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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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21 hours ago, ifuseekamy_ said:

omg SIS knew the facts at the very beginning. What she says does somewhat correlate with what Sam is saying. He said that Britney never met with Ingham because she had hired her own lawyer and turned Ingham away and never spoke to him, as far as he knew(I assume up until 2009 at some point) When Ingham went to court he testified she didn't have the capacity to hire counsel, Dr. Spar cooperated this in the legal doc saying she doesn't have the ability to attend the hearing. THESE TWO TAUGHT FREAKING SEMINARS TOGETHER WITH THE JUDGE. Carmela Kelly says that they used his 'evaluation' of Britney from 2008 in both the 2008 and 2009 proceedings. How is that fair? How would NO ONE question that she hadn't been reevaluated a year later? This whole case disgusts me

Here's the doc by the way: https://ll-media.extratv.com/archive/images/news/0207spearspdf.pdf  go call the governor. 

We ALL let Britney down. My biggest fear is that she'll never get out of this. We have to raise SO much hell. 


21 hours ago, lilhennythings said:

I hope you get a response. Her digging into this is wild. Here's a comment she left responding to a comment on one of her posts, the one about TMZ's fabricated shopping spree:

Hi, Daria. I have lots of questions.

Why would anyone believe Harvey Levin at this point? He’s lost credibility to me over the year. For example, I read a story that Britney is going to the crazy side and that she’s been showing signs of craziness through her frantic, compulsive shopping. I make a few calls and find out it isn’t so and that Harvey’s tale is false.

About permanent c-ship.

There’s no motion to terminate. There’s no “continuing” what a judge has ruled to be permanent: no more regularly scheduled conservatorship reviews.

We were told by the media that Britney could terminate it at any time. So… it’s permanent from the sense of reviewing the c-ship to see whether to continue it or make other arrangements.

I would like to see someone who doesn’t have a monetary interest in Britney be the one to determine capacity. How can Britney have a voice when her court-appointed voice continues to have a job that rewards him to be “without capacity?”

Why in 2008 and 2009 did various lawyers from the conservatorship continue to use a ruling from Feb. 4, 2008 to prevent Britney from either hiring her own attorney and/or to testify in a court of law?

It was b.s. that her defense lawyer, Michael Flanagan, asked her dad “during the proceedings” if he would allow her to testify during the driver’s license case. That was a sham as court records reveal. I have signed documents as well as the actual court transcript “from the proceedings.”

Which lawyer involved in the conservatorship would talk to the likes of Harvey Levin about such a sensitive matter as someone’s mental health and what the plans are?

Harvey’s site is loaded with ads and Britney had been a gold maker for TMZ since its inception. Google Harvey and CNN transcripts and you will find him saying so repeatedly. He could drag out this c-ship thing over this year which I guess is what he intends to do. He got all of our hits to his site and generated ad revenue by being near the only one to breathe any trace of information regarding the conservatorship or Britney’s mental health.

There are still enough nuts out there to disbelieve my interview with two witnesses from the boutique where Britney was shopping was mislead because the sales assistants saw an opportunity to build business for the store? Those nuts want to believe and willingly promote across the blogosphere that Britney could snap at any time.

Ultimately it’s up to your own observation about TMZ to determine who might be telling the truth.

I’ve been researching and writing an article to expose or prove the lack of a court appointed investigator looking in on Britney and being able to talk to her without her being intimidated or influenced by anyone. Those conservatees that are under professional, trained and certified fiduciaries are visited once a year by a court appointed investigator. What about Britney?

Being manipulated by the media is a large part of why I began this column. I wanted to know the truth and I wanted to know if she was okay.

We’re in to what appears to be four attorneys she has tried to hire now. Blair Berk herself testified in April that Britney was constantly asking her why she couldn’t represent her and Berk old her to see her psychiatrist and that she should listen and talk to Sam Ingham. In short Berk admitted that Britney complained about her both to her and to others.

I think the public would be happier if information came from sources outside of the tabloid world. Harvey can pretend to walk among us as an ethical journalist but he is not simply because he doesn’t uphold the truth or hold others who are in power accountable. He’s a tabloid journalist and so is his team of writers. He could try to sue me for libel in saying that but he would fail. Also, if he did try that I could expose him for everyone to see: my articles are easily fact checked. TMZ by the way is only the tip of it. They just never had anyone dog them before quite like this in so public a case: a worldwide superstar.


No matter how you slice it, it's hard to deny something going on.


I just read this article from her blog. I ignore if AP.

It’s about Courtney Love and her daughter’s case and how she got Reva Disqualified based on the case of Jamie molesting Britney, citing Jessica Spears, Jamie’s niece and witness of the molestation.

Courtney seemed very familiar with Britney’s case because she claimed that “Britney is in an illegal hell,”  

Jamie never denied neither accusation.

