcast but their stance on this issue, despite the fact that I understand it and appreciate where they're coming from, just pisses me off.

It's worth listening to if you want to get angry. I'm in the same spot as you with this. I appreciate this podcast because there's no other audio anthology of Britney's career, and to be fair, they do make some solid points about the wacky theories going around, but they take on an inexplicably sanctimonious stance on the issue of the conservatorship.  They make a big show about how morally superior they are than the fans posting crazy conspiracy theories (fair enough, I guess) but they then somehow use that as an excuse to refuse to address the subject of the conservatorship ever again. Like, I get that there's some lousy theories going around but I don't understand how that translates to them abandoning the issue despite the fact that they have their own concerns (which they magically never touch on). They also act like the world is hounding them to address these theories but I've done a deep dive of their socials (because I'm very fired up about this hence this novel I'm currently writing) and have not come across these alleged mobs of crazed freebritney fans begging them to address the issue. It's infuriating because it all appears reasonable and logical the way they present it at first glance, but the more you follow their logic it's just self-righteous and avoidant of the issues that supposedly matter the most to us fans. 

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1 hour ago, GaSt said:



1 hour ago, Haha-Hehe-Haha-Ho said:

Wow @generation glory i'm actually impressed :ohwut:

LOL!!!😂 Seriously though I just mean Britney’s handlers are so predictable. Been watching this for so long. Their tactics haven’t changed even though the world’s perception of things has. Probably because it’s worked to their benefit for so long they figure if it’s not broken then don’t fix it. It’s bizarre to me how they continue to go about it as though nothing is wrong. 
Another prediction they’ll get Britney on video within days to make a statement against Free Britney.😜

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