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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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Just now, jokobitch said:


The girl on the far right is very close to someone who knows Britney, she says she knows Britney and her father have not had the best relationship and there has been plenty of times Britney has not been happy with the conservatorship but she says there has been MAJOR changes to Britney’s health, which warrants the reporter to believe that she needs to stay in it... smh

This proves she hates it, she also laughed in the first video when one if the reporters said Britney and her dad were close.

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27 minutes ago, RehabSucks. said:

Some of you are insane, seriously.

And that child that started that 'Free Britney' twitter page BS needs to not be let near a computer. And y'all just as bad for giving him the attention he seems to so desperately crave.

Lou? Is that you? :umsaywhat::mcorangu:


I still find hard to believe the anonymous source but cmon, a conservatorship for eleven years? You know how crazy is that? Like for real. Go read a law book and you'll find out how rare it is.  I've been saying for years that something's really wrong with it and her team is taking advantage of her. I don't need a voicemail to know that. I'm just happy that most of her fanbase needed it to realize the truth. Stop being so delusional please 

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2 minutes ago, RehabSucks. said:

That this has all got so to conspiracy-levels of stupid. A couple of attention-seeking children start a hashtag that makes it onto tv and suddenly she's being locked up somewhere held against her will.

No. She's not well. Simple as.
She is taking probably a well-advised stay at a treatment facility on the advice of health professionals because a recent event (or even a non-event) has caused a trigger in her mental health. It really is that simple and all the people who want there to be this secret conspiracy where her family are the bogeymen is asinine. 

As the child of a parent much older than Britney who was also placed in a similar conservator-like status coinciding with a number of similar situations, and being the one who was put in charge, all of the events make total sense. And tbh, seeing people go after her family; harass and threaten them because they don't like the information they've had is pathetic. All of this needs to stop. I thought people had learnt from 12 years ago - I guess not. 


Conservatorship-like status? But they’re not in one... the podcast **** and alleged lock up she’s in is irrelevant but the fact that she’s in a conservatorship period but is being forced to go on stage all the time (if she’s so mentally ill she shouldn’t be performing) is the problem. The shady practices going on behind the scenes is the problem because they have been going on way longer than a couple days. If we’re wrong... oh well??? Whoopsies we messed up but if we’re not now people are paying attention and that’s the goal

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8 minutes ago, Joey Orfino said:

It's not everyday that one of the biggest popstar and huge fortune from a big artist is put into a conservatorship. No way that it was just gonna last a year and end after the Circus Tour (like some rumors said). Once they saw all the $, they just wanted more, specially since they didn't have to do all the work. Britney did it all and they just took the money she worked so hard for. The conservatorship had good intention at first, but like Sharon Osborne said on "The Talk" today about this whole situation, you don't know what people would do with money. And in Britney's case, with million dollars.

I think it was also used as a way to shield her from lawsuits but enough is enough.  Has that really been the case from 2015-present?

Signing up for the new residency so early was ludicrous.  She should have taken a hiatus after the first residency.

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5 hours ago, nels64 said:

That's true. I just think with Sam's history with Courtney Love etc. It's just not a good idea to drag him into this. 

Lutfi's history with Brit! Are we forgetting he drugged her, abused her physically and psychologically and basically kidnapped her? Love's history just corroborates it, not the other way around. 

We shouldn't entertain him. And if she ever gets her life back, she shouldn't even entertain the thought of opening up again to this trash. 

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