Here it is:

California judge disqualified, challenge of prejudice Courtney Love gets new judge in guardianship case

Update:Courtney Love Cobain retweeted this story today. She offered no corrections or additional comments. Be sure to check out Misc. Court Docs. There’s a document at the top for you Love fans.


Update II:Feb. 19. Love says Judge Mitchell Beckloff recused himself but she waived it.


A new judge has been assigned to the guardianship matter of Frances Bean Cobain and a related temporary restraining order against her mother, Courtney Love.

The case was transferred to Judge Mitchell Beckloff on Jan. 22 in Los Angeles County.

Commissioner Reva Goetz was disqualified by a California Code of Civil Procedure Section 170.6 challenge, said Liz Martinez, a public affairs office representative.

Section 170.6 provides that no judge, commissioner or referee shall try any civil or criminal matter when it is established that there is prejudice against any party, attorney or the interest of any party or attorney appearing in the action or proceeding, says the state’s Web site.

The challenge may have been based in connection to Britney and Jamie Spears.


Last Thanksgiving weekend, Love publicly accused Jamie Spears, father of Britney Spears, of having ******** his daughter. Two weeks after posting the claim to her Facebook, Love lost legal control of her 17-year old daughter, Frances Bean Cobain, to the guardianship of Kurt Cobain’s mother and sister.

Commissioner Goetz, who has been the commissioner on Britney’s conservatorship case for two years, ruled on Love’s case on Dec. 11, according to court documents. Goetz also approved a temporary restraining order against Love that bars her from seeing or contacting her daughter, Frances Bean Cobain.

The lawyer representing Frances Bean also works for Jamie Spears case and represents him in the conservatorship case before the commissioner.

Since last November, Love has continued to be vocal in her accusations against Jamie and she has also said that Jessica Spears, a niece of Jamie’s, was an eyewitness to the molestation. Love said that Jessica passed a lie detector test at Radaronline but wanted to be paid and no financial agreement was made. Jessica has also been put in touch with media based in the United Kingdom, said Love over the weekend on her Twitter account.

Love has also offered some insight as to why she decided to speak up about Jamie.

“I decided as a Feminist the only honorable thing to do was after I spoke to Jessica at length about penises and vaginas, 10 year olds, etc. I would, while my daughter was at Wendy’s (grandmother,and now temporary guardian) … house post on Facebook the truth that Britney is in an illegal hell,” Love tweeted last night. (Some punctuation added by Fair News Spears.)

Jamie has never directly refuted the accusations.

”We’re not commenting on Courtney Love, or any aliens who might come to Earth to impregnate people,” said Lou Taylor, a Spears’ family spokesperson told celebrity news site New York Daily News shortly before Courtney’s daughter was taken away.

Meanwhile, Judge Beckloff is trying to disqualify himself from Love’s case. The public affairs office could provide no details as to the basis of the action, but Love indicated on Twitter that Judge Beckloff is a decent commission but he was once her lawyer. Public affairs could not say when the next hearing would be as the guardianship case is sealed, but TMZ, newswire City News Service and others report that Judge Beckloff extended the temporary restraining order on Friday until April 9.

Love is currently in the United Kingdom on a short tour to promote her new album, “Nobody’s Daughter.”




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“Britney never actually really wanted this career… She was doing pageants for kids when she was a little girl. So when she falls everyone is watching on TV, like it’s gossip. When she was 17 years old and we shot Rolling Stone, I met her parents at her house and they were sweet.Everyone was really nice.There were pictures and trophies of her as a beauty pageant girl and then she exploded into worldwide fame. It wasn’t really a life that she asked. In my mind, I believe she didn’t exactly want and came to New York with that goal and worked at it and became a big popstar.”

“When we were doing the ‘Everytime’ video and shooting the second day, she didn’t want to finish it.
We didn’t have a video. I remember thinking ‘wow, she doesn’t really wanna be here.’ Working with people who are celebrities over the years taught me that there’s a lot of suffering in an artist. When people get rich like that everybody wants something. It’s like winning the lottery…People are making a lot of money off of them (celebrities).”

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9 minutes ago, HarajukuGyal said:

This is so scary!!!!! Not even one more cent I will give to that ****. Boycotting all of  Britney products, we must find every other product, celebrities, who is affiliated with this *****.... Spread the word, let's put the trash out, let this ***** rott in hell! 


Sorry on the phone, can't f**kin close these spoiler windows :eheeek:



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13 minutes ago, Meaner03 said:

I just wanted to give you guys a quick exemple of how all Jamies Spears companies are located at the same place as Lou Taylor company and the calvary chapel of brentwood . 

EowYM0l.png OXz8ngx.png Sa

Wow. just wow.

But may I ask you what you're doing with all this info? Are you gathering it all and will send it to someone? 

