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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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6 minutes ago, Pfefferminz said:

A personal chef for high profile celebrities? Source, please.

Bildresultat för really gif

The Maloof family. They own the Palms hotel in Vegas and many other things.

Um I’m sure he can’t tell all of his clients, but he appeared on a show I saw on the E! Network cooking for the plastic surgeon.

This isn’t the best example but he worked for Mel Gibson at one point. Remember, that’s why Britney was riding horses at Mel’s house in 2008.

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1 minute ago, generation glory said:

I watched the TMZ Live video.

First, is Harvey telling the truth? Notice how he gives Charles that look ? as to say “come on back me up” as he’s talking about this, Charles played along of course. It’s sketchy and suspicious why no one (publicly) knows what it is she has. Yes it’s a private matter but with other celebs it always comes out as to what they’re dealing with. Strange how with Britney there remains this vagueness surrounding her condition. 

Second. No credible doctor EVER prescribes a patient medication unless they first determine a diagnosis, especially antipsychotic meds that’s meant to treat bipolar disorder. You don’t write a RX for that unless you’re sure it’s right for the patient. That’s medical malpractice!! Britney has been in a cship with medical care for 11 years. Surely her doctor has figured out exactly what is going on with her.  How can they not be sure she’s bipolar but pump her full of those meds?? WTF! The doctors are on the take too, they’re paid off. That’s the only reason any of this makes sense unless Harvey is lying.

Harvey is a lawyer turned celebrity reporter... He can not be trusted.

I'm too lazy to post the tweets so check out this post about the uncertainty about Britney's mental illness: 


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1 hour ago, LostInAnImage said:


There is nothing cruel or sadistic about electroconvulsive therapy (ECT); it’s an approved, non-harmful, wholly unpainful therapeutic technique intended for individuals with treatment-resistant (I.e., at least two psychotropics from two different classes have been prescribed for a therapeutic duration of time, yet there was no alleviation or an exacerbation in symptomatology) mental disorders such as severe and/or chronic major depressive disorder with psychotic or catatonic features or bipolar disorder. ECT has high rates of efficacy. It’s not torture any more than swallowing a Prozac is. It’s a very common practice.

ETA: I do this for a living; you’re downvoting facts just because you’re too damn lazy to click on a Wiki link. 


Britney’s situation is incredibly grave no matter whether she’s being held involuntarily or not; there is no need to propagate conspiracy theories about some old horror movie trope regarding electroshock. By displaying your basic lack of facts and/or propensity for crazy conspiracy theories in one area (ECT), all you are doing is causing suspension of belief regarding everything else that’s claimed alongside it, and that’s very counterproductive to raising awareness about Britney’s situation. 

Hey, look! More sources regarding this incredibly efficacious short-term therapeutic technique known for saving thousands of lives that is seemingly despised amongst Exhalers:




Ok, some of you are really going too far. We really have no clue what is going on with her and why do you keep saying ETA? Is that medical jargon that doesn’t mean estimated time of arrival? 

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1 minute ago, LostInAnImage said:

Finally, thank you. :) I was like...has anyone here ever read a book? Or is all of their information regarding mental illness from some black and white horror movie?

that's just it tbh.

People are so sensitive about it, because of the already conceived ideas they have of those issues.

I'm not sayin mental institutions are paradise like, but - and I'm kinda speaking for my country which is france so I'm assuming the usa have the same standard - even though they might not since money is the only motive behind the healthcare system there - I think people completely ignore what's really going on.

And I do think as well that most people have no idea about 'what mental illness "does what" '(if you can stand my trivial comparison) and that's part of the over sensitivity when that subject is mentioned.


But then again, most people think Frankenstein is the creature, so what can u do?

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2 minutes ago, marioh said:

A high profile celebrity chef but in FTR he was cooking cheese grits with some gross shitty poor man's cheddar or something. Whatever... :ipass:

He said they were out of cheddar so he had to use sliced cheese. He asked Britney if it was good and she devoured it?

He specialized in “home style cooking” anyway. Mashed potatoes and **** like that, not fancy food.

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5 minutes ago, generation glory said:

Second. No credible doctor EVER prescribes a patient medication unless they first determine a diagnosis, especially antipsychotic meds that’s meant to treat bipolar disorder. You don’t write a RX for that unless you’re sure it’s right for the patient

But what's the proof that She's on medication? Some dude tweeting that her pee is green?

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