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The Official Britney Spears Las Vegas Residency Announcement Thread


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Her performances are weak and lacklustre and to make 500k a show when she can hardly be bothered to perform? there's a lot of talented artists who work on free concerts just to share their art and it's beautiful.

At this point Vegas is just to cash in on naive fans! I refuse to buy anything now Britney related because of the horrible way she is to the fans! I know a lot of people will disagree with me but this is how I feel. 

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Bigger budget, but the underlining problems are still present. So, two year show so far, right? That means we'll get the nice costumes for about three or four months before she starts cutting into them and ruining them (and then resorts to tacky, cheap lingerie for the final leg), maybe three or four months of her not cutting or watering down the choreo/changing it altogether to suit what she wants... So far, the announcement has shown that, yes, the budget is bigger, but the problems are still there, so... why should I be holding my breath, again?

Trust me, I'd love to be excited. And I'm happy for those of you who are. Have fun when you do go, I hope it really is everything it's hyped up to be. But I've learned not to get excited for things when it comes to Britney.

But hey, I hope that first leg slays.

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honestly, i'm looking forward to it!

i'm just hoping after the residency she will do another tour like she did with POM.

i think i'm being a bit selfish saying i'm happy about it because i was lucky enough to go to vegas and see POM and lucky enough to see POM twice on tour in the UK!

She genuinely seems happier and content! when i met her in vegas she was lovely and happy and performed amazing! but when i saw her twice on the POM tour she was on fire, you could see how much she was loving it and having fun! she was super polite when i met her on the POM tour but there is a MASSIVE difference between her doing m&g's and on stage, because on stage she is mega confident and out there!

so i think everyone should give this residency a chance, it'll be good to have new choreography, different setlist (hopefully), propsect of another tour in the future! Vegas helped her confidence so much and her dancing abilities! she is in amazing shape and her dancing is on point!

btw, i was totally against POM at first but when i went i loved it!

Ofcourse i wish she didn't rush into another residency but it's her prerogative :pieceofwhat:

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5 minutes ago, Britman512 said:

I probably wont happen to cus this residenceny is going to be more "street"

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I cant wait to see what brit and her team thinks street means :janet:

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So like Britney meets jenny from the block?

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"I'm still I'm still brit from south" :makesomenoise:


Their idea of street probably means having Nicki, Sabi and Will.I.Am having new backdrops and then getting dragged through the mud online for thinking street means black ???

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