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"For The Record" photographer Andrew Gallery Speaks Out About #FreeBritney, Reads Letter Britney Wrote To Fans: I Have Been Silenced & Threatened

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23 minutes ago, zenden said:

Can some1 transcript some parts. It is hard to understand why Britneybwtote as Britney not me

It's 5am here and I haven't slept so apologies for any errors - I transcribed it as quickly as I could :kiss:

After reading Kevin's article in People, I was amazed at how a lot of the focus was on Britney, their mother, to sell a story for People magazine instead of the focus being on Kevin.

What happened to Britney was a year ago and people need to get with the times.

And as far as Kevin saying Britney divorced him, she was forced to by her lawyers because she went to visit him in New York and he wouldn't see her and the children and her lawyers said if she doesn't divorce him, he's going to do it himself. So Kevin trying to play the innocent victim is hardly irrelevant. He left her and the babies. Her going on the mend partying two years ago has nothing to do with the situation now. She is a completely different person and most of their fighting was done back then because of his problem waking and baking to ********* at 5:00 in the morning. No one knows about these things because no one knows the truth. 

Her behaviour when her children got taken away because of her locking herself in the bathroom is understandable considering her friend at the door kept telling her "the cops are leaving, don't worry, stay in the bathroom". She was lied to and set up. Her children were taken away and she did spin out of control which any mother would in these circumstances. Her next visit took a toll as well.

She wasn't listening to her manager - he lost control so he wanted to scare her. Now this year, Britney has been silenced to speak about anything that's really going on. The people controlling her life have made 3 million dollars this year. 

She would love for new eyes to see her situation, but if she brings it up, she's constantly threatened that the conservators will take her kids away.

So how long does this go on? 

As long as the people are getting paid and she has no rights, it could go on for a while but it doesn't make it right at all.

Everyone is very quick to put a gloomy eye on Britney. Does anyone talk about Janet Jackson giving her baby to her brother? Hopefully, she won't do it with this child. 

Britney given her brother a 2 million dollar apartment - her mother a 4 million estate in Louisiana - and her father the best job in showbusiness. She is a very giving person and would love to get the respect she deserves. 

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12 minutes ago, VCTR said:

I'm so excited about this. I've been dealing with a friend who is a non-believer and I keep sending him stuff and he keeps saying it's fake and "fan conspiracy". Can't wait to see what he says. 

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He called Rose McGowen "crazy" so he needs to be cancelled regardless. 


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