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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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17 hours ago, This pu$$y biteback said:

I wanted ease some of you guys mind, I worked in courts all my life & basically a judge is like a referee they make sure each party is playing by the rules & the only time the judge makes a decision is when the parties can't come to an agreement in most cases. In Britney case she contest in may, so the judge made a ruling on that which gave us the 18th date, yesterday both parties were in agreement so the judge didn't need to make a ruling on anything, that's the only reason why that lady is the conservator, if Britney/Lynne contested than the judge would have had to make a decision in what she thought was logical (in my mind she would've gave it to lynne) I hope this all makes sense 

Thank you

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19 hours ago, This pu$$y biteback said:

I wanted ease some of you guys mind, I worked in courts all my life & basically a judge is like a referee they make sure each party is playing by the rules & the only time the judge makes a decision is when the parties can't come to an agreement in most cases. In Britney case she contest in may, so the judge made a ruling on that which gave us the 18th date, yesterday both parties were in agreement so the judge didn't need to make a ruling on anything, that's the only reason why that lady is the conservator, if Britney/Lynne contested than the judge would have had to make a decision in what she thought was logical (in my mind she would've gave it to lynne) I hope this all makes sense 

well that's true if the judge is not corrupt or being bribed 

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On 9/10/2019 at 7:23 AM, janeo701 said:

I don't know about you guys but this entire situation has changed my entire perception of the entertainment business and Hollywood.  So much so, that I quite literally have no interest in any of it, or anyone that I formerly followed/stanned.  I don't want to hear their new music.  I don't want to watch any new movies.  I'm not even watching television.  I know that sounds extreme; but after realizing just how corrupt and evil they all are, I have no time for it.  If the management companies, music executives, other celebrities, and god knows who else, can leave Britney Spears all alone in this hideous situation with absolutely no industry support, then I can't bring myself to support their industry anymore.   I didn't expect to feel this way, and I'm not some prude who has extreme reactions.  I finally admitted that there's powerful, evil people/things controlling these celebrities behind the scenes, and they all are cloaked in too much mystery and FEAR.   They all are too afraid to speak out in support of Britney, an OG of pop, and that's a huge turn off to me.

Welcome to the real world. :tifflmao:


It's not only the entertainment industry but also the government. Look at the US and the sorry, pathetic excuse for "president" we have.

Corporations are corrupt as **** as well so any place you shop Walmart, Target, UO, Gap, etc.

This is how life works... unfortunately for kind souls like Britney, she has it really BAD because she is being abused. However, I think she has accepted her faith and it's just working towards enjoying her life. 

I hope she does get her freedom back and retires or makes music, or whatever SHE wants. 

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7 minutes ago, AliciaBitch said:

Guys there is a new Status Hearing added! In January 2020! 22nd of January! 

01/22/2020 at 10:00 AM in Probate Department 4 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Status Hearing


it will never end


hopefully something changes in between and there's no need of that status hearing in January.

I was hoping a new hearing would come up after September depending on Lynne's next move or whatever the investigation brought up. But it seems as if they're putting everything on hold until Jamie "recovers from his ankle". 

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Unfortunately this situation won't end just like that. It can't, there's just to much depth and too many people involved. 

Just look at it, the scandal, the mystery. Britney herself could easily clear this up but she don't, the only reason why is because she could be very seriously mentally ill, like maybe she thinks she is another person at times. That would be damaging if that info leaked. I read on here that someone said this will end in her death.. And maybe that's true but that will be the only time we find out the truth. When she passes 

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45 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:


it will never end


hopefully something changes in between and there's no need of that status hearing in January.

I was hoping a new hearing would come up after September depending on Lynne's next move or whatever the investigation brought up. But it seems as if they're putting everything on hold until Jamie "recovers from his ankle". 

Funny how they only needed 1 hearing to put her in this conservatorship,  but it takes 47250 hearings for it to be dissolved... if it will ever be dissolved.

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Blind Item #11

Apparently several news outlets were promised interviews with the permanent A list "singer" in exchange for positive coverage of a family member and reprinting their reasons for leaving a situation without speculating about any other reasons. They were also supposed to ignore the part where the family member still controls the money.
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5 minutes ago, CrystalDorris said:

Blind Item #11

Apparently several news outlets were promised interviews with the permanent A list "singer" in exchange for positive coverage of a family member and reprinting their reasons for leaving a situation without speculating about any other reasons. They were also supposed to ignore the part where the family member still controls the money.

Whoops.  Hello TMZ... ya dun goofed.  Sad that they still force Brit to spit out lies like a trained monkey.  I’m sorry but I’d rather be dead. Brit is way stronger than I could be in the same situation 

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10 minutes ago, CrystalDorris said:

Blind Item #11

Apparently several news outlets were promised interviews with the permanent A list "singer" in exchange for positive coverage of a family member and reprinting their reasons for leaving a situation without speculating about any other reasons. They were also supposed to ignore the part where the family member still controls the money.

funny how they would do to avoid the part about the kids having a restraining order against Jamie

I don't think Britney will give any interview in the near future

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59 minutes ago, Intheblue said:

Schizophrenia is one of the most common reasons a person would be put in a conservatorship.


Could Britney be schizophrenic ? It would make everything add up to be honest !


Very sad ... and playing so many roles as a child definitely would play a factor 

I think this is the truth. It kind of explains everything 

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