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11 minutes ago, LiquoriceBabe said:


I just read this article from her blog. I ignore if AP.

It’s about Courtney Love and her daughter’s case and how she got Reva Disqualified based on the case of Jamie molesting Britney, citing Jessica Spears, Jamie’s niece and witness of the molestation.

Courtney seemed very familiar with Britney’s case because she claimed that “Britney is in an illegal hell,”  

Jamie never denied neither accusation.

Here it is:

California judge disqualified, challenge of prejudice Courtney Love gets new judge in guardianship case

Update:Courtney Love Cobain retweeted this story today. She offered no corrections or additional comments. Be sure to check out Misc. Court Docs. There’s a document at the top for you Love fans.


Update II:Feb. 19. Love says Judge Mitchell Beckloff recused himself but she waived it.


A new judge has been assigned to the guardianship matter of Frances Bean Cobain and a related temporary restraining order against her mother, Courtney Love.

The case was transferred to Judge Mitchell Beckloff on Jan. 22 in Los Angeles County.

Commissioner Reva Goetz was disqualified by a California Code of Civil Procedure Section 170.6 challenge, said Liz Martinez, a public affairs office representative.

Section 170.6 provides that no judge, commissioner or referee shall try any civil or criminal matter when it is established that there is prejudice against any party, attorney or the interest of any party or attorney appearing in the action or proceeding, says the state’s Web site.

The challenge may have been based in connection to Britney and Jamie Spears.


Last Thanksgiving weekend, Love publicly accused Jamie Spears, father of Britney Spears, of having ******** his daughter. Two weeks after posting the claim to her Facebook, Love lost legal control of her 17-year old daughter, Frances Bean Cobain, to the guardianship of Kurt Cobain’s mother and sister.

Commissioner Goetz, who has been the commissioner on Britney’s conservatorship case for two years, ruled on Love’s case on Dec. 11, according to court documents. Goetz also approved a temporary restraining order against Love that bars her from seeing or contacting her daughter, Frances Bean Cobain.

The lawyer representing Frances Bean also works for Jamie Spears case and represents him in the conservatorship case before the commissioner.

Since last November, Love has continued to be vocal in her accusations against Jamie and she has also said that Jessica Spears, a niece of Jamie’s, was an eyewitness to the molestation. Love said that Jessica passed a lie detector test at Radaronline but wanted to be paid and no financial agreement was made. Jessica has also been put in touch with media based in the United Kingdom, said Love over the weekend on her Twitter account.

Love has also offered some insight as to why she decided to speak up about Jamie.

“I decided as a Feminist the only honorable thing to do was after I spoke to Jessica at length about penises and vaginas, 10 year olds, etc. I would, while my daughter was at Wendy’s (grandmother,and now temporary guardian) … house post on Facebook the truth that Britney is in an illegal hell,” Love tweeted last night. (Some punctuation added by Fair News Spears.)

Jamie has never directly refuted the accusations.

”We’re not commenting on Courtney Love, or any aliens who might come to Earth to impregnate people,” said Lou Taylor, a Spears’ family spokesperson told celebrity news site New York Daily News shortly before Courtney’s daughter was taken away.

Meanwhile, Judge Beckloff is trying to disqualify himself from Love’s case. The public affairs office could provide no details as to the basis of the action, but Love indicated on Twitter that Judge Beckloff is a decent commission but he was once her lawyer. Public affairs could not say when the next hearing would be as the guardianship case is sealed, but TMZ, newswire City News Service and others report that Judge Beckloff extended the temporary restraining order on Friday until April 9.

Love is currently in the United Kingdom on a short tour to promote her new album, “Nobody’s Daughter.”




Yo ****. Courtney knows stuff for sure.

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1 hour ago, WhatYouNeed said:

omg the david comments, we are back on track ladies

#freebritney :urite:

Wtf was that? I’m so confused right now like this is some shady ****... I’ve been following the thread closely although it is hard to catch up and not lose your social life and job at the same time... but this is hella creepy. It is indeed the story about a girl named Lucky whose evil stepmother is Loucifer. :airpls:

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3 minutes ago, NotBuyingIt said:

I've had no shame about checking my phone at work, the club, restaurants, friends' houses, etc. to view this thread. I have never spent so much time online before. I wanted my account deleted back in 2012 - I'm glad the mods didn't go through with it!

The whole time I knew something was wrong about the c-ship, we all did. But everything seems so abstract until a comment is made. Even Lynne, Jensen, Will liking stuff it didn't hit me as hard as David C's comment.The anger I feel is crazy, how could someone do this to their own child?  The strength, the power, the dedication she has, Britney is a worrier. No one will take her place. Once this blows, her legacy will no longer be "The Legend of her Fall." 

P.S Shout out to David Lucado for speaking out. 

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