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Which era are you living on your own life?

Guest riccus

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andy of course why?



I'm definitelly on my Britney Jean Era..made some bad career choices , watching my peers living "the" life. I'm stuck at home , searching for better jobs and cry some time to time.I'm single  and miserable....so yeah. :tiffcackle:


what are yours.

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Mix of Glory and Britney.


Happiest/doing the best I’ve been overall in years, but still have my days. Becoming more comfortable with who I am and not caring as much about what people think. Just living my life. Doing school/work, but not wholly passionate about what I’m doing but also still somewhat enjoy it. Kinda been seeing someone for a while now, but it’s not super serious, not sure where it’s going.


Still trying to figure out who exactly I am, what I want, and where I’m going in life. I’m in that “in-between” stage (not a boy, not yet a man) in life where I’m technically an adult, but still dependent on my parents for things, don’t really have a career yet, and don’t feel fully “figured out” yet. Still gaining life experiences and still growing up.

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Not a boy, not yet a man.
I feel overprotected.
Sometimes I feel like a sub-*** slave for my man.
Still figuring myself out, but still usually know what I want and need. (I need time, love, joy... I need S P A C E... I need.... ME.)

********, I feel I am experimenting more than ever before and become a lot more open-minded and less fearful to things as well.
ITZney teas I guess. 

Krissy your turn.
@Delicious Pork Chops

You too Dy you total ****  @Dynasty

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right in the middle of the Britney Era :bigkiss:

growing out of being a teenager, I'm turning 20 soon, taking on more responsibilities and trying to figure out what to do for the future and how to be an adult :soyeah: while also experimenting with clubbing, partying, and becoming (well trying) more ******** active giphy.gif

but overall just finding my confidence tumblr_nwxxji3YIR1us5kgqo3_500.gif


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I'm a mix of blackout/circus and FF/BJ. Yes :orangu: 
By that i mean i don't know what i'm ******* doing with my life right now, it's like everything i do is wrong, and i'm also currently a mess at my job and i feel like i'm gonna explode anytime soon, i wanna yell at everyone especially a woman who's getting on my nerves. My contract ends in 6 months but i don't think i'm gonna make it without troubles, but at the same time i don't want it to end because i don't know what i'm gonna do next. 
Which leads to times when i'm trying to get better , make big decisions for my future and act like i have everything under control while in fact, not at all, i'm super stressed but i don't show it.
But then, when i'm trying to make things better i'm not motivated at all for anything, i also need to pass my driving license but i'm too lazy to do it. I don't give 100% into what i'm doing. I'm getting tired and bored of my job. And i'm watching all my friends having a wonderful life, job, starting a family, while i'm here  single , bored and uninteresting. Voila.

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